Information on romance scams and scammers.
by kayt110 Sat Apr 09, 2011 1:36 pm
About five or six weeks ago I came into contact with a man on who claimed his name was Paul Rosenberg even though his profile listed his religion as "Protestant, Other." I've since learned he is a Nigerian scammer. He claimed to be a geologist living in England. His back story sounded straight out of a Danielle Steel (or other "chick lit") novel. He claimed he was born in Germany but his mother died in childbirth and his father resented him for that and treated him very badly. Two years after his mother's death (he said), his father remarried to "the most wonderful woman you'd ever hope to meet," whom he referred to as "Nana," "even though she's not my grandmother." "Nana" remained married to Paul's father for five years and then left and took Paul with her. (WTF? Don't they have laws against child stealing in Germany? Right? - and I thought that when I read it). He excused that by saying "You would have thought my father would have come after us, but he never did." Uh huh, maybe because he didn't exist? Then later on - fuzziness about dates or his age when these things supposedly happened - "Nana" transferred to England through her job and Paul moved there with her, and at some point his father died. So he's (supposedly) lived in England, somewhere outside London, ever since. He included info on schools he attended also, but I didn't check those out. He told me his wife and daughter died in a car accident five years ago and he’s always blamed himself because he was supposed to go pick up the daughter from ballet class but got stuck in a meeting at work, so his wife went and then the accident happened.

The unusual thing about my initial contact with him was that his profile was presented to me along with a page-full of others as a "match" in an email from (they send them every day), and I wrote to him first. I've written to a handful of men on (I'm quite picky about who I contact), and they normally don't write back. Well, Paul did, and he had only good, and flowery, things to say. And he gave me an email address and got me off really fast. In his first email he called me "adorable," and lately he's been referring to me as “gorgeous,” "babe" and "dear," and rarely if ever using my name. Let me just say this matter-of-factly, not to put myself down, but I am overweight, 55 years old (though I do look about 10-15 years younger), and completely average looking. NOT adorable or gorgeous. I asked him a few questions, like his birthday and favorite color, and told him a lot of details about my daily activities (which makes me sick now to think I told him things I was doing with my friends, etc., although I don't think I gave him info he could use to hurt me). In his emails back he rarely responded to my questions or comments, and then only in passing, not as if he was really interested in anything I was doing. He repeatedly sent me laundry lists of things he enjoyed doing, the things most women want to hear, such as: walking on the beach holding hands, candlelit dinners, PDA, kissing, snuggling, traveling, beach, boating, tennis, etc. etc. I felt like telling him that he told me that already, but I kept sending him polite emails. His English was quite good and didn't read like an African person's use of English at all. He SOUNDED like someone from the UK, even the one time we spoke on the phone. He told me he planned to move to the U.S., specifically Charlotte, NC, which is near where I live, and this plan had been in place for some time. He told me the date, April 4, 2011, when he planned to fly to Charlotte from London, via Amsterdam and Atlanta. He asked me to pick him up from the Charlotte airport and when I asked for his flight info, he forwarded me an email confirmation from KLM Airlines, which looked completely legitimate. It listed flights, times, his date of birth, and other info that seemed right. Then he told me, about a week before the move date, that he had to go to Dubai to purchase rare gemstones for a client so he could make more money for his planned relocation. He planned to be in Dubai for four days. The entire time he was supposedly in Dubai he faked this really well and we continued to send emails. Then, he sent me an email that said he was about to go check in at the Dubai airport (Abu Dhabi) for his flight. I didn’t hear from him again for 5 days and feared something happened to him. I also thought at the time that it was possible he wasn’t legitimate and maybe was an international diamond thief or a drug smuggler. I checked the Interpol website and looked through about 47 pages of names and photos of people wanted by Interpol. He didn’t appear to be there. I checked his flight from London to Charlotte by going to the KLM website and putting in the booking code (confirmation number) he sent and his last name. Got the message: “We could find no flights for this booking.” So I thought he or someone else canceled his flight. Since the confirmation had said “World Business Class” and changes and cancellations could be made at no charge, I figured this was feasible if he was detained in Dubai. So then this past Tuesday morning I got an email from him that said he was detained at the Dubai airport for inconsistencies in his paperwork concerning the gemstones and not having a Dubai dealers “Kimberley Process” license, and they were charging him for the license, a 3% fee on the cost of the gemstones (which he told me cost him 460,000 British pounds – to impress me that he was a millionaire, I guess), and a fine of 16,000 pounds. I wondered why he was mentioning money details. But it seemed reasonable, so I halfway believed him. I sent a few supportive, “praying for your safety” emails. Then on the Friday after, I got the email in which he asked for money to supplement the amount his friend “Frank” raised for him to pay the fine to enable him to get the license and leave Dubai. Since of course his bank had frozen his account due to the large amount he’d authorized in payment for the gemstones. He claimed that if he didn’t get the money by Monday (April 11) he would be charged with (something?) and possibly lose the gemstones. He sent me pictures of a very good looking man too, who did not look the 53 years old he claimed to be. I can post some of his emails and upload the pics later when I have more time. I just wanted to post this so any women out there whom he has also tried to scam would be aware. I have not written back to him after he asked me for money. I copied the header info from his last email and pasted it into the site that checks IP address (that I found in a link from this site), and it showed these results:

At Fri, 8 Apr 2011 09:10:01 -0700 (PDT), the email sender [email protected] sent you an email from the IP address located in Nigeria, Lagos.
Email Sender: [email protected] [more info]

IP address:
IP address country: Nigeria
IP address state: Lagos
IP address city: Lagos
IP address latitude: 6.4531
IP address longitude: 3.3958
ISP of this IP: Starcomms Limited
Organization: Starcomms Limited
Local Time of this IP country: 2011-04-09 15:58

by Bubbles Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:27 am
Welcome to ScamWarners kayt110 and thank you for posting your account with a scammer. Romance scammers operate this way, they do not ask for money for a long time. They count on getting you emotionally involved in their "life" so when they have the inevitable "crisis" to get you to send money.

