Information on romance scams and scammers.
by The Enchantress Mon Jun 07, 2010 3:21 pm
Olga Pert

Liar and romance scammer

Aka Ekaterina Kowjazina or Olchik or Olga Colin or Olchikcolin

Claims 30 years old, single, never married, no children, "agency manager" living in Perth, Scotland, UK

Mail addresses used [email protected] [email protected]

X-Mailer: The Bat! (v3.85.01) Professional

Note - this scammer is using stolen photographs of model "Vika (Viktoriya) Bonya"




Ciao, mio caro xxxxx! Spero che non ti dispiaccia se ti chiamo cosi? ;)). Sono molto lieto di comunicare con
voi, e sono anche lieto di chiamarti "mio caro".

Come stai? Come sta il tuo stato d'animo? Come stai? Spero che tu e hai tutto in perfetto ordine. Come sono le
vostre giornate? Scrivimi. Sono curioso di sapere come trascorrere il vostro tempo.

Ogni giorno mi metto sempre piu tempo a pensare a te, pensare al futuro. Mi chiedo dove faremo la nostra
comunicazione? ... Mi auguro che il nostro dialogo ci portera solo ad un futuro prospero e di successo;)).
Penso che anche voi lo volete. si? ;)

Ero un po 'sconvolto con la tua opinione su questo nostro incontro. Ho letto attentamente la tua lettera e sono
reso conto che non siete ancora pronti per un incontro nella realta. si? Io sono piu volte detto all'inizio
della nostra conoscenza che non avevo intenzione di perdere tempo con le numerose lettere. Te l'ho detto, se ho
l'opportunita, mi incontro con voi immediatamente. Non vedo alcuna ragione per scrivere lettere a vicenda e non
vedersi. Si tratta di una perdita di tempo. Penso che l'incontro in realta molto meglio di lettere. Uno sguardo
negli occhi puo sostituire 1000 caratteri. dobbiamo solo guardare a vicenda in tempo reale, comunicare con 5
minuti, e si puo imparare molto gli uni degli altri. Mi capisci? Non lo so, sono d'accordo con lui oppure no.
Ora non posso dirvi la data esatta quando posso venire da te. Nei prossimi giorni dovro andare in viaggio
d'affari a Mosca per preparare e firmare un contratto. Mi capisci? Non so quanto tempo potrebbe prendere.
eventualmente, 1 giorno, 2 giorni o 1 settimana. Tutto dipende da quanto velocemente riesco a raccogliere i
documenti e incontrarsi con i partner commerciali. Spero che tu mi capisci in questo? ma anche se sono stato a
Mosca, terremo in contatto. Io ti scrivero xxxxx. quindi voglio dirvi che avete ancora tempo per pensare
e prendere una decisione definitiva. Voglio che tu presto mi ha dato una risposta precisa e chiara, se e
d'accordo per incontrarsi con me dopo il mio viaggio? Vi prego di rispondere. Ho bisogno di sapere su di esso.
Se non siete d'accordo, allora io non ho intenzione di fretta e io tranquillamente risolvere i loro problemi di

Probabilmente su questo voglio finire la mia lettera e mi guardera in avanti alla vostra risposta. Voglio
augurarvi una bella giornata e buon umore. Si prega di prendersi cura di voi stessi! :))).

Con tenerezza Olchik!


Hello, my xxxxx beloved! I hope that not you dispiaccia if I call to you thus? . They are a lot lieto to communicate with you, and are also lieto of chiamarti " mine caro". How you are? As it is your state d' mind? How you are? I hope that you and you have all in perfect order. How they are your days? You write to me. They are curious of knowing as to pass your time. Every day I put time more and more to think you, to think next to the future. I ask myself where we will make our communication? … I augur myself that our dialogue us portera only to a future succeeding Prospero and of. Task that also want you it. ? I was a po ' upset with your opinion on this our encounter. I have read your letter carefully and are rendered account that you are not still ready for an encounter in reality. ? I am many times over I dictate all' beginning of our acquaintance that I did not have intention to lose time with numerous letters. You l' I have said, if I have l' opportunity, I meet to me immediately with you. I do not see some reason in order to write letters mutually and not to look at themselves. Draft of a loss of time. Task that l' encounter in reality much letter best. A look in the eyes puo to replace 1000 characters. we must watch mutually in real time, only communicate with 5 minuteren, and puo to very learn ones of the others. You understand to me? I do not know it, are d' agreement with he or not. Now I cannot dirvi the exact date when I can come from you. In the next few days dovro to go in travel d' transactions to Moscow in order to prepare and to sign a contract. You understand to me? I do not know how much time could take. eventually, 1 day, 2 days or 1 week. All it depends fastly from how much I succeed to collect documents and to meet itself with the partner trades them. I hope that you understand to me in this? but even if they have been to Moscow, we will hold in contact. I scrivero you xxxxx. therefore I want dirvi that you have still time in order to think and to take a decision definitive. I want that you soon have given a precise and clear answer to me, if and d' agreement in order to meet itself with me after my travel? I pray you to answer. I have need of knowing on it. If you are not d' agreement, then I do not have intention of haste and I calmly to resolve their problems of business. Probably on this I want to end my letter and guardera me in ahead to your answer. I want augurarvi a beautiful day and the good humor. It is prayed to take cure of same you!
With Olchik tenderness!
Last edited by The Enchantress on Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:51 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
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Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.

by Ralph Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:14 am
For the Russian scammers it makes little difference to them as to what language they use to scam you, their emails are almost entirely ran through translation software so whether they use English, French or in this case Italian, it make no difference at all.

