Information on romance scams and scammers.
by alii Fri May 06, 2011 12:56 am
Arnold wrote:We now know of one such scammer quoting the email address [email protected]. was registered in May last year for 12 months, just for the email address that goes with it. No attempt has been made to create a website.
We're taking steps to have it shut down.

hi thanks i am alii i just need ur help i am stuck i dont know what i do i met lady online dating she said me she is fighting war in Afghanistan and when she said she fall in love with me and she ask me to send request british army to quit from there and come to see me and marry me . i email them and they said to me she talked us before this matter and initated leave granted and u have to cover her travel expense u have to pay 465 british pound to come and see u ur mention airport she given me email address could u plz tell me is this true or not i am stuck is that real army email address [email protected] i search it but i dont know what i do i am going to make payment today but when i see that topic so i thought to talk with expertise thanks plz reply me asap thanks

by David Jansen Fri May 06, 2011 1:59 am
Welcome here Alii.

You are in contact with a scammer! This person is very likely a west African scammer writing these emails in an internet café. This person is not a soldier, the photo's he has send you are stolen from the internet. The email address he gave you ends with, which is a free email address that you can get with This is not an email address that is used by the British army. Soldiers never ask others to help them retire from the army, they can only ask themselves for leave or retirement, no one else can do that for them!
Best thing to do now is to stop writing to this scammer, and ignore his incoming emails. After a while he will leave you alone and go looking for another victim.

Being a victim doesn't mean you stand alone. We're here to help you.
by John DeLaney Fri May 06, 2011 2:04 am
Hi alii, this is just the same scam as you have read in the previous posts.

Do NOT send any money, ignore any further emails from "her", "she" is just a 20yr old nigerian boy sitting in an internet cafe in Lagos trying to steal your money

There are no American Service men/ women, online, asking for your help

They are all scammers trying to steal your money

John DeLaney
by alii Fri May 06, 2011 4:04 am
thanks all i will quote address here which he or she want to me send money through western union

Name Ian Gardner
Address Raf command head quarter
City Suffolk
united kingdom

and when i send emailed that address they told me she is in camp and all travel expense u need to bear ...... plz investigate it if u can help me and i u need any more info from me i give u i want to kill that if she or he play with me i really hurt . i never leave him or her..
by alii Fri May 06, 2011 4:14 am
aussie women wrote:[email protected] he used this email address on yahoo, msn messenger,facebook,tagged..thanks

hi thanks i am alii i just need ur help my story same like u i am stuck i dont know what i do i met lady online dating she said me she is fighting war in Afghanistan and when she said she fall in love with me and she ask me to send request british army to quit from there and come to see me and marry me . i email them and they said to me she talked us before this matter and initated leave granted and u have to cover her travel expense u have to pay 465 british pound to come and see u aus ur mention airport she given me email address could u plz tell me is this true or not i am stuck is that real army email address [email protected] i search it but i dont know what i do i am going to make payment today but when i see that topic so i thought to talk with expertise thanks plz reply me asap thanks.
and i tell u given address to send money

Ian gardner
Address RAF command headquarter Midenhall city
by Arnold Fri May 06, 2011 4:32 am
It's definitely a scam, I'm afraid. This scam usually features a male American soldier, but apart from this, it's a typical example as described here. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=6529
And is a free email address, never used by any government body.
Do not make the payment.

by alii Fri May 06, 2011 4:52 am
:(((( thanks god u guys help me a lot thanks all i am feel free exactly u are right from west africa making me fool last couple of month and today i was going to lose my $ 800 au thanks she told me truth today when i talk to her location exactly she was talking same place and she scared .. but any way money is not important she played my feelings and i hurt badly . thanks this website how make this from my heart i am with u all to stop these kinds of activity .... thanks all once again very sad like dead
by Arnold Fri May 06, 2011 5:38 am
The emotional impact does make this a very nadty scam. Although the $800 would only have been the start. some victims have lost life-changing amounts of money. Houses re-mortgaged to raise money, etc.

by Katharina Fri May 06, 2011 10:26 am
Thank God you didn't pay, alil! :D
And congratulations: You were suspicious and decided to check "her" story.
You are not in contact with a lady but with a young man, sitting in an African internet café and scamming dozens of victims.
Just have a look at the email address you are supposed to send your request to: Why would the British Army use a "" email provider instead of its one? These "" addresses can be taken by anyone.
This is the real site:
Please post the first email you got from your scammer, complete with the header (if you don't know how to view the header, please ask). Of course you need to delete your own personal details. Then we will be able to tell you more.
In the meantime, please drop all contact with this criminal.