It sounds like you didn't fall for this trap. That is a real good thing. Many people do fall for these fantasies, or as you call them romance novels.

Thank you for including the email address he used and the IP for that email address. You will have helped some one else to not fall prey to this or another scammer. :D

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
by kayt110 Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:35 am
I have to admit that although I remained wary and from time to time wondered if "Paul" might be a criminal or not all he said he was, I did for the most part believe he was a real person till he asked me for money. He was very slick and professional right up to the end. The warning signs were there but I overlooked them. The way he rarely responded to anything I wrote, repeated the laundry list of things he supposedly liked, and how his photos didn't look like a person the age he claimed to be. It was his apparent command of English, the level of detail he provided in his emails, and the fact that he portrayed the "perfect gentleman" and never asked me for anything but photos and my phone number till he asked for money - that's what tricked me and no doubt he fools a lot of women that way. I worry now that he has my gmail address that has my real last name, he has the name I use, which isn't my legal name but a "nickname" I gave myself years ago, he has my cell phone number and I'm sure he could probably search my IP address - I worry that he could get my home address even though I never gave it to him. I also mentioned the first names of some of my friends in my emails to him. And a few minutes ago, I tried to go to the website to access his first response to me to copy it and paste it here, and my computer froze up as soon as I got on the site. I also noticed before I did Ctrl-Alt-Del to shut down the page, that it said "Emails: 0" - is there any way this scammer could get control of my computer or my account to delete his response to me on there?

Here is his first email to me after he got me off I'll post more emails later. His profile originally listed Winston-Salem as his location, which is about 2.5 - 3 hours from Charlotte:

How are you doing today?Thanks for the reply to my message on the website.Before we go any further, here's a little about me so you could have a good understanding of where I'm coming from.
My profile did say that I newly relocated to CHARLOTTE NC it was the closest option that worked for me. I am new, but not in the area yet officially. I Currently reside in England , but I move to the CHARLOTTE NC permanently in 4 weeks.Well,3 weeks and 4 days now. 4TH of APRIL preciscly. I hope this doesn't ruin anything as I would very much love to utilize this time in getting to know you better.

Anyway, I am glad you messaged me, wasn't certain my email address would get to you. After I messaged you, I took my profile down as I couldn't take anymore. I read your profile and I'm intrigued, you certainly are the kind of woman I would like to get to know better. I'm a bit on the shy side, so you'll have to bear with me if I'm not too extensive in my emails, although I promise to try. Hopefully you remember what I look like? I will attach a picture of me in this email and I will try to trace back what I wrote on the site on what attributes I seek in a partner;

I’m a truly nice guy, a warm, outgoing individual looking for a soul mate to share all the best of life with. If you are looking for the same, read on…
I’m spontaneous and always ready for the next adventure. I consider myself caring, deeply compassionate and sensitive, yet strong and dependable. I truly believe that if you treat people properly then they will know what is in your heart. I have a few hobbies like cooking, reading, camping, going to the beach, taking long walks ( with the right one ) and being able to study people and their attitudes without judging them. I love anything that can be done in the outdoors in a nutshell
I like lots of sports but especially tennis and golf. I Love to travel and enjoy both 5 star hotels and camping out/roughing it. I've traveled extensively through North and South America, Europe and Africa, but still need to visit Asia, and New Zealand (at least!) I enjoy trying new things, places, foods, activities etc. Love driving fast in my convertible with rock & roll blasting. I love the beach.

I'm looking for a woman who shares my interests, but who will also take me out of my comfort zone once in a while. I'd love to meet a sincere woman that might like to consider starting again with a new friend and whatever from there. I'm a bit of a busy person all year but always find time for a vacation and would be nice to share this time with the woman of my dreams, she doesn't have to be a supermodel or possess any great talents or abilities, In fact I guess just being yourself is more important than any show we all can put up at an early stage in a relationship. I would really like to meet someone who will put me first in their life so I can do the same for them. Finding the woman who will want to share her life with me in a long term relationship is my top priority, I am looking for that caring, real connection that eludes so many people

I think it pretty much went like that, what do you think? I hope I don't chase you away. If you've got any more questions, please feel free to ask.However,I have one question for you though. Did you ever meet anyone off the site? What has your online dating experience been like?