Dalle prime righe della mia lettera voglio ringraziare per quello che non hanno trascurato la mia prima
lettera;)). Mi ha fatto molto piacere ricevere la vostra risposta. una volta voglio dirti che io non ho
intenzione di perdere tempo in conversazione di significato. Inoltre, io non intendo spendere molto tempo
socializzazione. perche la cosa piu importante nella nostra conoscenza e un incontro reale. Sei d'accordo con
questo? Penso che alla riunione in realta ci puo mostrare se possiamo continuare a comunicare, costruire a
lungo termine rapporto di cooperazione, e se e in questo senso. quindi io voglio essere il risultato della
nostra conversazione e stato il nostro incontro nella realta. se non siete d'accordo con quello, allora per
favore fatemelo sapere in anticipo che ho intrattenuto speranze sono futili e non perse tempo. Bene! per
favore, sii serio, onesto e sincero nei rapporti con me! Questa e la mia grande richiesta!

Bene. Ora vorrei approfondire me stesso. Come ho scritto nella mia prima lettera, il mio nome e Olga. Io vivo a
Perth in Scozia. possibile che tu abbia sentito la mia citta? ma sono nato in Russia. Mia madre era una donna
russa e la sua giovinezza incontro con un uomo (mio padre) dalla Scozia. In questo momento, un uomo straniero e
venuto in viaggio d'affari in Russia, a Mosca. Mia madre lavorava in mensa. Fu li che ha incontrato gli uomini
stranieri, che sapeva un po 'di russo. dopo un viaggio di un uomo straniero per qualche tempo rimase con la
mamma. Dopo qualche tempo, questo uomo straniero torno in Scozia. Devono comunicare attraverso le lettere.
pochi mesi dopo mia madre ha scoperto che era incinta di quell'uomo e indossava uno stomaco me;)). quando mia
mamma era giunto il momento di dare alla luce, mio padre e arrivato in Russia per stare vicino a mia mamma. Io
sono nato! Una volta mia sinistra dall'ospedale, mio padre ha preso mia madre con me in Scozia. Dal momento che
vivo in Scozia. Ma a volte visito i miei amici in Russia. Li ho incontrati quando ho visitato la mia nonna. ma
purtroppo, mia nonna e morta. quindi, di tanto in tanto faccio visita a Mosca, solo i loro amici ...

Purtroppo, qualche anno fa i miei genitori sono morti in un incidente d'auto. Mio padre era un business, che e
attualmente il mio manager. me ne parenti ne amici. Ho colleghi solo. Ora mi e stato particolarmente evidente
mancanza di attenzione maschile, amore, tenerezza e affetto.

Ohhh .. Sono un po 'stanco di scrivere una lunga lettera. Mi auguro che non sara difficile leggere una lettera
lunga. Penso che si sarebbe interessato. Se qualcosa non vi sembrera chiaro, assicurarsi che tu mi hai chiesto
nella tua prossima lettera. Okay?

Voglio anche dirvi un po 'di piu su te stesso. la mia altezza e di 170 centimetri, il mio peso - 45 kg. Io amo
gli animali, soprattutto gatti. Ho un gatto, il cui nome - Maroussia. Questo e un nome russo;)).

Ora ho alcune domande per te, che sono molto interessati.

1. La questione principale, che ne pensi della nostra conoscenza?
2. Dove abiti? Scrivimi di piu su questo.
3. Quanti anni hai e lo fa per voi alcuna differenza nel significato eta?
4. Avete famiglia, i parenti?
5. Stai lavorando?
6. I vostri bambini, e se si desidera che il futuro di avere figli?
7. Sarebbe anche interessante sapere sui tuoi hobby.

Ti prego, perdonami per quello che ti ho chiesto tante domande. ma io voglio sapere di tutto questo. Saro
riconoscente e grato a voi se rispondere a tutte le mie domande ;)),.

Penso che questa e la mia seconda lettera sara sufficiente. Nel concludere la mia lettera, spero che sarete
interessati alla nostra comunicazione del futuro. Vi auguro un meraviglioso tempo e buon umore. Io attendo con
grande interesse e attesa per la risposta. Cordiali saluti, Olga.

Ps: ho solo una foto con mia mamma, che e gia non piu in vita. I tesori questa foto e ha deciso di inviare.
Spero che ti piace la mia foto. Scrivimi la tua opinione su di loro. Okay? Saro lieto di leggere e sapere cosa
ne pensate.

Here is a translation with some added spacing;

From the first lines of my letter I want ringraziare for what they have not neglected my before letter;)). It has made much pleasure me to receive your answer. once I want dirti that I do not have intention to lose time in meaning conversation.

Moreover, I do not mean to spend much time socialization. because the more important thing in our acquaintance and a real encounter. You are d' agreement with this? Task that to the reunion in reality puo to show to us if we can continue to communicate, to construct cooperation relationship in the long term, and if and in so far as.

therefore I want to be the result of our conversation and state our encounter in reality. if you are not d' agreement with that one, then please fatemelo to know in advance payment that I have entertained hopes futili and is not lost time. Well! please, be serious, honest and sincere in the relationships with me! This and my great demand! Well. Now I would want to deepen same me.

As I have written in my first letter, my name and Olga. I live to Perth in Scozia. possible that you have felt my city? but they have been born in Russia. My mother was a Russian woman and its giovinezza encounter with a man (my father) from the Scozia. In this moment, a foreign and come man in travel d' transactions in Russia, to Moscow. My mother worked in catering. He was them that she has met the foreign men, that knew a po ' of Russian. after a travel of a foreign man for some time she remained with the mother.

