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by AlanJones Sat Nov 04, 2017 3:06 am
From: Yulushka Pretty - [email protected]
Reply-to: Yulushka Pretty - [email protected]

Hello stranger! Dear stranger, I want to read how much you are interesting in searching and acquaintance with new and wonderful girl? My name is Yuliya. I hope to your like my foto. I am also look someone with which my life will quiet and wonderful. I am very cheerful, kindly and positive girl. But I still one and very tired of such life. So I come to a dating site and got you email. Actually, I'm find for real man for a serious relationship and even marriage in future. Most important is my purpose - I want to find a lover to my solitary life! I very hope that you are it's a person. I'll be glad if we can find our common interests and our familiarity is most wonderful moment in our later life. Now I do not know how you are interested in continue our talking therefore greater detail I write about myself later! I will wait for your answer! See you later, Yulenka,


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by AlanJones Tue Nov 07, 2017 1:08 am
From: KYuliya - [email protected]

Hello XXX,

How are you? I’m glad you answered back.So then,we can start to
exchange our photos,life stories,our emotions and cultures if you
Pls send me some of your latest photos. I'm serious in my
intentions so please show me your devotion too.
I do not know what to tell in my first letter.It- something new and
unusual to me. But I shall try,write good letters to you. I shall hope
that in the future,we shall be very good friends. Please not be too
strict to my mistakes in words,the English language-not my native
language.And i hope will improve the poor level of my language during
communication with you.
My name Yuliya.As for me,I’m 29.My birthday - on 10
September.I was born in 1988.My weight makes 54 kgs at growth of
172 centimeter,i don't smoke.I live in city Inta.I have
finished medical university.My formation will consist of three
levels:school,college,university.I Studied within eighteen years.All eighteen
years I have studied the English language also. I worked as the
second surgeon in small clinic within four years.I was happy to give
health of people,to help them.Many things depend on me during
actions.I think in The future I will be capable the surgeon to become
independent. you think,what it - good dream?I live one,I have no
children and boyfriend.Sometimes I Feel like very lonely in my
house.Perhaps,for this reason I have decided to get acquainted with
you.To me already 29,also I take a life philosophically.I have
the house,work,friends,but I cannot tell,that I'm happy.Probably you
felt? Feeling of emptiness?I hope,that you will not be Laughter.And we
shall write many letters to each other.I'm very pleased and
grateful,that you have answered my letter.I hope ,that I shall be
Be capable to write to you letter constantly and you are interested in
our dialogue. Ok what are you looking and waiting for from
woman,to be you life partner,maybe just girlfriend or mistress of
house,maybe mother of your children?Another question I’d wish to ask,
what made you to reply to my previous letter,just interest or sympathy
or politeness or maybe something else?,Is distance between us
problem for you? I hope that our communication will continue.Please
tell me also your preferences in women. I send you some photos of
me and my life.
P.S. Uuuf,finally I've finished this letter-yes,it seems to be rather
big and probably hard to read but I wrote it with great inspiration
and tried to say as more as possible about me..))) Wishing you very
good day and hope to hear from you soon,Yuliya


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by malu53 Tue Nov 07, 2017 10:51 am
pic stolen from the fotostrana profile of a 22-year-old female from Moscow,
Chetkaya Lya, uploaded 287 pics
by AlanJones Sat Nov 11, 2017 1:43 am
From: KYuliya - [email protected]

Hello XXX,

How are you?XXX,you still haven’t sent me new photo of you and I’m wondering why? In
next letter from you nevertheless I wish to see your photos XXX, ok?
Now I work,and write the letter to you.I’m very glad that you
decided to continue our communication. XXX, I was thinking of
what I can write more about me. But I did not write to you about my family.I think
that you should know about it.I have been given birth also dews to
Inta.I live here. XXX I do not remember my father because he did not
live with us.I was grown only by my mother.We were the best
friends.But my mum had a cancer of a stomach, and she has died in
Fifteen years ago. Year was horrendous for me.It was awful and incredible.I could
not understand it for long time.I was empty.Even now I remember my mum
very much frequently.You know,that I had very happy childhood. Only
then, several years I started to understand,that she felt, because I
had no father with me. But I have received news from other people,
that it was no mistake of my mother.My father (I cannot name his
"daddy") never loved my mum. He has left her lonely,because my mum was
the pregnant woman. It was very difficult for her to bring up me. Buy
to me of a dress and toy.We lived only her little earnings.But we
never complained of our life - we have solved all problems together.My
mum always spoke me, I should marry the person which I shall real
love.I hope you understand,that memory of my mum very important for

