Information on romance scams and scammers.
by maluu53 Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:14 pm
Hi There Darling, My own purpose of writing to you is to acquire proper partner, I in fact never paused seeking so I decided I would do so via the internet. Staying ordinary keeps me comfortable, with a love of life, and clearness, I almost always express exactly how i think without the need of concealing something, really love to make meals, and im house-hold-oriented moreover my girlfriends claim im cool to get along with, hope it is true I need to locate real love and I hope the following is possible after I find the proper man. So much to fit right in single letter, so you can text an answer if you believe you may be the proper guy, I can't wait to learn about your way of living. I am sending a 2 letter with details and suppose you received information with photo? If you'd like, you could leave me your cell phone number so I can call you when I'm completely ready. You like that plan?
Date: Wed, May 29, 2024
From: Angela <[email protected]>
Reply-To: Angela <[email protected]>

Image <<< Anastasiya Orehova from Yoshkar Ola (vk account)

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