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by Ian Page Tue Mar 29, 2022 3:13 pm
From: [email protected]
Reply to: [email protected]
Subject: Hello : Hello Prize Award Winner
Received: Thu 17 Mar 2022 at 08:23

Hello : Hello Prize Award Winner

With due respect Sir. the Four Place WINNING and you are the (3rdPlace Winner . ) The Mega Millions of Sweepstakes Company is pleased to inform you . Who was selected as Third place winner, and you are Four in Number that has been selected as a Betting Gaming and Lotteries Commission on the 3rd of March,2021.

(1stPlace Winner Ms. Martha Bertrand )

(2ndPlace Winner with Mr. Peter Reid)

(3rdPlace Winner ....... )

(4thPlace Winner John Walker

View Below first message sent to you, and please be very careful because some impostor's are sending such messages to our Betting Gaming and Lotteries Commission.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Yours faithfully
Janet Yellen
Email: [email protected]

March. 31.2021

Ricardo Morris (Board Chairman)

Mega Millions Sweepstakes Company

Main Branch,

Las Vegas, NV


(1stPlace Winner Ms. Martha Bertrand ) (2ndPlace Winner with Mr. Peter Reid)

The Mega Millions Sweepstakes Company is pleased to inform you .Who was selected as Third place winner, of Six Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($6,500,000 USD.), for prizes drawn in Jan,3.2021 just for being in the Public Database System. This drawing was done on Feb,1.2021 and was audited by the Betting Gaming and Lotteries Commission on the 3rd of March,2021.

PS. Check #:512451512

Package #:963

(3rdPlace Winner . ) (4thPlace Winner John Walker

This prize money will be sent to you in the form of a certified check made out to you and can only be cashed by this individual who must provide proper identification. All matters of legality will be handled by a certified lawyer assigned to be your agent. Checks will be delivered to you at a time specified by your agent. Note: Agents are assigned as required by the federal laws for security purposes, prize winners are required to follow instructions given by this individual in order to ensure that their checks are delivered safely.

NB. After the amount that is requested by the Mega Millions is paid, immediately the prize would be delivered to the recipient’s home.

Sincerely Yours,

Ricardo Morris(Exec. Board Chairman)

CC: Jack Tailor(Attorney)

Simone West(Deputy Chief Director of Accounts.)

Jeffery Larson (Merchant Banker/Account Manager.)

Derrick Bryson(Company Prize Delivery Manager).

Ernest Altice(Recipient)

Please exercise caution and confidentiality with regards to your prize winning information; this is an important failure to comply.

Dear Contestant,

The Mega Millions Sweepstakes Company pleases to advice all our winners of there

Delivery and presentation date, all our winners must be available upon delivery date.

Agents who will play a major role in the delivery of your $6.5 Million Dollars Check, a 2021 Mercedes Benz C class 350 and a bonus cash of One Hundred Thousand Dollars USD. ($100,000) in cash.

Prize Delivery Representatives:

Mr. James Parker (Delivery Co. (Agent in charge of your account).

Mr. Mark Spence Chief Prize Delivery Coordinator and Manager of Agency:

Mr. Attorney Fred Thomas (Director of Agency)).

Mr. Jack Tailor (C.e.o) Personal

Merchant Banker in charge of accounts Mr. Jeffery Larson

Winner to be presented:

It’s with great pleasure that we congratulate you once more

On becoming a Third 3rd place winner in our monthly sweepstakes trivia .Out of a draw of so many contestants you were elected the First 1st place winner of a check valued at (6.5) Million Dollars, a 2021 Mercedes Benz and a bonus of US $100,000 in cash. The USPS Delivery Co.,

, FTC Customs, and The Federal Express Service

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