After death of my mum I feel very much lonely,because I have no native
sisters and brothers.XXX but I have my best girlfriend Natalya and
Marina.oooh I will send you a photo.They are remarkable girl.We
can name us sisters because we are friends more than ten years,and we
help each other.Do you have a best friend?I want to tell you about my
hobbies.Summer for entertainment I work in my small garden.I raise
flowers.Roses,orchids,tulips,an aster.Do you have any favorite
hobbies?I can describe my individuality as sunny,active, open-hearted
sincere person with stable moral standards.XXX,i want to know you
much better because you are attracting me in what you say. How much
time are you in search of women?XXX have you or any of your friends
ever had communication experience with women from Russia in reality or
internet?What do you think of my character? Do you like my
personality.What you do not like in me?Yours,Yuliya

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by AlanJones Tue Nov 14, 2017 12:47 am
From: KYuliya - [email protected]

Hello XXX,

The day is wonderful today and I’m in high spirits and how are you? I
hope all is well.
Today I’ve woken up early in morning.Bright streams of sun made me to
do this.They easily penetrate to my room and keep me awake because my
bed is situated exactly near the window which is eastward.I felt
myself very pleasantly and cordially.I got up,showered,went to
kitchen, made breakfast from eggs,open sandwiches,yoghurt and
coffee.Later I went to job.I used to get to job by public transport
but in mornings it’s nightmare really to use it - so many people,
transport is overcrowded and everybody hasten.XXX I told my
girlfriend Marina about you.She is happy that we write letters to each
other.Marina says that I need a man who will help me and who will
really care for me.You know I really feel lonely very often but I
believe in god luck.I believe in God,he always helps.oooooh I don’t
remember if I told you about my dog.It's name is Chipa.He the boy. To
him five years.I heard if a person has a pet in a house and if he takes a
good care of it the person is a very good house keeper.I belive it.I
never tried to describe to somebody my character in the letter.And I
have no idea how to do it.But if there is anything you want to know,I
will tell you with pleasure of course.I really can tell that I have
the kind heart,and I'm the good listener.I'm an absolutely kind person
though at the same time I'm a proud woman;I always appreciated
sincerity,honesty and frankness;I'm a loyal person and I always have
respect to people.I'm able to forgive and I do not recognize anger.All
this are the obvious features of my character,-the features,which I
self can see in myself.I want you to learn me more,because I as well
would be glad to learn more about you.Ask me any questions you wish in
your turn.I will be happy to answer them.Your,Yuliya

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by AlanJones Sun Nov 19, 2017 12:59 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Hello XXX,

Your letter brightens my day! Thank you very much for your letter. I
hope you have the same feeling when you receive my letter.I enjoy our
correspondence and I'm serious.I consider you to be my friend,I think
that you understand me in lots of things and it's easy for me to talk
to you on many topics.

I think that this is very important for the relationship,if both of
the partners want the relationship to grow.XXX trust is also very
important,no relationship can be strong without it.Thank you for
being honest with me and from my side I can say that I will be honest
with you also.I think we should try to tell each other as much as we
I would like to know you better from inside,XXX, because you seem
very interesting to me,so I have a question for you:What qualities do
you appreciate in people the most?In my opinion,honesty,
faithfulness,kindness,sincere and understanding are very important in
people.I also think that in every relationship trust plays the main
role.That's why I think that trust should be between man and
woman,they should be able to say every single thing to each
other,share all their joys and sorrows.If they have a problem they
should try to find a solvation together.What do you think,XXX? What
is your opinion?
You know XXX I think that age is very important in the
relationships.I think that the man should be older than the woman. As
for me I prefer my future husband to be older than I'm.Older men
know how to treat the girl right,they know what the girl wants.It’s
much more interesting to talk to them.I'm looking for the serious
relationships You probably understand me.What do you think I'm right,
XXX?Please,tell me more about you.