After some time, this foreign man I return in Scozia. They must communicate through letters. little months after my mother it has uncovered who was pregnant of quell' man and wore a stomach me;)). when my mother was reached the moment of giving to the light, my father and arrived in Russia in order to be near my mother. I have been born! Once my left dall' hospital, my father has taken my mother with me in Scozia. From the alive moment that in Scozia. But sometimes I visit my friends in Russia.

I have met them when I have visited my grandmother. but unfortunately, my died grandmother and. therefore, every now and then I make visit Moscow, solo their friends… Unfortunately, some year it makes my parents are died in an incident d' car. My father was a business, than and currently mine manager. me of relatives of friendly. I have colleagues single.

Now me and be particularly obvious lack of male attention, love, tenderness and affection. Ohhh. They are a po ' tired to write a long letter. I augur myself that sara difficult not to read a long letter. Task that would have been interested. If something not you sembrera clearly, to make sure that you have asked to me in your next letter. Okay?

I want also dirvi a po ' more on same you. my height and of 170 centimeters, my weight - 45 kg. I love the animals, above all cats. I have a cat, whose name - Maroussia. This and a Russian name;)). Now I have some questions for you, that they are a lot interested.
1. The main issue, than of tasks of our acquaintance?
2. Where dresses? You more write me on this.
3. How many years you ago have and for you some difference in the meaning age?
4. You have family, the relatives?
5. You are working?
6. Your children, and if the future of having sons is desired that?
7. It would be also interesting to know on yours hobby.

I pray to you, pardons to me for what I have asked you many questions. but I want to know of all this. Saro recognizing and pleasing to you if to answer to all my questions;)). Task that this and my second sufficient letter sara. In concluding my letter, I hope that you will be interested to our communication of the future. I augur you a wonderful time and the good humor.

I attend with great attended interest and for the answer. Sincerely yours, Olga. Ps: I have only a photo with my mother, than and already not more while still alive. The treasures this photo and has decided to send. I hope that it appeals to my photo to you. You write your opinion to me on they. Okay? Saro lieto to read and to know what of thoughts.
by Ralph Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:18 am
Ciao, il mio "nuovo" amico Removed.

Oggi ho controllato la mia casella di posta, ed e stato molto piacevolmente sorpreso dalla tua lettera. prima
di scrivere la tua risposta, mi piacerebbe sapere come stai? Come Come sta il tuo stato d'animo? Spero che il
vostro stato d'animo e buono come il mio. Sono contento che sei interessato a me. Dopo tutto, una nuova
conoscenza - che e sempre qualcosa di nuovo e interessante nella vita. E d'accordo con me in questo?

Sono un po 'deluso dal fatto che tu non hai risposto alle mie domande. Vorrei conoscere la ragione per cui non
ha risposto alle mie domande? Hai letto la mia ultima lettera? per favore, se non si complicano, la risposta
alle mie domande nella tua prossima lettera. Okay?

Sulle tue foto! Grazie. :). Sono lieto di ricevere le vostre foto. e se volete sapere la mia opinione, allora
ti dirò che sei un uomo simpatico. Mi piace. :). Ora, sapendo ciò che sembri, io sarò sempre lieto di ricevere
le vostre immagini in qualsiasi quantità! :))). Ok? quando è stata fatta è la tua foto? " Ancora una volta,
grazie per mi ha inviato le foto. Ero molto felice:)

Ora vorrei continuare la storia su di te. Credo che sarebbe interessato a imparare qualcosa di nuovo su di me,
sulla mia vita e di lavoro. Come ho gia scritto nella mia prima lettera, ho un lavoro, la vostra casa. Io
lavoro in un'agenzia di pubblicita, che si chiama "Ledaig". Sono contento che ho una bella apparenza e forma
del corpo eccellente. Con questo posso girare in spot pubblicitari. Lavoro anche come modello. quando mio padre
era vivo, e stato direttore di detta agenzia. Ma la tragedia con i miei genitori. Ti ho scritto su questo nella
mia ultima lettera. Ho perso i miei genitori. Ho sofferto di disagio intenso. Dopo questo incidente con i miei
genitori, agenzia di pubblicita di mio padre era sull'orlo della rovina. Ho dovuto prendere l'iniziativa e
continuare l'attivita di mio padre. E 'stato molto difficile. In un primo momento non ho nemmeno far fronte
alle difficolta. Ma nonostante il mal di cuore, il dolore nel mio cuore, sono stato in grado di bilanciare il
lavoro di mio padre. Ora uso un grande successo e prestigio. Ho tutto! ma io non avere abbastanza felicita
nella mia vita personale. Io sono anche pronto a dare tutte le mie ricchezze per il bene di una vita felice con
il mio uomo amato! Mi manca un calore maschile, di tenerezza, di amore e affetto. Non voglio spendere la loro
gioventu e il resto della sua vita in solitudine. Non so se puoi capirmi ora, il mio stato d'animo ... ma ti
sto scrivendo ora tutto quello che sento nel mio cuore. Voglio solo dirvi che comunicare con voi, saro onesto,
sincero. Inoltre, da voi voglio chiedere una tale reciprocita. Si prega di essere onesto con me. Okay? Ora vi
chiedo in questa lettera, la questione principale. Per quale scopo si e in Internet e quali sono i vostri
obiettivi nel comunicare con me? Prova a darmi una risposta sincera. me e molto importante. Se continui a me
onesti e sinceri, ma in futuro non posso aprire il mio cuore a te ...