Edit: I was too slow.
by alii Fri May 06, 2011 3:06 pm
hi i dont know why people play with heart .. only for money if they ask straight forward i think people help them they people usually dont want to work trying to get money easy way ... alll of u thanks and i am really sad today i dont know what i do even i went to work and i was doing every thing wrong . life is look like dark after all this i dont know when i back to track honestly i want to kill that person all of them who they doing these kind of shit . never play with people feelings its like kill some one half .. really sad today and dont know when i go back to work really annoying ...:(
by Katharina Sat May 07, 2011 7:09 am
Hello alii,
I am so sorry about what happened to you and the way you feel now. Maybe it will take some time until you find peace of mind again, but believe me, eventually you will recover - I have gone through that myself.
Maybe you have got friends and relatives you can talk with, or if you are religious, a religious person able to give you some comfort.
Best wishes
by alii Sat May 07, 2011 3:03 pm
hi katharina

life feel dark after this i think its take time to recover it. what about kat is ur story same like me or differnt some one play with ur heart ..? i dont think so i never look any thing on net all fake here
by sawthelight Tue May 10, 2011 3:48 pm
I have been in contact with a Gregory Davies, supposedly in the U.S army. He is very sentimental, does not give up information easily and what information he does give is very sparing. He claims 2 b widowed with 1 son, no other family, met him through B2 dating website. When it came to The email for Leave, the email I received back was full of spelling and grammar errors. I had 2 send the email to a [email protected] looking on Google, this person exists as does camp phoenix. The reply didn't come from this email address, it came from gregs. I have been asked for £1250 to complete the leave request, I have not sent this and have told him I think It's a scam but he insists its not. Can someone check out the address for me please as unlike other addresses, this looks more authentic, don't worry, they're not getting any money! Thank-you
by Dotti Tue May 10, 2011 4:00 pm
I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but it's a scam, absolutely no question about it.

First of all, addresses are not legitimate. See here for more info:

Second, and most importantly:

You CANNOT request leave for a soldier, period. That is not how the US military works, now or EVER. The US military has a very strong hierarchy. It is designed that way for a reason. Someone who is not part of that hierarchy (i.e. someone who isn't in the army) CANNOT make request on behalf of someone in that hierarchy.
An American solder must request leave for himself. He is entitled to a certain amount of leave based on time served. If he has leave available, and his commanding officers approve the timing, he gets leave, and nobody pays a dime for it. If he doesn't have leave available, he doesn't get leave--and he can't buy it. The moment he asked you to make a request for him, even before the money demand started, he revealed himself as a scammer.

The scammer is insisting he is real because he still thinks he can get your money. He will continue to insist that he is real as long as he thinks there is a chance. He is giving up little information because the more he tries to write on his own (his emails are mostly copied), the more likely he will make a mistake, causing you to realize that he is not an American soldier.

Please see the link in my signature regarding the best next steps.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by GomerPyle Tue May 10, 2011 4:06 pm
I don't need to investigate sawthelight because ever since the Boston Tea Party the USA has used US Dollars and not pounds sterling. As a world power the USA can be quite picky and likes to handle it's own currency in deals and there's no way that the US Army would ever quote anything in pounds sterling.

The chances of you getting a mail from General Petraeus ? - NIL. President Obama exists but you wouldn't get a mail from him either. Generals of any rank don't do office work, not that the US Army charges for leave anyway.

This is a standard scam. I apologise for being blunt, but that's how obvious and clear it is. It doesn't need in-depth investigation.

This may hurt you, but it would hurt worse to lose money too.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer

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