Fake banks, couriers, law firms, escrow and other fake sites used in scams.
by Michelle Mon Dec 22, 2014 3:29 pm
IP ADDRESS = Romania

World Wide <[email protected]>

Transaction Started ID#9A34G278 - Apartment Keys !

Complete your World Wide Moving transaction in 5 easy steps:

1. The tenant and the owner of the apartment agree on the transaction terms and the renting price

2. The owner contacts World Wide Moving with the transaction details;

3. World Wide Moving accepts the transaction and offers purchase protection to the tenant (if the transaction is declined, no further action is required from either the tenant or the owner);

4. The owner delivers the package with the keys and contract lease to World Wide Movingagents for full evaluation of content. The package will remain in the World Wide Movingcustody until the receiver will send the payment to us.

5. The tenant sends payment to the World Wide Moving Agent. After the payment is cleared, we will ship the keys and contract to you. The tenant will send the payment details directly to owner apartment : [email protected]. Once payment is validated we give you the tracking number of the shipment.

6. The tenant receives the keys and has 3 days to inspect the apartment. If the tenant does not like the apartment, our company will give you the money back.

Note : The funds will not be released under any circumstances. We will hold the payment until you will send us your confirmation that you have received, inspected and you agree to keep the apartment. When we will have your confirmation we will transfer the funds to the owner.

Shipment Information :

Location: Obertraun
Country: Austria
Declared Value: 790 GBP (1000 Euro)
Shipping Costs: 00,00 GBP

Package Information:

Apartment Keys and rental contract verified signed by the Sender. All the papers are double checked.

Insured Value Amount: 790 GBP (1000 Euro)

Address Information:

Ship To:

Michelle Banks
419 Rue De La Remarks

Bettina Anette
112 Galliard Road
N9 6LR
United Kingdom

Next Step. Complete payment

Pay with cash 790 GBP (1000 Euro) at any Western Union office to World Wide Moving agent name company:

Finlay Wallace
5 Victoria Road
BD23 7YQ
United Kingdom

Send us a copy of the payment receipt by email.

Email us the payment details : [email protected]

Safe World Wide Moving Team Tip

Currently, the owner has a EUR 5,000,00 deposit in an World Wide Moving managed purchase protection account. Transactions with this owner are covered by purchase protection against fraud and description errors.
World Wide Moving repeatedly tries to encourage the other party to respond to a case, but we cannot fully guarantee participation, since the process is completely voluntary. If the respondent does not reply within one week from when the case was initially filed, it is unlikely that you will receive a response and we will close the case and refund you with the entire amount insured by the tenant protection policy valid for your case. If we hear from the other party after the case closes, we will reopen the case and notify you.You are renting from a legit owner so if something goes wrong or you are not satisfied with the apartment you will receive your money back in max 48 hours.

World Wide Moving contact:

2rd Floor, 205 Regent Street,
London, W1B 3HH
United Kingdom
E-mail: [email protected]

by Michelle Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:41 pm
World Wide <[email protected]>

Dear Mrs Banks - these are the bank details that you must use

Please go and make the payment.

Bank details:
SORT CODE: 60-60-05

Please make the quick transfer because the shipping company will not work of holidays. After the payment is done we wait the scanned paper of the transfer.
We wait your email.

The World Wide Moving Team

Bank Details Noted - MB
by Michelle Mon Dec 29, 2014 3:46 pm
[email protected]

Dear Customer,

There is a problem with our bank accounts

Please transfer the money into new our bank account:

Account Name: Andu Ladea
Acc no. 03308014
Sort code 20-32-06
Swift bic: BARCGB22
Iban: GB45 BARC 2032 0603 3080 14
BANK ADDRESS: 128 Moorgate London EC2M 6SX
Address UK: flat 2 bader Court 2 runway Close London NW9 5FA

We are very sorry for inconvenience.
The WWM Team,
by Michelle Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:10 am
World Wide <[email protected]>

Next Step. Complete payment

Pay with cash 790 GBP (1000 Euro) at any Western Union office to World Wide Moving agent name company:

Daniel Buckley
60 Neville Street
IV32 4QW
United Kingdom

Send us a copy of the payment receipt by email.

Email us the payment details : [email protected]
by Michelle Tue Jan 13, 2015 4:47 am
World Wide <[email protected]>

Dear Customer,

Please use the quick shuttle service to not expect so much after the completion of the transaction.

ACCOUNT NAME : Rafael Diaz Salgado
SORT CODE : 30-98-49
IBAN : GB40LOYD30984913220360

We very sorry.
Thanks WWM Team

Account Details Noted

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