Su questo finisco di scrivere. Spero che non sarete delusi in me e nel continuare il nostro dialogo. con grande
impazienza deve aspettare il proprio a seguito della lettera e le vostre risposte. Voglio augurarvi uno stato
d'animo meraviglioso e positivo. Cordiali saluti, Olchik;)).

Hello, mine " nuovo" Removed friend.

Today I have controlled my case of mail, and be a lot pleasantly surprised from your letter. before to write your answer, it would appeal to me to know as you are? Like As it is your state d' mind? I hope that your state d' mind and bond like mine. They are content that you are interested me.

After all, a new acquaintance - than and always something of new and interesting in the life. And d' agreement with me in this? They are a po ' disappointed from the fact that you have not answered to my questions. I would want to know the reason for which it has not answered to my questions? You have read my last letter?

please, if they are not complicated, the answer to my questions in your next letter. Okay? On your photos! Thanks. :). They are lieto to receive your photos. and if you want to know my opinion, then I will say to you that you are a likeable man. It appeals to me. :).

Now, knowing this that he seems, I will be always lieto to receive your images in any amount! :))). Ok? when it has been made is your photo? " Once again, thanks for have sent the photos to me. I was much happy one:) Now I would want to continue the history on you.

Creed that would be interested to learn something of new on me, on my life and of job. As I have already written in my first letter, I have a job, your house. I job in un' publicity agency, than is called " Ledaig". They are content that I have a beautiful appearance and form of the excellent body. With this I can turn in spot advertising. Job also like model. when my father was alive, and be director of said agency. But the tragedy with my parents. I have written to you on this in my last letter.

I have lost my parents. I have suffered from intense uneasiness. After this incident with my parents, agency of publicity of my father was sull' hem of the ruin. I have had to take l' initiative and to continue l' activity of my father. And ' state much difficult one. At first I do not have not to make forehead the difficulties. But although badly of heart, the pain in my heart, has been in a position to balancing job of my father. Now use a large one succeeding and prestige.

I have all! but I to have do not congratulate enough in my personal life. I am also ready to giving to all my wealth for the good of a happy life with my loved man! A male heat lacks me, of tenderness, love and affection. I do not want to spend theirs youth and the rest of its life in solitudine. I do not know if you can understand to me now, my state d' mind… but I am writing to you now all the one which I feel in my heart.

I want dirvi that to only communicate with you, saro honest, sincere. Moreover, from you I want to ask a such reciprocity. It is prayed of honest being with me. Okay? Now you I ask in this letter, the main issue. In order which scope and in Internet and which are yours objectives in communicating with me? It tries to give a sincere answer to me. me and a lot important.

If it continues to me honest and sincere, but in future I cannot open my heart to you… On this I end to write. I hope that you will not be disappointed in me and in continuing our dialogue. with great eagerness it must wait for own as a result of the letter and your answers. I want augurarvi a state d' wonderful and positive mind.

Sincerely yours,
by Ralph Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:22 am
Ciao, amico mio Removed!

Come stai? Come sono le vostre giornate? Qual e il tuo umore oggi? Mi auguro che che si sta leggendo la mia
lettera, il sorriso, e il tuo umore migliora. Scrivimi su di esso. interessante per me sapere. Sono felice di
ricevere la vostra nuova lettera nella mia cassetta postale. Sono lieto che continueremo la nostra
conversazione. Ogni giorno che passa, ho imparato di piu di te, di tua vita, sul tuo carattere. Chiaramente,
una conoscenza dettagliata e intimo, e possibile solo se ci sono un sacco di dettagli e di scrivere a vicenda
su se stessi. Sei d'accordo con me?

Nel momento in cui comunichiamo con voi, ho visto in te una sorta e la comprensione dell'uomo. comunicare con
voi il mio umore migliora. strano ... perche non ho mai avuto una tale sensazione quando ho parlato su
Internet. Ma tu sei per me un uomo particolare. Tu non sei un uomo, come gli altri. ma non riesco proprio a
capire e spiegare che cosa esattamente il caso. Spero che la nostra ulteriore comunicazione ci mostrera;)).
Ora, nella mia citta, il bel tempo. Che tempo hai? Scrivimi su di esso.

Purtroppo, oggi non ho tempo per rispondere alla tua lettera e le vostre domande. Ho pochissimo tempo. Sono
molto spesso fuori casa. ma ho poco tempo per scrivere a voi, una lettera poco. Appena ho un po 'piu di tempo
libero, ti scrivo piu in dettaglio e di rispondere a tutte le vostre domande. Okay? Spero che non si arrabbiera
con me? :). Concludo questa mia lettera a te. Quindi non perdere tutto il tempo, inviarvi la mia foto. Spero
che la mia immagine come te e migliorare il vostro stato d'animo;)).

Con affetto, Olchik!

Hello, friend my Removed!

How you are? How they are your days? Which and your humor today? I augur myself that is reading my letter, the smile, and your humor improves. You write to me on it. interesting for me to know. They are happy for receiving your new letter in my cassette mails them. They are lieto that we will continue ours conversation. Every day that passes, I have learned more than you, than your life, on your character. Clearly, a detailed acquaintance and intimate, and possible if there are a bag of details and to only write mutually on if same. You are d' agreement with me? In the moment in which we communicate with you, I have seen in you a kind and the understanding dell' man. to communicate with you my humor improves. strange… because I have not never had a such feeling when I have spoken on Internet. But you are for me a man detail. You are not a man, like the others. but I just do not succeed to understand and to explain what exactly the case. I hope that our ulterior mostrera communication us;)). Now, in my city, the beautiful time. Which time you have? You write to me on it. Unfortunately, today I do not have time in order to answer to your letter and your questions. I have least time. They are a lot often outside house. but I have little time in order to write to you, a letter little. As soon as I have a po ' more than free time I more write, you in detail and than to answer to all your questions. Okay? I hope that not arrabbiera with me? :). I conclude this my letter to you. Therefore not to lose all the time, inviarvi my photo. I hope that my image like you and to improve your state d' mind;)). With affection, Olchik!
by Ralph Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:30 am
Ciao, mio caro Removed!

