by elvisswings
Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:53 pm
this is happening to a friend at the moment..
i'll be as brief as possible.
I'm writing from the uk.
i've just posted this in but
read that it might be better to post it here etc ...
he met her online on a dating site..oasis
he quickly became infatuated
(he's divorced aged 51)
within days he was speaking to her on the phone.
she is stunning to look at ..a real beauty,
she says she was born in leeds england
but left aged 12 to go back to ghana,
she says she has a british passport.
she planned to travel to england
end of november to meet him and get together etc
but cancelled.
then 2 weeks before xmas, but cancelled
then xmas week, cancelled new year cancelled etc ...
she now says she's coming over end of january 2012
in the interim...
amongst the lovey dovey stuff, she mentioned that
her father had died and left her the business,worth much money,
and she was just wrapping it up and would be over as soon as etc
she has so much business stuff
on her computer that she needs a new hard drive...
so he bought her terra byte super duper har drive etc etc ...
sent it to her and aalso sent her a moby phone
because here's wouldn't work properly
and he also sent , as it was xmas
2 teddy bears ...(ahhh)
she got them all...
they still talk and lovey dovey etc ...
he's not daft but he's fairly naive on the net
(He's been warned)
and so he said to her
i'd like to see a photograph of you holding the teddy bears..
she said yes....
she'd sort it as soon as......
i asked him did she send the photo,
he said no because her auntie died this week
and she has been sad and had to go to her funeral...
so far no photograph has been sent.
he's now a tad more than suspicous
but still holding onto his dream..kinda thing
so last week instead of sending him a photograph
of herself holding the teddy bears......
she deposited 25,000 pounds into his bank account!!
the first question i asked him was as they say
"bleedin obvious"
"How did she get your bank details"?
he replied..
"i only sent her my sort code,
she said she had money from the business and she
wanted to put it in my account so she would have money
when she arrived here, and she wanted to give me
some money to treat myself until she arrived,
and also it's to prove that she is actually coming over etc "
i raised an eyebrow perhaps two....
it's clear he's experiencing the sin of avarice
as well as the crime of stupidity.....
but even Rodin nods occasionally....
today in email
(yes, of course she has his email and his
name and his proper home address)
today she sent him a form...
and on the phone she said she is about to
book her ticket to come to uk
but ...
(It's such a great word that isn't it...BUT
you just know something else is coming behind it !)
but .....what she needs first is 2,000 dollars
to prove to immigration that she has viable means of support etc
so i checked the ghanian requirements etc
bit complicated but whatever,
she claims she has a british passport
she said she was born in leeds
i know a tad about british citizens and british nationals
(i've an irish mother etc )
she claims she's coming here for love - to settle etc
as a british national with a british passport
she is entitled to walk straight back into HER country i told him,
briish citizen youy have to fulfill certain requirements etc
(that might be the other way round ..but its either or either )
so he 's just sent me the form she has sent him,
to explain to him why she has to pay 2,000 dollars ......
and true to form, the letter itself is nonsense
spelling mistakes grammatical mistakes and implausible
my friend is not the best speller in the world
and so he didnt see the mistakes.....
he is now rather disappointed and said he's going to confront her....
i've suggested he remain nice and just go along with it..
like the song says
"little does she know that i know that she knows that i know "
@kursall flyers
thing is ....other than hard drive a phone etc ..
she hasn't asked for anything else (yet !)
and he sees this as "must be real she's asked for nothing"
I've read on here etc about flashing and the likes,
i know it's a scam, not sure how its working though
the money was sent on a bankers draft,
and i don't know anything about them
i also read on here about money laundering and
suggested to him that's what's going on...
so he asked her..doh!
to which she replied ..
"course not" ..
and she got irate ...
there is an irony to this,
my friend has had more women than most guys could dream of
(that's why he was on a dating ...and he got hooked Smile)
and there's an element of karma about this,
and even though his name is not could well be !
and on top of that he's new to the net,
he thinks he's just invented it kinda thing,
and he hasn't exactly been modest in his revelations
"I've met this tasty bird on the net,
she loves me she's rich etc aren't i lucky"
er lol no not at all sucker....
but he is my mate so....
etc etc ..
anyone any ideas of how this scam works please?
(sorry tried to be brief but....)
I have the form he sent me but can't see where to input it...