What are your goals and dreams? What are your intentions?Answer these
questions for me Ok.XXX and feel free to ask me anything,I'll
answer you with great pleasure.


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by AlanJones Tue Nov 21, 2017 2:55 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Hello XXX,

Thank you very much for your letter and your tender words and care.
You are so sweet to me, it is so pleasant for me to read your letters,
when I close my eyes I can see you saying this to me, it makes me feel
very good.That's a great feeling, I am thanking God that you are in my
life.Even though we are far from each other in reality, in my dreams
we are together,we are walking together at some nice place in the
nature holding hands and saying tender and warm words to each other.I
feel that you are very special to me,I need to read your letters like
I need air or water for living.I couldn't even think that something
like that could happen to me.You know XXX i don't think that the
outside beauty is the most important thing, you can be beautiful for
some time, even the most beautiful,but in some years this beauty will
go away, there will be other people who are going to be looking
better.I think that the real beauty is inside your soul,that what
stays forever.The person should be beautiful from inside,in my

Don't you agree with me,XXX?I see in you the person
who I can talk easily with,who is interesting for me, the one who is
making me want to know you more and more.I would like to know your
soul,I would like to know everything about you. I see that you are
not playing with me or joking around, many of our thoughts are the
same,our values are very close and we are looking for the same
things,we both are looking for the special one. I see that I can
establish the emotional connection with you, I can talk to you on any
topic, it's very easy for me, it seems like I know you for a long
time.XXX I like your thoughts about life and relationships between
man and woman.By your letters I can say that you are a decent man
with serious intentions.I like that in you.I think that we are even a
little bit alike in that.I'm very serious about our correspondence. I
like to read your letters and I think that I will really like to talk
to you in person,you seem to be an intelligent and well educated
person.I hope that some time we are going to meet.

I don’t want to lose you and stop our correspondence.I understood that
all those qualities which I appreciate and was seeking in man, I see
in you XXX.Now XXX,let me answer my another very important
question but please say only honestly,ok? Do you see in me the
qualities that you appreciate and were searching for in a woman of
your dreams?

OK,XXX,I'm finishing my letter now and I hope that you are having a great day!

I'm thinking about you and I'm really happy that we've have our
correspondence! This thought makes me smile :)

Hope to hear from you soon,Yuliya


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by AlanJones Sat Nov 25, 2017 12:17 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Hello XXX,

I'm very happy that I've got acquainted with you, XXX.
Me very pleased to receive your letter. We started our
correspondence not long ago, but I like your letters.It seems to me
XXX,I know you for a long time,your thoughts are so close to mine.

You know,XXX,I was thinking a lot about my future life and I think
that I would like to move to another country.To check up the forces
and possibilities.I have a good profession.XXX,I can tell you
why.First,I should say that I want stability in my life.I think that
it’s very hard to get this here in Russia.There are several reasons
for that.I don’t have anything against Russia.You know Russia is a good
country, that’s my Motherland and I love it,but the economical
situation here is very bad,you can’t be sure in the next day, but I am
thinking about my future.I would like to find my soul mate,
the person I can trust completely,the person who is going to be near
me all the time,love me and take care of me.Russian men have lots of
bad habits,they drink a lot.My dad used to drink a lot.It gave my mom
much pain.I don’t want this to happen to me.So,I think now you
understand why I would like to move somewhere from Russia.

I would really like to have a good and strong family based on good
emotional connection first of all and understanding and surely love. I
think that these things are the most important.I would like to have
my second half near me to feel that I am safe,that I'm loved and
that I have a person near me whom I can give all my tenderness and
care that is inside of me.I do have a lot to give,but for right now
there is no one special whom I can give it to and I don't want to
waste it just for someone,I want to meet my only one,my special one.
I'm thinking a lot about you,XXX.Ok,I'm finishing my letter now
and I will be looking forward to your fast reply!