Spero che non ti dispiaccia se ti chiamo cosi? ;)). Sono molto lieto di comunicare con
voi, e sono anche lieto di chiamarti "mio caro".

Come stai? Come sta il tuo stato d'animo? Come stai? Spero che tu e hai tutto in perfetto ordine. Come sono le
vostre giornate? Scrivimi. Sono curioso di sapere come trascorrere il vostro tempo.

Ogni giorno mi metto sempre piu tempo a pensare a te, pensare al futuro. Mi chiedo dove faremo la nostra
comunicazione? ... Mi auguro che il nostro dialogo ci portera solo ad un futuro prospero e di successo;)).
Penso che anche voi lo volete. si? ;)

Ero un po 'sconvolto con la tua opinione su questo nostro incontro. Ho letto attentamente la tua lettera e sono
reso conto che non siete ancora pronti per un incontro nella realta. si? Io sono piu volte detto all'inizio
della nostra conoscenza che non avevo intenzione di perdere tempo con le numerose lettere. Te l'ho detto, se ho
l'opportunita, mi incontro con voi immediatamente. Non vedo alcuna ragione per scrivere lettere a vicenda e non
vedersi. Si tratta di una perdita di tempo. Penso che l'incontro in realta molto meglio di lettere. Uno sguardo
negli occhi puo sostituire 1000 caratteri. dobbiamo solo guardare a vicenda in tempo reale, comunicare con 5
minuti, e si puo imparare molto gli uni degli altri. Mi capisci? Non lo so, sono d'accordo con lui oppure no.
Ora non posso dirvi la data esatta quando posso venire da te. Nei prossimi giorni dovro andare in viaggio
d'affari a Mosca per preparare e firmare un contratto. Mi capisci? Non so quanto tempo potrebbe prendere.
eventualmente, 1 giorno, 2 giorni o 1 settimana. Tutto dipende da quanto velocemente riesco a raccogliere i
documenti e incontrarsi con i partner commerciali. Spero che tu mi capisci in questo? ma anche se sono stato a
Mosca, terremo in contatto. Io ti scrivero, Removed;). quindi voglio dirvi che avete ancora tempo per pensare
e prendere una decisione definitiva. Voglio che tu presto mi ha dato una risposta precisa e chiara, se e
d'accordo per incontrarsi con me dopo il mio viaggio? Vi prego di rispondere. Ho bisogno di sapere su di esso.
Se non siete d'accordo, allora io non ho intenzione di fretta e io tranquillamente risolvere i loro problemi di

Probabilmente su questo voglio finire la mia lettera e mi guardera in avanti alla vostra risposta. Voglio
augurarvi una bella giornata e buon umore. Si prega di prendersi cura di voi stessi! :))).

Con tenerezza Olchik!

Hello, my Removed beloved!

I hope that not you dispiaccia if I call to you thus? ;)). They are a lot lieto to communicate with you, and are also lieto of chiamarti " mine caro". How you are? As it is your state d' mind? How you are? I hope that you and you have all in perfect order. How they are your days? You write to me. They are curious of knowing as to pass your time. Every day I put time more and more to think you, to think next to the future.

I ask myself where we will make our communication? … I augur myself that our dialogue us portera only to a future succeeding Prospero and of;)). Task that also want you it. ? ;) I was a po ' upset with your opinion on this our encounter. I have read your letter carefully and are rendered account that you are not still ready for an encounter in reality. ?

I am many times over I dictate all' beginning of our acquaintance that I did not have intention to lose time with numerous letters. You l' I have said, if I have l' opportunity, I meet to me immediately with you. I do not see some reason in order to write letters mutually and not to look at themselves. Draft of a loss of time. Task that l' encounter in reality much letter best. A look in the eyes puo to replace 1000 characters. we must watch mutually in real time, only communicate with 5 minuteren, and puo to very learn ones of the others. You understand to me?

I do not know it, are d' agreement with he or not. Now I cannot dirvi the exact date when I can come from you. In the next few days dovro to go in travel d' transactions to Moscow in order to prepare and to sign a contract. You understand to me? I do not know how much time could take. eventually, 1 day, 2 days or 1 week. All it depends fastly from how much I succeed to collect documents and to meet itself with the partner trades them. I hope that you understand to me in this? but even if they have been to Moscow, we will hold in contact.

I scrivero you, Removed ;). therefore I want dirvi that you have still time in order to think and to take a decision definitive. I want that you soon have given a precise and clear answer to me, if and d' agreement in order to meet itself with me after my travel? I pray you to answer. I have need of knowing on it. If you are not d' agreement, then I do not have intention of haste and I calmly to resolve their problems of business. Probably on this I want to end my letter and guardera me in ahead to your answer. I want augurarvi a beautiful day and the good humor. It is prayed to take cure of same you! :))). With Olchik tenderness!
by The Enchantress Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:49 pm
This scammer will also scam using English language

Hello xxxxx!