I hope to hear from you again soon.

by kayt110 Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:01 am
Here is "Paul"'s second email to me. I couldn't find his very first response on I apparently overlooked his use of the phrase "read from you" that I see in a lot of the scammer emails people paste on here. Also, the phone number he gave me to call was: 011 44 7700 076771. We spoke on the phone once. It was sort of hard to understand him but he sounded British with a tinge of something I figured at the time was a bit of a leftover German accent, since he claimed to have been born in German. I apparently also overlooked his reference to me telling me about my "family," because I virtually have no family left except for some noncommunicative cousins. I think I might have mentioned to him that my mother died 4 yrs ago and I sort of understood his feelings of loss (due to the [fake] death of his wife and daughter he claimed). No greeting on this email:

Wow!What a great feeling to read from you again.thanks for a sharing a little more about yourself.I feel like i am getting to know you better.I appreciate you taking the time to tell me all about yourself and your family. It seems you have had your fair share of pain and I sympathize with you for that. Life deals us blows when we are not looking and I believe it's how we recover from these blows that tells the person we are.
Let me start by saying I appreciate your kind and thoughtful words concerning my loss.Its been 5 years now since I lost my wife and daughter and my heart still bleeds whenever i remember that fateful day the incident occurred.Obviously they are in my memory forever and I wouldn't have it any other way, but for me to move forward and start a new life an entirely different vicinity is what my therapist suggested for me. Yes, I did see a therapist for a whole year after they passed before I went through a lot at the time.
Those were some of the toughest times in my life, I was a mess and it was hard for me to recuperate after that.Years after and I still couldn't get myself to go out on dates, for some reason I felt I didn't deserve to be happy. The day of the accident, it was my turn to go pick up our daughter from her ballet classes. I had called a late impromptu meeting at work and didn't keep track of time. I was never late for such things, but that Thursday I was. My wife went to pick her instead and that was the last time I ever heard them speak to me. For over 15 months I blamed myself, at some point I was going to move to Ireland, but Nana held me strong and helped me get through it.

I am a stronger and wiser man today because of my mistakes and past experiences and I swear to make the next woman in my life happier than I made my wife and learn to keep her that way.I hope I didn't ramble for too long.

I did look up Charlotte NC, it's indeed beautiful.The location itself is terrific because it is surrounded with Lakes with a great harbor and not too far away from the mountains. I love the water and the mountains so it suites me fine. I could do away with the cold, but I manage.I have spoken to a few real estate agents, however I'm not ready to make any commitments till I arrive in NC. I have a place booked for a month where I'll stay when I arrive. While I'm there I'll be searching for a suitable residence. Perhaps you could show me around as well. When I have found a place I'll fly back home to bring Nana. I'll be renting for a long period, say about a year and by the end of that I should know whether to purchase or not. Do you rent or own a home in NC?

I arrive with a 5 year work permit which is renewable to another 5 and then to a resident's permit(green card).
When I move to Charlotte,I would preferably work from home which would be as convenient for me as I would love. I am a self-employed mineral geologist and have been for the past 8 years now. As I said in my last email I was a field manager for over 15 years. I love my job and I love the travels, but at the end of the day the hours weren't worth being away from family for long periods in a year and I had to let that go. I still however travel, but not as much as I used to. I'm certain my job description would puzzle you so let me try to elaborate on what it is I do exactly. I have a small office in Greater London where I have my business meetings and do my office work. I'm a consultant/contractor for private bodies in mineral geology and you could also call me a business man who participates in the purchase and resale of gemstones.

I love to read, I'm quite the avid reader although to be honest I haven't read in a while. I love tv shows( american shows to be exact) To name a few: the office, two and a half men, the mentalist, lie to me, NCIS, CSI miami and new york, Modern family, extras, grey's anatomy and tons more. I'm unable to watch them on the original air dates so I have them recorded and watch them on weekends when I'm less occupied. I love music, a lot. I have an ipod and I carry it pretty much everywhere with me. Music has helped me through a lot of tough times and it's my refuge. I love to swim, play lawn tennis, horse riding ( I worked in a stable for 2 yrs as a kid), surfing(haven't in a while), Love to cook( have been cooking since I was 11 with my Nana and I learnt every single recipe from her).
I'm quite open and I'm very honest. I might be a wee-bit timid, but I definitely tell it as it is. I don't keep a lot of friends, because I hate dishonest people and the ones I have are like family to me and I trust them with everything. My close friends are a couple I have known for over 30 years, but that's a story for another day.
I will attach a few more pictures of me in this email.I hope you like them.I would love to see a few pictures of you too.I have to run now.Hope to hear from you again soon.

Take care

by kayt110 Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:09 am
This one addressed me by name and seemed genuine to me, except when he called me "gorgeous." He even made a reference to information I wrote in my last email.