With warm hugs,Yuliya


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by AlanJones Tue Nov 28, 2017 1:08 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Hello XXX,

XXX I'm very glad that you have written to me.I need your letters,
they make me happy.
XXX today i was late for work because I decided to stay in bed five
minutes more but I fell asleep again. As the result I overslept, it
was already late, in twenty minutes I had to be at work place. I’ve
never prepared to go to work so quickly really.One thought gladdens
me - in the evening I’ll come home,will took a bath,change into my
favorite dressing grown and drink a cup of hot lemon tea.I got really
tired.I do not remember whether I wrote to you, my mum had no sisters
and brothers.I've no cousins.Sometimes I feel very lonely. But I'm
glad,that I have Marina and Natalya.Oooh,dear XXX I learned the good
news.XXX I was determined with work in clinic!I shall be the
surgeon.I think because I have a good diploma ( about my education) I
have the diploma the Europe-standard.This diploma entitles to work as
the doctor in your country.I shall soon have forty days a holidays.I will
have free time.
XXX,you can't imagine what a pleasure for me was to recieve letters
from you during the last days - as if I'm living only for your
letters.I'm looking forward to learn you better.XXX I'd like to
assure you that you can always count on my understanding and
encouragement - I'll always support you and in my turn will thank you
for your treatment and respect to me.XXX,the main thing for me is
how honest, thoughtful,colourful and interesting are your thoughts,
words and answers to me and I'm glad that we continue our
correspondence.You agree with me??Now I cannot present life without
your letters.You have changed all my life.XXX Ok!?How was your



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by AlanJones Thu Nov 30, 2017 12:53 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Hello XXX,

How are you doing?How is your health? I'm very glad to see your
letter. XXX i always think of you no matter where and no matter what
I do. I'm very happy, I feel that our letters are very important for us
both. I want to say thank you XXX. Your letters became part of my life
and I'd like to assure you that all my everyday thoughts are
about you:your cheerful mood,health,good luck. Very pleasant for me,
that I have such a the close person as you. It's a pity that you
are far from me. I will hope that we will meet one day. I think we will
be glad to see each other.Marina ask me about you XXX, every day. I say
to her that I'm constantly thinking about you XXX. She is very glad
for me, and she always asks me to say Hello to you. Yesterday in the
evening,I was thinking of my future work in the clinic. I'm happy that
I will get my job. I should not study,because I have the diploma of the
surgeon of the European standard. I don't know how to spend this month
( vacation ) I don't want to waste my time useless. I must think it
over. Of course I will write letters to you. But it will take only the
part of my day. What to do in the rest? I must find a decision.

XXX I trust you.I have no secrets from you dear,all my letters
I write sincerely. Each your letter, your every compliment, amplified my
feelings for you. I began to smile more,the days are more
pleasant,because i know that there is a man, my dear man in this
world. I read your letters and I understand that i was not mistaken in
my choice,and you're the my man. I'm sending you a gentle kiss and my
warm embrace. Finish this letter with thoughts about you XXX.



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by AlanJones Sun Dec 03, 2017 12:52 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]


Dear this morning i presented some kind of holiday to me. So I had some
free time which I devoted to myself. I took a bath with foam, sea salt
and aromatic oils. Warm aromatic bath together with strong fragrant
coffee and light pork sandwich gave me lots of energy. Reading morning
newspaper I found advertisement that boarding home for dogs demands
help. I decided to make a good act. I found out that there is need of
pet food. I bought food for dogs. XXX I never thought that ten kg is so
heavy - he, he. Dogs are so cute there. They meet you,wag the tail,they
know when food is coming. I think they are cute and expansive. XXX now
while I’m writing this letter I’m also smiling because I’ve done smth
good and useful. It’s such a pleasure to help somebody who’s in need of
it, for example,it’s better to buy some useful thing than many red nail
polish and to be sure that animals won't be hungry at least for some
days or for example to share with old clothes with shelter for the
poor. XXX have you ever done any similar noble action? XXX, i hope
that our communication with you, grow into a serious
relationship. XXX would now describe myself something new. XXX I
thought about it and realized that I'm pretty much told you the
details of his past life,about how I live now. I told you very little
about how I see my future. I would like to see my future with you. Dear
now I really understand that you are the man with whom I wanted to
connect his life. If you remember,I wrote in my first letter, I was
looking for a serious relationship only. I sincerely hope that you
respond positively.