Img button but can't see add attachment button
this is happening to a friend at the moment..
i'll be as brief as possible.
I'm writing from the uk.
i've just posted this in but
read that it might be better to post it here etc ...
he met her online on a dating site..oasis
he quickly became infatuated
(he's divorced aged 51)
within days he was speaking to her on the phone.
she is stunning to look at ..a real beauty,
she says she was born in leeds england
but left aged 12 to go back to ghana,
she says she has a british passport.
she planned to travel to england
end of november to meet him and get together etc
but cancelled.
then 2 weeks before xmas, but cancelled
then xmas week, cancelled new year cancelled etc ...
she now says she's coming over end of january 2012
in the interim...
amongst the lovey dovey stuff, she mentioned that
her father had died and left her the business,worth much money,
and she was just wrapping it up and would be over as soon as etc
she has so much business stuff
on her computer that she needs a new hard drive...
so he bought her terra byte super duper har drive etc etc ...
sent it to her and aalso sent her a moby phone
because here's wouldn't work properly
and he also sent , as it was xmas
2 teddy bears ...(ahhh)
she got them all...
they still talk and lovey dovey etc ...
he's not daft but he's fairly naive on the net
(He's been warned)
and so he said to her
i'd like to see a photograph of you holding the teddy bears..
she said yes....
she'd sort it as soon as......
i asked him did she send the photo,
he said no because her auntie died this week
and she has been sad and had to go to her funeral...
so far no photograph has been sent.
he's now a tad more than suspicous
but still holding onto his dream..kinda thing
so last week instead of sending him a photograph
of herself holding the teddy bears......
she deposited 25,000 pounds into his bank account!!
the first question i asked him was as they say
"bleedin obvious"
"How did she get your bank details"?
he replied..
"i only sent her my sort code,
she said she had money from the business and she
wanted to put it in my account so she would have money
when she arrived here, and she wanted to give me
some money to treat myself until she arrived,
and also it's to prove that she is actually coming over etc "
i raised an eyebrow perhaps two....
it's clear he's experiencing the sin of avarice
as well as the crime of stupidity.....
but even Rodin nods occasionally....
today in email
(yes, of course she has his email and his
name and his proper home address)
today she sent him a form...
and on the phone she said she is about to
book her ticket to come to uk
but ...
(It's such a great word that isn't it...BUT
you just know something else is coming behind it !)
but .....what she needs first is 2,000 dollars
to prove to immigration that she has viable means of support etc
so i checked the ghanian requirements etc
bit complicated but whatever,
she claims she has a british passport
she said she was born in leeds
i know a tad about british citizens and british nationals
(i've an irish mother etc )
she claims she's coming here for love - to settle etc
as a british national with a british passport
she is entitled to walk straight back into HER country i told him,
briish citizen youy have to fulfill certain requirements etc
(that might be the other way round ..but its either or either )
so he 's just sent me the form she has sent him,
to explain to him why she has to pay 2,000 dollars ......
and true to form, the letter itself is nonsense
spelling mistakes grammatical mistakes and implausible
my friend is not the best speller in the world
and so he didnt see the mistakes.....
he is now rather disappointed and said he's going to confront her....
i've suggested he remain nice and just go along with it..
like the song says
"little does she know that i know that she knows that i know "
@kursall flyers
thing is ....other than hard drive a phone etc ..
she hasn't asked for anything else (yet !)
and he sees this as "must be real she's asked for nothing"
I've read on here etc about flashing and the likes,
i know it's a scam, not sure how its working though
the money was sent on a bankers draft,
and i don't know anything about them
i also read on here about money laundering and
suggested to him that's what's going on...
so he asked her..doh!
to which she replied ..
"course not" ..
and she got irate ...
there is an irony to this,
my friend has had more women than most guys could dream of
(that's why he was on a dating ...and he got hooked Smile)
and there's an element of karma about this,
and even though his name is not could well be !
and on top of that he's new to the net,
he thinks he's just invented it kinda thing,
and he hasn't exactly been modest in his revelations
"I've met this tasty bird on the net,
she loves me she's rich etc aren't i lucky"
er lol no not at all sucker....
but he is my mate so....
etc etc ..
anyone any ideas of how this scam works please?
(sorry tried to be brief but....)
I have the form he sent me but can't see where to input it...
Img button but can't see add attachment button