Hi Kayt,

How are you doing today?Thank you for the last email and thanks for the photos.I enjoyed them.You are a gorgeous woman. I feel like I am getting to know you better.
Your last email on how you lost your mum made me cry too after reading.I sympathize with what you went through.Its quite a sad heart goes out to you.
However,there was an accident on the freeway last night which caused a tremendous amount of traffic and I ended up spending about an hour 30 mins on the road. I still had to stop by the supermarket so I was home pretty late. I was so tired that I didn't have the strength to make dinner so I just had 2 sandwiches. However this morning I had an enormous breakfast that made up for last night. When I tried to send you an email my Internet connection wouldn't let it go through and I got really was your night? In all sincerity I had the worst day yesterday. From the moment I arrive at the office, I became occupied till the very minute I decided to leave. I had 3 meetings at the office and one lunch meeting I hate to go all the way to Highbury for. I am usually very busy on working days.what are your weekdays like? After having a long week.I love to have me a nice treat on my weekends.I would really like to spend and enjoy my weekends with
that special someone by creating new adventures, traveling or just doing simple things in life. I love holding hands, kissing (passionate kisses), PDA, candle lite dinners, walks on the beach, attending sporting events, concerts, playing tennis, walking,road trips, flying to some off distance location or even well known location, board games, card games, new adventures, old adventures, cruises, boating,singing out loud when no one is around, opening the sunroof and feeling the cool breeze or sunshine on my face, watching the food channel, travel channel,planning my next vacation or getaway. I really want to try ziplining.I'd love to see Hawaii too. I've been on three was a week cruise from Spain to France, around Italy, to Athens to Istanbul (yuck I didn't like Istanbul). I would love to travel to Asia to see what that part of the world is about and possibly any new adventures that I may run across on the Travel Channel (lol).well,enough my
rambling, I have to go now.let me get back to something productive the day ends.Hoping to hear more from you again soon


And another:

Good Morning Kayt,

How are you today.It seems that I am waiting for your emails with bated breath.Every little intimate detail I take in and I feel as though we are bonding here.I hope you feel the same way. Actually as much as we are getting to know each other on here, it actually helps because eventually some of these questions come out when we get to meet in person so at least,we know we have gotten to know about each other to some extent when we finally meet in person.

I am always excited to read back from you .It just makes my day a whole lot better.please don't stop writing in this manner. I always enjoy your emails and I appreciate you filling me in on so much.

However,I've never been on a jet ski,parasailing, ziplining or skiing.That's on my list of things to do. Ziplining and skiing would more than likely be somewhere up in the mountains- I'm not sure that I want to do this because I'm afraid to break something I may need but the snow bunny skiing may work or sitting by the fireplace snuggling and kissing.Did I mention passionate kisses?
I would love to join you in whatever it is you enjoy and I'm really looking forward to that. What other experiences do you think you could introduce me to? I'm open to trying different things so please feel free to be spontaneous.

Later tonight,I'll attending a private party a client of mine is throwing for his son who just opened an art gallery in Greater London. The party would be filled with a lot wealthy people so hopefully I get some referrals. They are mostly conceited and arrogant people so I won't say it's a gathering I would enjoy being in.
Oh well,.you must still be in bed at this time .I hope you are having a good sleep.I have to go now.I have a business meeting to attend in a few. Know that you're in my thoughts..
Bye for now and hope to hear from you soon.

by kayt110 Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:19 am
And one more for tonight. In this one he made a point of mentioning his "friends" Frank and Stephanie. I didn't remember, and maybe he lost track too, that he said in this email that Frank had financial difficulties and lost his home to foreclosure. In the most recent email, the one where he finally asked me for money, he wrote that Frank had run all over to raise money for him and had managed to raise a little over 13,000 pounds. Seems Fictional Frank was quite good at fundraising, only not for himself, hmm. I also set up a new Yahoo account for an IM, at his request (see below), although he never attempted to connect on Yahoo IM.

Hi Kayt,

How was your weekend? I hope you are doing well this morning
,I attended a private party on Friday evening, a client of mine was throwing for his son who just opened an art gallery in Greater London. The party was filled with affluent individuals and I did get a referral or two which was actually my main reason for attending the gathering.
The function was spectacular.I had actually presumed the lad was a spoilt brat who had opened a gallery in an attempt to secretly extract money from his wealthy father. However I was immensely inaccurate. The lad actually graduated from Kent with honors and has a Masters in Art history. He actually does know what he's doing. From what I learned he established the art parlour without his old man's hand in the pot. I was astonished by his accomplishment and at such a young age of 25.

I know how shallow or flimsy this may sound, but I thought about you a lot last night. There were a ton of couples present and I felt like the only single man in the room. It had me thinking of what it would be like to actually be out with you and I enjoyed my moments of vivid fantasy.
We seem to be connecting pretty well these days since we have been corresponding via emails.even though your emails are not as lenghty as mine,I feel like I am getting to know you better as the days are counting down to my arrival in Charlotte.

I arrive in only a few days.I have some of my house hold stuffs shipped to the airport in NC already.I seek that closeness with another that is hard to put into words, but is what truly defines the relationship and an ideal partner.
I will be more than happy if you are able to show me around charlotte.I am looking forward to meeting you in person.I cant wait.
However,Did i mention to you about my close friends who are a couple I have known for over 30 years?Frank and his wife Stephanie.I and Frank were in the same Fraternity back in Uni, we met again at a conference in Dublin.i guess i did mention about him to you in one of my emails.I call him my best buddy.Frank has been married to his lovely wife Stephanie for over 19 years now and they have just one Son.Mark who is just 13.Frank his currently facing hard times financially that he lost his home in foreclosure.He is putting up with me at my place for a short time until he gets back on his feet financially and gets a place of their own.Frank and his family are very wonderful and nice people.They are more like family to me now and I definitely will miss them when i move to NC
They will help me in taking care of Nana while i am away in NC searching for a suitable apartment. After I have found a place,I will travel back to the UK and bring Nana with me.