Embrace Your,Yuliya

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by AlanJones Tue Dec 05, 2017 12:42 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Hello XXX,

How are you doing today?What’s new?I'm fine over here and I was very
glad to hear from you because I think of you!!!What you made today
XXX?Than was engaged? Of what you think when you sleep?Of what you
dream? What you ate? Are you tired today?Where you would want to go?
I fall asleep with dream about that that we together.

I'm thinking about you all the time,you are very important for me.
XXX,you know,today I woke up with sun beams that were coming out of
my window and my first thought was about you! :) I was laying in my
bed and thinking,imagining that may be some wonderful day we’ll be
waking up together like this and the first thing you will do when you
wake up is kissing me and wishing me a good morning and I will do the
same for you.You know,XXX,I liked that thought :)Who knows,may be
some day it will be the reality? How do you think? Would you like

OK,my dear,I'm finishing my letter and I will be looking forward to
your reply!!!

I miss you!With sweet thoughts about you,Yuliya


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by AlanJones Thu Dec 07, 2017 1:43 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Dear XXX,

Dear i would like to tell you that your letters bring me much joy and
make me happier day by day! XXX you are the dearest man of my heart,
I'm always looking forward to your letters and gentle words. When I
received your letter today, I was very happy. We are far away from each
other now,but I'm sure,that we need each other. XXX I'm sure that the
fact that we’ve met was meant to be. I can’t find words that can
describe my feelings to you,you are making me the happiest woman. I
feel your care. I'm glad to feel that I'm not alone. I've got you
XXX. Dear i would like to thank you for your love and care. I know
that you are serious and sincere with me. Dear from my side I’ll do my
best, to make you happy. Because deep in my heart I feel, you are a
special man who is dear to my heart so much! When i went to bed,i fell
asleep with thoughts of you and our relationship. Probably, because I
was a long time, but I could not describe my feelings to you. XXX now
I can say that I'm more think about you, I have a huge attraction to
you XXX. We're breathing the same air, and even thousands of miles
away from each other. We're looking at the same sky and see the same
moon. I want to continue our relationship, to a new level. That's why I
pray you to consider the idea of becoming the most important men in my

I'm finishing my letter to you and I will be looking forward to your
reply! I kiss you my dear XXX.

With hugs,Yuliya


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by AlanJones Sat Dec 09, 2017 1:38 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Dear XXX,

How are you doing? I think that our almost everyday letters should lead
to special and important. What will be next - this question
excites me. As for me I think that the next step of our communication
can be our personal meeting. What do you think? We can go on writing
hundreds of letters but nothing will change until we meet. That's why I
pray you to consider the idea of becoming the most important person in
my life. I'm sincere and I desire to stay with you to know you
better. Do you agree with me? XXX, what do you think when will be the
most suitable time for our first personal meeting? We should consider
meeting. I feel the connection between us, through our words to each
other in our letters. XXX we should seriously consider meeting Upon
meeting we would realize the chemistry between us and thus this would
determine that we are meant to be together as in destiny. I'll kindly
read all of your proposals, I'm very curious to know your opinion on
this very important question. I’ll be waiting for your letter with your
thoughts about the future of our relations… Your,Yuliya

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by AlanJones Mon Dec 11, 2017 12:20 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Dear XXX,

Dear XXX, i thought a lot about our meeting. Now I have a vacation. I really
want to meet you and spend my free time. I think that I can come to you myself.
I do not know,how long it takes the paperwork necessary to travel to you XXX.
I think that for the registration my documents,I will go to a travel agency.
Ok dear to do this step we need to discuss important issues for me:
1) How many days,you can and willing to take accept me as a guest?
2) Where I'm will to live in your house or a hotel?
3) What are the things I take with me?What is the weather you have at this time of year?
XXX,I heard that really difficult to recieve visa for russian single
girls nowadays.Foreign countries more and more strict to Russia maybe
because of politics too.As soon as I receive from you all the answers
to my questions,I can go to the travel agency to obtain detailed
information about the trip for you,my love.
Miss about you,Yuliya


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