Information on romance scams and scammers.
by cantik Tue May 12, 2009 9:02 pm
Is that name, John Ned, familiar or part of the scammer?
A friend of mine met him, Mr John Ned, through online dating. He said he is from London, his email address is [email protected] with phone number +447035979017. He has a friend in Nigeria with name Mr Ego Adams and the address is KM 9, Limit Road, Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria.
When my friend told me n I heard about Nigeria, I was thinking about Nigeria Scam.
Are those name familiar or part of the Nigeria Scam?
Any information would be grateful.
Thank you,

by Ralph Tue May 12, 2009 9:17 pm
Hi, sorry i dont have time to investigate this right now, I or somebody else will be able to offer you better proof shortly but in the meantime, I am 99% sure it is a scam, and that is just going by the phone number.

4470 numbers are redirect numbers, scammers love them, people from anywhere in the world can get one, they appear to be a UK number and the calls to it will divert to anywhere in the world, including Africa where there is a good chance this person is from.

A real Londoner would have no use for such a number
by cantik Tue May 12, 2009 10:06 pm
Another info that might be helpfull for the investigation, before giving that number my friend said that guy gave her the other number which is +44703198885.
He said that he is doing business of selling fabrics and its raw material, taken from India, China and so on. He had ever asked my friend to join his biz by doing biz from home. As my friend was not interested in that issue, then he tried to offer her to move to London and he would like to help her finding a job for her from now on. My friend did not send her resume as per his requirement.
But she has informed him her address, even it is far away, could it be a problem for her?
Thank you,
by Ralph Tue May 12, 2009 11:07 pm
I have 5 minutes so lets see what we can find

Starting with a search on the phone number; 447035979017
no luck with the first number Click here it should show up on a search here in a few days

Now the email address; [email protected] Click here again no luck

Trying a few variations on the email address as scammers often have other email addresses with diferent free email providors using the same username - not my lucky day but not giving up yet

Now for a search on the name, "John Ned" comes up 6,000 times so shorten it by adding the word scam Click Here ok, we have narrowed it down to a little over 200 results and some are in relation to email scams, I cant tell if any of them are relevant to you without more information

The address is most likely fake and doesn't come up in any exact matches anyway

A search on the second phone number doesn't come up either.

Where I will be able to find hits is if I can see some of the early emails, scammers emails and in particular the early ones are pre written scripts, if you could please post some of them I can see what I can find for you.

There may be a few variations I could try on the name but it wouldn't really be evidence anyway as it is reasonable to expect there is another John Ned

As to the address being given to him, it is not ideal, but not a huge problem, she may find she gets some postal type scams or an email scam may include her name and address to look more legitimate, so long as she is aware of these and ceases all contact she will be fine, there is no money to be made by travelling to see here from where he is located so will be fine.

So, things to get me;
Links to any dating profiles
Email headers, if you let us know which email provider your friend uses we can give you instructions on how to retrieve the headers, they need to be original emails and not forwarded otherwise the IP will come back from the forwarded email
Early emails

Anything else you can provide such as photos will help but the above items should do the trick

Just adding, this was heading for a classic cheque scam, your friend will have been asked to recieve payment from clients and process (cash) the cheques, she will keep a percentage for herself (usually 10%) and forward the rest to the scammer (usually by Western Union) your friend will take the cheques to the bank to cash them, the scammer will try desperately to get her to send funds immediately but if not, all is not lost, "provisional clearance" is given on cheques, usually within 5 days, this will give her access to the money, the problem is that provisional clearance is just that "Provivional" the check will continue through the banks clearing procedure and some time down the track, (perhaps even months later) the check will be found to be fake and your friend liable for all of the value of the cheques. To make matters worse, the police will be called in and in some cases the victims of this scam have been prosecuted and jailed for passing fraudulent financial instruments.

I presume the scammer would have offered to pay for the ticket and send you a cheque to pay for it but need you to send money back to them or direct you to pay their travel agent for the ticket, of course, their travel agent is also part of the scam

The confusion over the 5 days clrearance is the reason why this scam is so successful, waiting 5 days for a cheque to clear will in no way show that a cheque is good.
Last edited by Ralph on Tue May 12, 2009 11:30 pm, edited 4 times in total.
by Holly Brown Tue May 12, 2009 11:14 pm
Without emails from the man, including headers which would tell us where he is emailing from, it's not easy to place him in a certain country, but the redirect phone number is very suspicious.

The "friend" in Nigeria also raises red flags. No doubt in the near future, he will "travel" to Nigeria to visit the friend or do business with him, and be beset with some disaster or another - illness, accident, mugging, losing his money, having the business deal go bad - there are so many scenarios, all requiring the victim to wire money to the scammer.

If you can, could you get some of his emails and post them - with headers? It won't work for your friend to forward them to you, as the headers would then be hers, but if she could display the headers and copy them into an email to you, or print out an email with its headers, that could help.