On a lighter note,Are you able to IM on your computer?What is your yahoo id? if you have one.I Would love to send you a buddy request so we can start off with the real time messaging. For what it's worth, I'm excited about this and look forward to getting to talking to you if you are interested to talk on the phone.You can leave me your phone number
I have to go now.Have a great weekend and take care of you for me.

by kayt110 Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:28 am
I'd like to post the fake airline confirmation that the scammer forwarded to me to after "Paul" got me to agree to pick him up at the Charlotte, NC airport. All part of the ruse to reel me in and made me believe he was a real person. And it worked, till I found out he was a scammer. At the bottom of this email it had some wording about how none of it can be copied or shared anywhere, etc., but since I'm sure it's fake, I'm not going to worry about that. The flights, btw, were real. I checked them out. But obviously no passenger named Paul Rosenberg ever had this booking, unless the scammer stole his identity. When I went to the KLM website and entered the booking code, which I presumed to be the "7JDNIN" number shown below, and the last name, "Rosenberg," the Manage Your Flights page returned the message, "We could find no flights for this booking." Unfortunately, I didn't think to check it till April 3rd, and since that was after I hadn't heard from him in about 4 days, I figured he had been detained in Dubai and had somehow canceled his flight. Duh. Anyway, this is what I consider a very good faked airline confirmation, and it also served as a means of trying to convince me that he had lots of money, spending over 2,600 pounds on "World Business Class:"

--- On Sun, 3/27/11, Paul Rosenberg <[email protected]> wrote:

From: Paul Rosenberg <[email protected]>
Subject: Fw: Confirmation: London - Charlotte (7JDNIN)
To: [email protected]
Date: Monday, March 14, 2011, 2:09 PM

Thank you for booking with KLM. We wish you a pleasant flight.

Flight summary

Flight: London - Charlotte - One way GBP 2,963.73
Mon 4 Apr 11

Departure: London - Charlotte
Mon 4 Apr 11 06:30 London (Heathrow Airport, UK) -
09:00 Amsterdam (Schiphol, Netherlands)
Class: Europe Business Class
Flight number: KL 1000
Aircraft type: Boeing 737-800 | view seat map
Operated by: KLM
The waiting time until the next flight is 2h00

Mon 4 Apr 11 11:00 Amsterdam (Schiphol, Netherlands) -
14:40 Atlanta (Hartsfield-Jackson, Georgia, USA)
Class: World Business Class
Flight number: KL 6039
Aircraft type: Airbus A330-300 | view seat map
Operated by: Delta Air Lines
The waiting time until the next flight is 1h32

Mon 4 Apr 11 16:12 Atlanta (Hartsfield-Jackson, Georgia, USA) -
17:34 Charlotte (Douglas, North Carolina, USA)
Class: World Business Class
Flight number: KL 7152
Aircraft type: McDonnell Douglas MD-88 | view seat map
Operated by: Delta Air Lines

Total travel time16h04


Mr Paul Rosenberg (adult) Please note that your name is spelled "PAUL MR ROSENBERG" on your ticket
Date of birthThursday 13 June 1957
Telephone number 100447700076771
Telephone number 200447700076771
E-mail [email protected]

Price specification

Price 2,670.00
Booking fee-
Taxes and surcharges 293.73
Price (per passenger) 2,963.73
Number of passengers1

Total price for all passengers

Total price: GBP 2,963.73

Ticket conditions

Departure flight : London - Charlotte
•Changes are allowed free of charge.
•If you change your ticket, the price of the ticket may change due to tax recalculation and fare availability.
•Cancellations are allowed free of charge.
•For cancellations made after departure, the amount of the refund given will be the difference between the total fare paid and the fare for any flights actually taken.
•Flying Blue members earn 10062 Miles, upgrade with Miles is not possible
•You will be travelling in J class with fare basis JOWUK.
by kayt110 Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:41 am
This one he sent on March 25th, the day after the only phone call. The thought of that phone conversation really creeps me out now, but at the time I thought he sounded British with a tinge of German. And I'm familiar with British accents. There WAS a fair amount of background noise, which I attributed to it being an overseas call. Rereading this, I just realized it was before he sent me the airline confirmation, so sorry to have posted it out of order. I have to say, it seems I had a higher quality scammer than some, because he was quite slick and used my name more than I thought.
Here it is:

Good Morning Kayt,

How was your night?I hope you had a wonderful night rest.My nite was better yesterday when I heard your voice on the phone - It was an awesome call
After the phone call,last night Nana asked me how you were and then she asked a question I never expected from her. She asked, "what would you do if you don't like her as much when you meet?" For the first few seconds I was silent, then I told her I had thought about it which I really had. Our communication hasnt been the best, but I like the person I'm getting to know. We owe each other nothing and if things don't work out we'll simply move on or better still be good friends. However, I would like you to know I am getting attracted to you and I hope..., I pray that the feeling is mutual when we meet. Do you feel the same way or am I floating alone in the ocean? I'm not in a hurry to begin anything nor do I intend to rush you into a relationship. All I'm saying I feel good about us and would love to see it through.