From the very first lines of my letter I want to thank you for what you have not disregarded my first letter. I was very pleased to receive your answer. immediately want to tell you that I'm not going to waste time on meaningless conversation. Also, I do not intend to spend much time socializing. because the most important thing in our acquaintance is a real meeting. Do you agree with this? I think that the only meeting in reality may show us whether we can continue to communicate, build long-term cooperative relationship, and whether it is in this sense. Therefore, I want the result of our communication was our meeting in reality. if you do not agree with this, then please let me know in advance that I felt no vain hopes and wasted no time.

Good! please, be serious, honest and sincere in dealing with me! That's my big request!

All right. I would now like to elaborate on myself. As I wrote in my first letter, My name is Olga. I live in Scotland in Perth. possible that you heard about my city? but I was born in Russia. My mother was a Russian woman and her young years met with a man (my father) from Scotland. At this time, a foreign man came on a business trip to Russia, to Moscow. My mother worked in the canteen. It was there that she met with foreign men, who knew a little Russian. after the trip a foreign man for some time he stayed with my mom. After some time, this foreign man went back to Scotland. They maintained contact through letters. a few months later my mom found out she was pregnant by this man and had a stomach me. when my mom was time to give birth, my father arrived in Russia to stay close to my mom. I was born! Once my left from the hospital, my father took my mother with me in Scotland. Since I live in Scotland. But sometimes I visit my friends in Russia. I met them when I visit my grandmother. but unfortunately, my grandmother is dead. therefore, from time to time I go to Moscow only their friends ...

Unfortunately, a few years ago my parents died in a car accident. My father was a business, which is currently the manager myself. I have no relatives or friends. I have only colleagues. Now I was particularly noticeable lack of male attention, love, tenderness and affection.

Ohhh .. I am a bit tired to write a long letter. I hope that you will not be difficult to read such a long letter. I think you would be interested. If you something will not seem obvious, it must have asked me about it in your next letter. Okay?

I also want to tell you a little more about yourself. my height is 170 centimeters, my weight - 45 kilograms. I love animals, especially cats. I have a cat, whose name - Maroussia. This is a Russian name.

Now I have a few questions for you, which I am very much interested.

- The main question, what do you think of our acquaintance?
- Where do you live? Write me in more detail about this.
- How old are you and does it for you any significance difference in age?
- Do you have family, relatives?
- Are you working?
- Do you have children, and whether you want the future to have children?
- It would also be interesting to know about your hobby.

Please forgive me for what I asked you so many questions. But I want to know about all this. I'll be thankful and grateful to you if you answer all my questions.

I think that this is my second letter will suffice. In concluding my letter I hope that you will be interested in our communication in the future. I wish you a wonderful time and excellent mood. I will look forward with great interest and wait for your answer. Sincerely, Olchik.

Ps: I have only one picture with my mom, which is already no longer alive. I treasure this photo and decided to send you. I hope you enjoy my photos. Write me your opinion about them.

Okay? would be my pleasure to read and know what you think.

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by The Enchantress Sun Jun 13, 2010 3:50 pm
Additional stolen photographs used by this scammer;




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by Mavro Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:03 pm
The Enchantress wrote:Claims "agency manager" living in Perth, Scotland, UK

In that case the steering wheel of her car is on the wrong side... :laugh-s:

by The Enchantress Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:56 pm
Good point Mavro, but there are no restrictions on left-hand drive car ownership in the UK.

This scammer is almost certainly a male "pretending" to be female - using stolen photographs.

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by The Enchantress Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:58 pm
Mails continue;

Hi, my "new" friend xxxxx.

Today I checked my mailbox, and was very pleasantly surprised by your letter. before you write your response, I would like to know how are you? How How's your mood? It is my hope that your mood is only as good as mine. I glad that you are interested in me. After all, the new acquaintance - it's always something new and interesting in life. You agree with me in this?

Immediately want to thank you for what you have answered my questions from past letters. I was very pleased and eager to learn about you. But I would like to know more about you. I therefore hope that our further communication will become prosperous turnovers. I would like to see interest in each other with each passing day more and more. I think you also want it. I right?

Now I myself want to answer the questions that I asked you in my last letter:

1. I want to make our acquaintance was the beginning of a new life for each of us.

2. I live in the southern part of Scotland, in Perth. This is a very ancient city, but beautiful and rich nature.

3. I'm 30 years old. For me the age difference with a man of no importance. most important to me that my future man was sincere and honest.

4. Unfortunately, I do not have one. I am lonely.

5. I work. I have a very good job, which I like. I'll tell you more about my work in this letter.

6. I never been married and, accordingly, I do not have children, but I want to have children and start a family but I began looking for a man with whom I can think of a relationship in the future.

7. My hobbies are: listening to music, traveling, discovering new places.

Now I would like to continue the story about himself. I think you would be interested to learn something new about me, about my life and work. As I already wrote in my first letter, I have a job, your own house. I work in the advertising agency, which is called "Ledaig". I am glad that I have a beautiful appearance and excellent body shape. With this I can shoot in commercials. I also work as a model. when my father was alive, he was director of this agency. But tragedy struck with my parents. I wrote to you about this in my last letter. I lost their parents. I suffered intense distress. After this accident with my parents, my father's advertising agency was on the brink of ruin. I had to take the lead and continue the business of my father. It was very
difficult. at first I did not even cope with difficulties. But despite the heartache, the pain in my heart, I was able to balance the work of my father. Now I use a great success and prestige. I have everything! but I do not have enough happiness in my personal life. I've had several relationships with men. But sometimes I find out that the man or unfaithful to me with another woman, or are interested in my money. or I do not have anything to do with him. so my past relationships could not succeed. Now I am even ready to give all my wealth for the sake of a happy life with my favorite man! I'm missing a male warmth, tenderness, love and affection. I do not want to spend their youth and the rest of his life in solitude. I do not know whether you can understand me now, my state of mind ... but I am writing you now everything that I feel is in my heart. Just want to tell you that communicating with you, I'll be honest, sincere. Also, from you I want to ask such a reciprocity.

please be honest with me. Okay? Now I want to ask you in this letter, the main issue. For what purpose you are in the Internet and what your purpose in communicating with me? Please try to give me an honest answer. me is very important. If you keep me honest and sincere, but in future I can open my heart to you ...

