by MeSandi366
Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:03 pm
I have been corresponding with a man over the internet for the past several weeks. This man states that he is in the army and stationed in Afghanastian. He has stated that he wants to take a leave and come home. He is telling me that before he can do this he has to pay for some damages that he caused. Since I am not familiar with military life, would this possibly be a factor in him not being able to get his leave? He states that he has to pay $4,500 dollars before his leave will be approved. I asked him why he could not access the money from his bank account. He has said that his money goes straight to the states and that he can't get access until he is back in the states. Everything that I have read regarding a deployed soldier states that they have access if necessary to their money as well as being able to make phone calls to family members in the states. I don't know what to believe now. I have no money to send to him to help, but don't want to just not try to help do something if what he is saying is true. Please help.....