I really must say, that I have been having so much of you in my thoughts these days since we started corresponding via email.
within the last 4 yrs, I have gone out on about 6 casual dates, but none of them were my type of ladies.I am still getting to learn more about you and you seem to be my type of've made me smile so much lately with your emails.You are adorable,respectful of other people's feelings, compassionate, a great listener, and not afraid to show your emotions.You're beautiful in the way I like, communicative and sharp and You've got a great sense of humor too.I like what I know so far and it's looking very bright.It has been quite a few wonderful days lately consumed by thoughts of you.You are getting deeper and deeper into my heart and soul.
I am anticipating my arrival in Charlotte in 10days.I cant wait.I have plans to make use a taxi for i know no one yet to pick me up from the airport when I arrive.If you have a flexible schedule on the day I arrive,I could send you my flight details,hopefully,you could help me out of the airport

Well,its going on mid day here now and you are just starting your day over there.I hope you have a beautiful morning.I'm looking forward to creating moments, memories and adventures with you when I arrive.
Please write when you can and know that you're in my thoughts.



This one he put as the subject line "Tuesday evening in Dubai"...... Part of it is word for word what I read in someone else's email from a different scammer:

Hello babe. I am so very sorry for just being able to reach you now, but its been beyond crazy here. It was a 7 hour flight and we arrived sometime after 11 pm last night. I tried to call you from the airport after I retrieved my luggage, but my mobile hadn't roamed at the time so I couldn't get through. I had thought about sending you an email when I got to the hotel room, but I was so jet lagged and exhausted I slept off immediately I lay on the bed. Forgive me dear.

My first meeting of the day was for 9.00 am this morning and for some reason I awakened at 7 am which has me rushing allover the place to get ready for my meeting and I dislike being late for anything.I didnt have enough time to come on the computer to email you. I'm so sorry I went so long without being able to reach you.

Kayt, you would love it here. It's so beautiful. My room has a balcony view of the beach, it's so beautiful. It has me thinking of all the vacations we would hopefully take in the near future.
Last night,I had beautiful dreams in the plane of the two of us walking hand in hand on the beach, stopping for many very passionate kisses along the way. What a wonderful dream that will become real soon.
I do feel we are very lucky to have hooked up match.I look forward to journey that we will have together once i arrive and will enjoy every single minute I am with you. We will have the adventure of a lifetime! We can make each others dreams come true!

I just got back to my hotel room not too long ago.The time in Dubai now is 9:00pm.
My meeting today went well and I was showed the "Benitoite," stones which is also one of the rarest gems around. 2 years ago I was contracted to purchase one of this twice in the same year and they turned out to be unsuccessful in my search. My career took a stab due to my inability to acquire this gemstone and my clients were unhappy because I had assured them that I would be able to deliver. So you could imagine my surprise when after so long it will finally be in my possession. I acted like a child who had just received his first Lego set.I would be closing the deal wish me luck.

Sometimes,I do get lost in the thought of meeting you in person for the first time, which does make me nervous and excited at the same time.
I have always like to collect rocks as a kid and I always liked to find things and pretend they were valuables, but that's another story. I love what I do, even though sometimes you could be gone for a long time and come back empty handed. It can be very arduous and otiose sometimes, and I have travelled to some countries where I had thought I would come back wealthy enough to retire at an early age, but then things aren't what they seemed to be and your efforts eventually are futile. In a way it does reflect the person I am in the sense that, I like to study people and I like to know everything about them, I like to be sure they are as pure on the inside as they are on the outside. Does that make any sense?

In the past 2-3 years, I had always yearned for someone to cherish and to take good care of - to whom I would share my dreams with and make them come true. I'd always walked around feeling so empty with a hole in my heart that I thought would never get filled again... You filled that hole. In such a short time, I'm beginning to think back to how empty my life was without you, and I am so grateful that you are here.I want to tell you each day from today that I care about you, because my heart really means it. Although you reciprocate these feelings, I am sure that you have no inkling of the magnitude of exactly what they mean to me. You can say the slightest things and it warms me. You may not even realize it. Each day has me thinking about you more often And it eases me to know that as tomorrow approaches, I will want you more than yesterday and tomorrow will be more than today.i am so anxious in meetin you in perosn

I am really tired now and need to get some rest.I would try to call you later tonight when I get up from bed.I hope you are having a nice day with sweet thoughts about me,Talk soon

by kayt110 Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:57 am
There were other emails along the way, but I'm getting a bit tired of reading the scammer's B.S., so I'll just go to the last one that he sent me on April 8th. It should be noted that he made a big typo or mistake in this email, because he'd written the name of the gemstones before as "Benitoite," and I had googled it that way. It came right up as a real gemstone, and the primary source for it is in northern California. So it doesn't make a lot of sense that anyone would have to go to Dubai to get the stones. But anyway, in this email he spelled the word as "Bentiote." Also, he got so excited that he repeated one line near the end twice, that he wasn't "feeling good about this" and couldn't even call me to talk to me about it. Although he tried, twice. I saw his foreign phone number on my phone. He didn't leave any messages. Even though he says he only has till Monday (presumably today, April 11) till he's in big legal trouble, since I've completely ignored this and haven't emailed him again or tried to call, I have not heard anything from him (thank GOD!). I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, once he realizes he's not going to hear from me again. Is it too much to hope that he'll forget me and just move on to the next would-be victim? I sure hope I never hear from him again, but if I do I'll post it.