On this I finish writing. I hope that you will not be disappointed in me and in continuing our dialogue. with great impatience shall wait your following letter and your answers. I want to wish you a beautiful and positive mood.

Sincerely, Olchik

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by The Enchantress Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:59 pm




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by The Enchantress Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:28 pm
Hello, my friend xxxxx

I am very glad to receive from you is your next letter and interest in me! I'm glad that our friendship continues and every day we are more interested in showing each other.

Since the beginning of my letter as I want to thank you for your beautiful lines on my photos. I am very pleased, and heartwarming to read your beautiful words about me. But despite the beauty, I'm still lonely. I have made for themselves concluded that the most important thing in life is not beautiful. The most important thing that a person in itself was good. Do you agree with me in this?

My friend, I would also like to ask you, why do not you send me your photo? We have already written several letters to each other, but I still can not see what you look like. I understand that the most important thing is not the external beauty of man. but I still would like to see you. I am writing this letter, I'm trying to imagine your appearance, your image. so I would have been easier do it if you send me your photo. I hope that you are not going to ignore my request?

How are you? How are your days? what's new going on in your life over the past few days? probably what you want to tell me about it?. I hope you're all all right? My friend xxxxx, if the soul you have some problem, a question that worries you, then we could discuss this with you. I can give some advice. But in any case, remember that I am always here. I am always ready to discuss with you some problem to help you. Okay?

xxxxx, I am pleased to communicate with you. I can find with you common language, common questions and concerns. When I finish the letter, I am surprised that I wrote a long letter. I never talked to a man as much detail as I communicate with you. I think that in a real meeting we will be able to quickly find a common language. yes? What do you think about the meeting in reality? You would be glad? , or do you want to communicate more? Write me about it. Who knows, maybe I could come to you, when I have free time from work.

I wrote to you that I'm alone and I have no friends. but it's not quite true. The fact is that I have a friend who lives very far away from me in Russia, Moscow. In childhood, when I was little, I went with my mother in Moscow. There lived my grandmother. Unfortunately, she died in my life for about 15 years ago. When I visited my grandmother in Moscow, I found a friend. Currently, 1 time a year I go now to my friend. By the way, I send you this letter to her photograph. I hope that you will be glad to see my girlfriend. Someday I want to invite her to my town. She had long dreamed about, to see my city, beautiful place. I think she will be happy.

Do you have friends, xxxxx? Write to me. I will be very interesting to read and know about your friends. and, in general, I am in every your letter very interesting to learn about your life. I hope that our dialogue will not be in vain, and we can even meet in real life.

All right. I have become very little time. Right now I have a lot of cases and issues on my work. I hope that you'll be glad to get me the answer. I wish you an excellent and positive mood. Think about good things. Our thoughts tend to materialize. I want in your life are only good and pleasant moments. Sincerely and respectfully,

your Olchik.


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by Mavro Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:47 pm
The Enchantress wrote:This scammer is almost certainly a male "pretending" to be female - using stolen photographs.

Yeah, well, no news there. Everytime I think I've finally found the love of me life 'she' turns out to be a guy in an internet cafe on Africa's west coast. It's so annoying... :wink:

by Ralph Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:06 am
Either that or a guy in a Russian internet cafe mavro ;)

Further email from this scammer, this time asking for money;