[email protected] if you want to ask me more questions.
by Ralph Tue May 12, 2009 11:25 pm
Sorry, one more thing then I really need to go

If you can find the header, copy and paste it in here a list of IPs and locations will come up, the bottom one will in most cases be where the email came from :wink:
by cantik Tue May 12, 2009 11:58 pm
The following IP addresses were extracted from your headers:

IP Address Probable Country Additional Info United States (Sunnyvale)* Whois Google DNSStuff United States (Sunnyvale)* Whois Google DNSStuff United States (Sunnyvale)* Whois Google DNSStuff United States (Sunnyvale)* Whois Google DNSStuff United States (Sunnyvale)* Whois Google DNSStuff United States (Jeffersonville)* Whois Google DNSStuff

Those are the IP addresses that I found from his first email to my friend by using the header check given by Ralph, and please find below the content of his first email which the header is as above.

Dearest Angel,
Thanks for the beautiful email and warmth welcome of friendship,yes it was great knowing that we could get connected just from a click of the mouse,like i said i have never done this before,i was telling my friend how i hate to be alone,not finding someone special to share my joy and pains with, and my intentions to find that special someone....who will be my soulmate,my best friend and lover,she introduced me to here we are getting to know each other.Am a man that believes in love and passion,i believe in sincerity and honesty,my family will refer to me as a man with great sense of humour,family and moral values,am very passionate and romantic,but i have been out of the romance scene for 10years now,since the death of my wife who died in an auto crash 10 years ago,leaving me with the most charming princess in the world,my daughter,her name is Pearl and she is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Now i guess i will go ahead to tell you what i do for a living,i own my own biz,i deal on fabrics,i have been doing that for six years now....i enjoy my job cos it takes me round the world and its very simple with less task and stress.Now u know somethings about me and i hope we could be friends to see what fate and God has for us,dont let the distance bother u,distance is just a distraction and could be conquered when there is a good chemistry between us,lets get to know each other better,and i hope u will be open to me like am willing to be open to u..dear there is nothing to loose here,its a win win thing all the way,we either click as soulmates or we remain as best friends,so there is nothing to loose,.......yes a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step,so lets start from being friends,i guess i have to stop here now,hope you did not find it strange to get such a long email from me?,i do hope to get a response to my email too,take care and remember that you will always be in my thoughts now...i will send u some photos of i and my daughter when i get back home,i have to rush to my warehouse now.
love and blessings
by cantik Wed May 13, 2009 12:07 am
And below is the result from header check for the last email, she received yesterday.

IP United State (Sunnyvale)
IP Nigeria (Tinubu)

i did not forget about u my love
Mr John <[email protected]>
ViewTuesday, May 12, 2009 5:34:37 PM
TODAY: 5/13No events. Click the plus sign to add an event.

hello honey,
I did not forget about you and will never forget about you,yes we still need to know each other and i hope we can talk alot more this weekend,i tried to call you this morning but ur number will not connect,i am always online every weekend,6am my time,i hope you can always meet me online,then we can share more about each other and get to know more about ourselves and families,take care my vita and i hope to meet you online tonight,...between this is my only email address and i will always get your email.
love and roses

I am trying to upload the photo, but I can't. How should it be?
by Ralph Wed May 13, 2009 1:08 am
Just quickly, the first header hasn't helped at all, I can guarantee that isn't the scammers IP, but the second one certainly is, claims he is in the UK, yet the email is coming from Nigeria, there is enough proof right there for the average person

there are a few hits in here that get us close click here no hits exact, but some of them are very close with similiar words used and some even in the same order

I have absolutely no doubt it is a scam, just cant quite prove it
Last edited by Ralph on Wed May 13, 2009 8:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
by AlanJones Wed May 13, 2009 4:28 am
There are a couple of other things that are pointing to classic love scam

  1. He never addresses your friend by name, just honey and Angel. This is because he is just pasting his script.
  2. He's widowed with a child following an 'auto crash' (yes there are plenty of legitimate widows out there looking for love, but its also a common part of scripts). Incidentally, a Brit would call it a car crash not an auto crash.
  3. Very poor grammer and spelling - 'am' instead of 'I am', lower-case i instead of I, no space after comma etc.
And as Ralph said, the +44 70 number is an immediate red flag. Normal people over here don't use them, we use mobile numbers in the +44 77, 78, 79 ranges.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.
by Dotti Wed May 13, 2009 7:24 am
If this person is claiming to be from any country in Europe where English is the primary language, or if he is claiming to be in the US, then based on the emails alone it is safe to say he is lying.

Virtually everyone makes mistakes and/or takes shortcuts in writing, but the mistakes in his emails are clearly those of someone who is not a native English speaker. The types of mistakes he is making are also consistent with someone in Africa (people from other regions/other base languages tend to make different types of mistakes).