So without further ado, here is the email that made it perfectly clear to me this was all a scam:

Hi Dear,
I hope you are doing well today.I am just getting to see all of your emails right now I am using this opportunity to send you a message as well so you could know the situation of things in dubai at the moment.thank you for checking in.I really appreciate all your emails.I did try to call you yesterday after my cell phone was given to me to contact people back home but there was no answer.
The situation down here is spinning out of control and I'm running out of options on how to handle this.I have pulled out all the tricks in my hat and things only seem to be getting worse.The customs here are giving me a hard time in traveling with the "BENTIOTE" stones claiming I have insufficient documents.That is yet to be settled as you know.I met with the commissioner of CEPS this morning and i expressed my frustration that the stones had not yet been released.I really have to address the situation with the DUbai customs by the end of this week by all necessary means so my stones can be released and I leave this country as soon as possible and fly back home to deliver in scotland and reschedule my flight ticket to Charlotte .

While my stones did have the requisite vouchers and sales receipts,they claim i did not have a gemstones dealer's license(a United Arab emirates Kimberley Process certificate )which I have to get from the government gem office after paying 3% royalties for the worth of the gemstones i intend to leave their country with.
I have been pleading with my bank all week to come to some sort of compromise so I am able to pay up the fine and leave Dubai with the stones, but they say it's impossible to work that way according to the central bank's regulation and the bank's policy.they say I made a huge transfer last week to be able to purchase this stones from Dubai and there is a hold on my bank account because of the large sum I transferred last week to be able complete this transaction.I need to appear in person at the bank to take the lift off my account so i'm not charged with funding terrorism in the middle east and money laundering as regulated by the central bank in UK.
However,I am unable to do much with my bank because I am out of town.I will need to acquire some kind of paperwork back home so my account can be lifted before I can have access to my funds.
i need assistance and in these times it's very difficult getting such help.With my bank account depleted and currently frozen, help is impossible coming from there.
I guess the only reason I'm telling you this is for me to let you know the current situation of things down here and will say it as it is
I have been speaking to Frank(my best friend) everyday since I have been detained and he has been running trying to raise cash on my behalf.SO far,He has been able to raise me some amount which is not enough to cover the total fine I am to pay to the customs in Dubai. Frank has only been able to raise £13,730 which can not be enough to cover the £16,000 fine.Right now, I am in dire need of £2,270 to complete to what frank has been able to get so I can pay up and acquire the necessary papers from the government
Babe, right now I have come to a juncture where I can't find help I didn't want to get you involved in this at all, but I'm begging you to loan me some money, which I do promise to hand back to you as soon as all this is over and I am in the clear(back home) and sort out the problem with my bank. I know you might not be in the best financial position to do this for me, but at this point in time there is no one else to help me with this.I have contacted a few friends and most of them let me down in this crucial time of need. What do you think? I really do need this favor as I am running out of time.I have just till Monday till I am charged to court if I am unable to pay up and I may end up losing the stones. I do hope you can afford to loan me some money for a few days.Please do let me know if you're able to help.
I am not feeling good about the whole thing and I can not even call you to talk to you about it.Please understand that if this wasn't important, I would not be asking you. Please do let me know if you're able to help.I am not feeling good about the whole thing and I can not even call you to talk to you about it. I would rather have spoken to you about this over the phone, but there is no affordable way to contact you at this time.Please understand that if this wasn't important, I would not be asking you. Please do let me know if you're able to help.
Bye for now and hope to hear from you soon
by Pat_NY Mon May 30, 2011 12:30 pm
Its too bad I didn't see your post. I got scammed by this guy. He wrote the same script to me. But I fell for it.
Ladies BE aware of this dude. I met him in January online and he kept me in the loop. He took me for a lot of money. I went to see for myself what the hell was going on in London.
This is my story.

I was just coming off of match .com when I came across Paul Rosenverg profile seemed like someone I wanted to contacted— which I did and got a response and we started to communicate. We e-mailed and started, what I thought was an online romance. I could not have been SO WRONG. I was taken for Lots and lots of money which I’d rather NOT disclose since this is now under investigation.

Like Katy from NC— I too thought this was sounding legitimate. I of course fell for it. WARNING Paul Rosenberg, Frank Morgan, Stephanie Morgan, PN Services, Tia Ventures are all part of this scam.
I will never TRUST again. Beware ladies—if its to good to be true its because its not.

The e-mails he sent me are almost word for word like Katy. Using the same script to lure women. He goes for intelligent women with careers and in the 50s.
I’ve spoken to Paul on many occasions as well as Frank. He apparently is now detained in Amsterdam. While at the same time detained in Dubai according to Katy. At the same time, TWINS? I don’t think so!
This is what I found out.

I came to London to check out, what was going on for myself . I went to all the addresses he spoke about and went to his home. I found out that he in fact didn’t live there. No one recognized him or knew of Paul, Frank Stephanie. I showed his pictures and still nothing. I went to all the businesses and nothing. With my heart in my hand and my stomach dragging on the floor —I realized he ripped me off. As I’m finding this out Paul calls me to say he was still in Amsterdam and still detained. He was very surprised I went to UK. He was also surprised to find me at the address he gave me, which was 66 Sark Tower, Erebus Dr, Greenwich. When I told him no one knew him, the call was dropped. How convenient! I went to the authorities immediately. I spent over 3 hrs telling them my story. I found out that Erebus Dr or the postal code, is known as the fraud capital of the world. The addresses in this area were used by scam artists, especially in countries like Nigeria. One of many. I was stunned and besides myself. I lost everything.