Ho un grosso problema. Io non so nemmeno come iniziare la mia lettera e cercare di spiegare a voi l'intera
situazione e problema. Vorrei chiedere il vostro perdono per quello che scrivo a voi con questo problema. ma
voi - la mia ultima speranza, Removed. Ieri stavo per incontrare la sua ragazza. Sono andato alla
metropolitana. Quando sono andata giu in metropolitana, sono stato derubato. Sono stato derubato di tutto:
soldi, tutti i documenti importanti e preziosi, biglietti, telefono. Non ho piu nulla. Non mi ricordo nemmeno i
numeri di telefono di miei colleghi. Io sono totalmente isolati dal loro paese. Accanto a me e solo il mio
amico Mariya. Tutto questo era nella mia borsa. Il ladro uno strattone la borsa dalle mani e scomparve in una
folla di persone che erano nella metropolitana sotterranea. Nella tasca sinistra e di 2000 rubli. Ho raggiunto
un amico. In primo luogo, ella era contenta del mio arrivo. ma quando le ho detto cosa mi era successo, era
sconvolto. Io stesso, inoltre, non puo ancora calma. quello che faccio. Sono confuso, Maurizio. La mia ragazza
mi ha detto che non sono andato alla polizia. perche non ho i documenti. Sono un cittadino straniero in Russia.
Dal momento che attualmente non hanno alcun documento comprovante la mia identita, la polizia mi puo fermare.
mi hai capito? Sono ancora sotto shock, non comprendendo l'intera situazione e problema. Oggi il mio amico
Mariya chiarito l'ambasciata del mio paese, che per ripristinare i documenti necessari una grande somma di
denaro. Purtroppo, non ho soldi, perche il mio denaro era nella borsa. Il ladro rubato tutto. la mia ragazza,
inoltre, non hanno tale somma di denaro. Per ripristinare i documenti necessari a 40 000 rubli russi. Si tratta
di circa 1300 Usd USA. Quindi, per ritornare alla mia citta, ho bisogno di prenotare un biglietto, che costa
375 Usd USA. la mia preferita, la quantita di denaro che devono tutti adesso, e 1675 Usd USA. Non lo so, come
ho ora trovare quella quantita di denaro. Non riesco a contattare nessuno per chiedere aiuto. Voi - la mia
unica speranza. il mio preferito, se potete aiutarmi ora, ti do subito i soldi quando torno a casa. Mi capisci?
Ho qualche soldo a casa. ma ora che ho con loro non hanno soldi a sinistra. per favore mi aiuti. non lasciarmi
in asso. Ho molto affidamento su di voi, Removed. Appena posso venire nella vostra citta, ho subito, lo stesso
giorno si invia il denaro. Poi mi verra a voi. Ci incontreremo con voi. Dio sa che non sto mentendo a voi, ma
ora sto nessun altro a turno. Vi prego di capire. Io ora molto necessaria per la comprensione e la vostra
fiducia. So che questa e una grossa somma di denaro per voi. E possibile che si potrebbe prendere in prestito a
qualcuno che quantita di denaro per aiutare me. Allora io ti do i soldi richiesti. ma ora, non allontanarsi da
me. Sono molto vergogna e il dolore che e successo a me questa situazione. Mi vergogno che ero ragazza ricca,
ti prego per tale assistenza. ma non ho altro modo per trovare i soldi per ripristinare i miei documenti. Mi
capisci? il mio amato, mia madre, i miei amici maschi, mi aiuti .. Con la speranza, io aspettero la risposta.
Il tuo Olchik.

I have a large problem. I do not know not even like beginning my letter and trying to explain you l' entire situation and problem. I would want to ask your forgiveness for what I write to you with this problem. but you - my last hope, Removed. Yesterday I was in order to meet its girl. They have gone to metropolitan. When they have gone down in metropolitan, they have been derubato. They have been derubato of all: money, all the important and precious documents, tickets, I telephone. I do not have more nothing. Me memory the numbers of I do not telephone of my colleagues. I totally am isolated from their country. Beside me and only my Mariya friend. All this was in my ag. The thief strattone a ag from the hands and scomparve in a crowd of persons who were in the metropolitan basement. In the left pocket and of 2000 rubles. I have caught up a friend. In the first instance, it was content of my arrival. but when I have said what to them had happened to me, it was upset. Same I, moreover, not puo still calm. what I make. They are confused, Maurizio. To my it has said me girl that they have not gone to the police. because I do not have documents. They are a foreign national in Russia. From the moment that currently does not have some proving document my identity, the police puo to stop to me. you have understood to me? They are still under shock, not comprising l' entire situation and problem. Today my cleared Mariya friend l' embassy of my country, than in order to restore the necessary documents a great sum of money. Unfortunately, I do not have money, because my money was in the ag. The stolen thief all. my girl, moreover, does not have such sum of money. In order to restore necessary documents to 40 000 rubles Russian. Draft of approximately 1300 Usd USA. Therefore, in order to return to my city, I have need to reserve a ticket, than coast 375 Usd USA. my preferred one, the amount of money that must all now, and 1675 Usd USA. I do not know it, as I have now to find that amount of money. I do not succeed to contact nobody in order to ask aid. You - my only hope. my preferred one, if you can help me now, I give the money quickly to you when I return to house. You understand to me? I have some money to house. but now that I have with they they do not have money on the left. please me aids. not to leave me in ace. I have much confidence on you, Removed. As soon as I can come in your city, I have quickly, the same day sends the money. Then me verra to you. We will meet ourselves with you. God knows that I am not lying to you, but now is no other to turn. I pray you to understand. I now much necessary for the understanding and your confidence. I know that this and a large sum of money for you. And possible that it could be taken on loan to that amount of money in order to help me. Then I give to the money demands to you. but now, not to go away from me. They are much shame and the pain that and succeeded to me this situation. Me vergogno that I was rich girl, I pray to you for such attendance. but I do not have other way in order to find the money in order to restore my documents. You understand to me? loved mine, my mother, my friendly males, me aids. With the hope, aspettero I the answer. Your Olchik.
by The Enchantress Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:56 pm
Hello, my friend xxxxx!

How are you? How are your days? What is your mood today? I hope that you are now reading my letter, smile, and your mood gets better. Write me about it. I wonder. I am happy to receive your new letter in my mailbox. I am glad that we'll continue our conversation. With each passing day, I learned more about you, about your life, about your character. Clearly, a detailed and intimate knowledge is possible only if we are a lot of detail and write each other about themselves. Do you agree with me?

At the time in which we communicate with you, I saw in you a kind and understanding man. communicate with you improves my mood. strange ... because I have never had such a feeling when I talked to over the Internet. But you are to me a peculiar man. You're not such a man, like the others. but I just can not understand and explain what exactly the case. I hope that our further communication will show us. Now in my city, good weather.

What weather do you have? Write me about it.

Unfortunately, today I do not have time to answer your letter and your questions. I have very little time. I am very rarely at home. but I have little time to write to you now, a little letter. As soon as I'll have a little more free time, I'll write you more detail and answer all your questions. Okay? I hope that you will not be angry with me?. this I conclude my letter to you. So you did not miss all the time, send you my photo. I hope that my picture like you and improve your mood.

With tenderness, Olchik!


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