There are also many elements of a standard script:
-world traveler
-tragic death of wife (starting to set up how he is all alone and only you can help him)
-single dad to child who is center of his world (two major purposes--first, many women have the tendency to think that if he is a good dad, he must be a good person; and second, if his tragedies won't convince you to send money, something tragic will happen with the daughter)
-supposedly never dated online before (makes him look more innocent)
-story that is setting up for a trip to be stranded in Africa (where he will be robbed, be injured, get sick, or be unable to cash a check)
-use of terms of endearment instead of a name (this is so he can send the exact same script to multiple victims -without having to replace the name)
-flowery, romantic language from the beginning, e.g. looking for soulmate, will never forget about you--I wouldn't be surprised if he broke out the stolen poetry soon.
-references to God early on (again, to establish trust--how could a devout Christian scam you?)
-standard quotes about long distance relationships (very common, along with references to how age doesn't matter).

Based on this information alone, even before seeing the IP address and redirect phone number, I would not hesitate to call this one a scam.

Need to post photos?
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by cantik Wed May 13, 2009 8:48 pm
Below is the email that my friend received yesterday, is it kind of a script that he might copy from somewhere?
Thank you.

From: Mr John <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 3:43:46 AM

Dearest Queen xxxx,

Queen, I know it is difficult for you, as it is for me, to be alone for so long. Life seems to be full of trials of this type which test our inner strength, and more importantly, our devotion and love for our right partner. After all, it is said that "True Love" is boundless and immeasurable and overcomes all forms of adversity including distance and age. In truth, if it is genuine, it will grow stronger with each assault upon its existence.

Queen, our feeling is growing, and I am convinced that it is true because the longer I wait before meeting u online, the greater is my yearning to be with you soon. I cherish any thought of you, prize any memory of you that rises from the depths of my mind, and live for the day when our physical separation will no longer be.

Until that moment arrives, I send to you across the miles, my tender love, my warm embrace, and my most passionate kiss...please stay well and have a nice day ahead...i will call you when i get online.,
Love always,
by Jillian Wed May 13, 2009 9:37 pm
Yes, that is definitely a script. Notice how the English is improved from the other emails?

Take any sentence out of it and do a search: Here's the results from one of mine: Google search results

Have you sent a payment to a scammer with Western Union and now realize it's a scam? If the payment has not been picked up, you can cancel it immediately! 1-800-448-1492

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by john47 Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:09 am
she said i tried to scam her friends,its all lies and i dont know why you guys will just go ahead and post my name in this dreadful site,find below the email her friend sent to me,begging for money,i wanted to do that,but am not doing that again,there could be bad people on earth but not everyone is bad,thanks to internet.,all i needed was love and all i got is the tanishing of my name,please remove my name from this site and make accurate and definite investigation before you post have 36hours to remove my name or face the court.

Hi dear...

First of all I would like to say thanks for such a love and cares that you have for me...

Dear, I am sorry that I did not call you last night before I went to bed... I was out accompanying my mom for a weeding reception from a relative of my sister in law... I was home very late and very tired... so I just went to bed directly...

Dear... regarding the amount that I owe, I dont know dear, how to say it to you... I need help, yes, I admit that, but I think I am not deserved yet for now to ask for your help... We have not met each other yet dear... Logically people will not send any money, even more in big amount, to someone you have not met, right?
I was so stupid that I sent the money while I had not even met that guy, which ended up to be criminal and he scammed me... I was so naive... I thought he was being honest with me...

We have not met each other dear... so I do not want you think that I am fooling you, even really I am not fooling you...

Dear... it does not meant that I dont want to count on you... it does not mean I do not trust you for what ever you have told me... it does not mean also that I was not telling you the truth during this time... but what we know about each other is only from what we were telling to each other... and I feel, I am not strong enough to be the reason you send such a big amount to me...
So why don't we just meet each other first, then if you still want to help me by paying all that I owe, we talk and discuss about that later when you are here, dear... by then you will be more sure about me, that you will not have such

a feeling that I am fooling you, that you will be more sure that we are really meant to be together and we are becoming the responsibility of each other...
For the time being, from this June until September, let me face everything by myself... for time being, if you want to help me, just pray for me that I can be survive with the money issue at least for daily expenses until September...

Dear... after I left you, when I started communicating with you again was because I felt so stupid by leaving you for that criminal... I was and am so happy that you could forgive me and give us second chance... I really did and do not think of the idea you pay everything that I owe, especially before we meet each other... I am not chasing your money, dear...
I think of you to be my soul mate and I hope that I can be your soul mate... I know you trust your instinct so much, but it will be stronger by logic thought, the assurance... for that dear, please hold everything until we meet each other... I do not feel that I am deserved to receive any single amount from you, before we meet each other... even may be while waiting for you until September I have to be struggling so hard to solve the problem of money in my daily...

by Ralph Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:32 am
Hi John

So wonderful that you have stopped by

I will tell you what

you prove to me that you are not a scammer and I will put in a good word for you

Hows that

please have a nice day :D

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