Can you believe he called me again, to say why I went to London and how he is so depressed he couldn’t be there with me. What a crock of s---! When I asked him to confirm exactly where he was really, and that no one knew him, the call dropped again and I have never heard from him again. E-mails went unanswered.

Since Katy was unable to post his photos— here it is. Thanks Katy for opening my eyes... a bit to late. But well appreciated. I’ve been dealing with this guy since January 2011, and continued playing me until last week—Friday, May 13. Talk about a bad luck day! It couldn’t get any worse. He stole directly from my bank accountants and now they are frozen. I’m on a plane writing this, so no other woman will be a victim of this scam. BEWARE LADIES! I’m afraid he might have also stolen my identity.

He last e-mailed me May 19th 2011, this what he wrote: You are getting it all wrong.I am finding it hard to explain to you in email.I am totally depressed beyond words.You just cant understand all that has been happening lately.I owe you an explanation.I will call you to explain better.Please be calm and know that you will get every penny back.
Talk soon. The lies continue and I no longer have my money! I’ve been writing him demanding my money, which I know I’ll probably will never see. I have now involved the FBI.

His Name is Paul Rosenberg
[email protected]
011 44 770 007 6771
66 Sark Tower, Erebus Dr, Greenwich
SE 28 0GG
by Helen Halper Mon May 30, 2011 1:07 pm
Hi Pat_NY,
Welcome to scamwarners.
I'm really sorry to hear that you have been scammed by Paul Rosenberg.
Thank-you for posting. The information that you posted could help to prevent someone else from being scammed.

by kayt110 Tue May 31, 2011 10:28 pm
Hi Pat,

I'm so sorry you got scammed by that scammer who used the name Paul Rosenberg. He wasn't detained in Amsterdam or Dubai but was sitting cozy in some Internet cafe in Lagos, Nigeria, according to the search I did on his IP address. Scammers are the nastiest... just know that the person you fell for does not exist and never did. This one who scams women under the name Paul Rosenberg is very slick - a good friend of mine who has a background in fraud investigation read one of his emails to me and said she could see how someone might think he was legitimate. She actually thought it was a scam all along and tried to warn me but I didn't understand at first because I wasn't familiar with how romance scammers operate. This experience has been a real education. I really hope the FBI will help you recover your losses. I'll have to figure out how to post the photos he used, because I kept his emails saved in a folder in case I ever get the same ones from him or another scammer again. I'm not on anymore, and I wrote to them and told them about him. They didn't even bother to write me back, so that shows how little they care about their members' online security. Did he send you photos of a handsome dark haired man (who looked quite a bit younger than 53) on a boat? I'd be curious to see if you saw the same photos I did, if you are able to post the ones the scammer used. Anyway, best of luck and I'm really sorry this happened to you. Hang in there!

Oh btw, he gave me the same phone number he gave you, but he didn't give me any addresses. Maybe because I only corresponded with him for about 5 weeks. The email address he gave me was almost the same as the one he gave you, except with me it was "nc" where yours was "ct."

All the best,
Kayt in NC
by EmGee Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:07 pm
I communicated with this person - just in the past month. Our contact began via I felt sort of warily interested in him -- as he was attractive, and seemed potentially interesting -- but there was always something a little odd about his emails. He explained that he was originally from Australia and that he just typed really fast and often made errors and asked me to please bear with him.

His user name on was Sinzu55, though it was not active after his three day trial.
He gave his name as: Shawn Matthews
email address: [email protected]
Number in London (where he had just traveled -- something about being a geologist on an oil rig, but also talked about obtaining gemstones): 44-742-523-8925
Initial Number: 916-866-9336

We did not communicate very many times -- maybe six or seven times before his phone call. I saw an "unknown number" and figured it was him, but didn't pick up. After I got his voice mail -- which was very short and straight forward (but did not sound Australian in any way) I asked him not to contact me again. He did tell me about having lost a daughter - which I was very sympathetic about. I regret that in trying to cut to the chase (as his emails were so flowery), I did give him my cell number, so that I could just decide whether to meet him (before he said he had to leave for London on work related travel).

I'm so sorry for all of the trouble that you have gone through regarding contact with this man!
by Bubbles Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:30 am
Welcome to ScamWarners EmGee. It is very good that you recognized that something was wrong with this person and their story. Scammers like to try to play on your emotions and sympathies. They also like to snow their intended victims with flowery words and promises of a future.

They are liars and only want money. Thank you for sharing this information for others to find. :D

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
by goldikova Fri Jul 08, 2011 3:16 am
these people ar scum of the earth they always use klm airlines dont know why my scammer last year sent me klm confirmation all checked out etc like afool at the time as i dint know anything about scams etc then i thought this guy loved me etc i went to airport to meet him guess what he didnt show called him someeone on phone said he was a doctor lol and he had been in car accident on way to airport all made up of cause i felt so humiliated at the time i was walking through heathrow airport in tears i knew then what he was etc and i vowed never to let that happen to me again i felt so stupid i hav ehad a few tried to scam me since but i know all there tricks now thank god so klm seems to be an easy airline to use for some reason i hate these people so much

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