Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by Kylie Hall Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:15 am
Harry Omeros has scammed thousands of dollars out of Australian people for too long. He can not keep doing this. I can not believe he stole http://www.commercialsecurities.com.auwebsite.

The following link will take you to a website that is not affiliated with Scamwarners, it has an audio that includes obscene language and views not necessarily endorsed by Scamwarners, if you feel you may be offended by profanity, please do not click on this link - Ralph
The format is the same. Take a look at http://www.harryomerosscammer.com see for your self. I feel sorry for the poor people that don’t know it is him.

by Ralph Wed Jun 02, 2010 8:48 am
Hi Kylie, welcome to Scamwarners

I have several concerns here straight up and my first concern is for your online security, it appears you have used your real name and posted what looks like your real address as your location, please PM Jillian our admin with an alternate username immediately, the location can be easily changed by yourself in your profile settings, it can not be adjusted by our moderators otherwise I would have done it myself.

Next, I dont have time at teh moment to investigate teh sites you have posted and it is not my area of expertise anyway, perhaps if you could give us a run down and explanation of what has occured it may help.

If, as you say, this person has created a fake site to use for scamming, we have people who can deal with that but they will require specific information from you.

I also had to note that your link does include some language that may be considered offensive to many of our readers, while most will not be offended, it is the right thing to do to let them know so they can make their own choice if the language used includes certain words that are in many circles considered to be more offensive :wink:

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