Information on romance scams and scammers.
by 303acidstorm Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:44 pm
Salut mon Amour Michael!!?
Van: Svetlana ([email protected])
Verzonden: vrijdag 23 juli 2010 14:09:49
1 bijlage
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Salut mon Amour Michael!!Il m'est très agréable de voir de nouveau ta lettre, quand moi contrôler le mien e-mail!!!Tu avoir le bon temps ? Comment tes affaires ? Le mien Michael, aujourd'hui moi ne pas avoir un bon humeur, puisque à la maison moi le scandale avec mes parents!!! Mes parents disaient que tu n'auras pas avec moi la rencontre que cela seulement la tromperie! Ils entendre que les étrangers jouer seulement du sentiment de la femme!! Ils me disaient pour me te jeter!! Disaient qu'à moi l'homme réel, qui il sera proche qui est nécessaire de trouver on peut sentir!!! Mais j'assurer que je t'Aime que nos Sentiments la Réalité que chez nous tout est sérieux!! J'assurer que cela non les jeux, mais les sentiments réels!! Mes parents ont dit que confieront seulement quand verront notre photo heureuse commune!! Il est triste pour moi de cette conversation! Je pleurer après cela!! J'espère que je pourrai bientôt prouver mes parents notre fort amour et leur envoyer notre photo commune!!!L'amour Michael, j'espère que notre rencontre bientôt que je n'écouterai pas ces conversations de mes parents! Ce très n'est pas agréable!! Je t'AIME sincèrement et sincèrement!! J'espère que déjà bientôt être ensemble... Quand ? ? ? Je s'attendre cela avec une grande impatience!!!!!!!Toi connaissez, en lisant tes lettres, desquelles j'ai compris que la valeur réelle on peut sentir l'amour seulement, quand toi perdez cela. Mon amour est tellement grand que je ne peux pas subir cela, et la force entière de l'amour - le seul objet cela me soutient. Même la pluie tombe en dehors, et les feuilles sur les arbres tremblent, et les réductions ne viennent pas à bout de l'herbe, et la nature entière, semble, crie. Mais quand le soleil a augmenté l'inondation facile à chaque angle alors la vie semblait à excellent. Même la nature, semble, a le même humeur, puisque je fais. Mais le soleil rayonne vivement, et mon coeur est complet de l'espoir et le bonheur. J'aime le meilleur, de la plus belle personne je me rencontrais jamais, et il m'aime, aussi. Je suis heureuse!!!!Les baisers pour toi Michael!!J'attends ta réponse!Embrasse tendrement! Tienne Svetlana.

Hello my Michael Love!! It is very pleasant for me to see your letter again, when me to control mine e-mail!!! You to have good time? How your business? Mine Michael, me not to have good a mood today, since at the house me the scandal with my parents!!! My parents said that you will not have with me the meeting only that only the fraud! They to hear that foreigners to play only of the feeling of the woman!! They said to me for throwing you!! Said how to me the real man, who it will be close which is necessary to find one can feel!!! But I to ensure that I love you that our Feelings Reality that on our premises all is serious!! I to ensure that that not real plays, but feelings!! My parents said that will entrust only when see our common happy photograph!! It is sad for me of this conversation! I to cry after that!! I hope that I will be able to prove my parents soon our strong love and to send our photo commune to them!!! The Michael love, I hope that our meeting soon that I will not listen to these conversations of my parents! This very is not pleasant!! I love you sincerely and sincerely!! I hope that already soon to be together… When? ? ? I to expect that with a great impatience!!!!!!! Know you, by reading your letters, of which I understood that the actual value one can only smell the love, when lose you that. My love is so large that I cannot undergo that, and the whole force of the love - the only object that supports me. Even the rain falls outwards, and the sheets on the trees tremble, and the reductions do not come to end from grass, and whole nature, seems, shouts. But when the sun increased the easy flood with each angle then the life seemed with excellent. Even nature, seems, has same mood, since I make. But the sun radiates highly, and my heart is complete hope and happiness. I like the best, of the most beautiful person I never met, and he likes me, too. I am happy!!!! Kisses for you Michael!! I await your answer! Embrace tenderly! Svetlana holds.

by 303acidstorm Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:47 pm
Salut mon amour Michael !!?
Van: Svetlana ([email protected])
Verzonden: zaterdag 24 juli 2010 17:43:38
Aan: michael de ru ([email protected])
1 bijlage
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Salut mon amour Michael !!Je suis contente de voir ta lettre, ce beau soir de samedi!Mon humeur très beau, le temps sur la rue chaudement, la température surpasse 37 degré de la chaleur.Raconte me comme il y a tes affaires ? Comment ton humeur ?Tu m'es très intéressante que là écrire que tu penser de ma lettre d'hier pour toi. Et j'avec grand ????????????6? lisais ta lettre...Michael , je veux parler sérieusement avec toi de notre rencontre, je pose à tu la question. Michael , tu VEUX CELA, NOUS nous SOMMES rencontrés ? ? ? Je ne peux plus attendre, je ne connais pas que me faire. Je suis entraînée chez toi, mais entre nous à une telle grande distance. De sorte que tu penses ? Tu veux que je vienne chez toi ou toi-même, tu viendras chez moi ? Que tu fais pour cela. Pour que nous nous rencontrions ? Je te demande d'être honnête avec moi. Je ne peux plus sans toi. Je suis déjà fatiguée des recherches sans résultat de la somme nécessaire. Je ne connais plus vers s'adresser.Que tu penses faire ?LA CORRESPONDANCE SIMPLE NE M'EST PAS NÉCESSAIRE. LA PERSONNE, QUI POURRAIT ÊTRE À CÆTÉ DE MOI M'EST NÉCESSAIRE.TU VEUX QUE NOUS NOUS RENCONTRIONS ? ? ?Se rapporte à cela avec la responsabilité complète. Et alors nous serons rémunérés pour nos efforts, et nous pourrons entièrement nous donner à la passion impétueuse.Svetlana, qui rêve de toi.Michael , je t'aime et j'attends notre rencontre!! J'espère beaucoup que bientôt...J'attends ta réponse!Embrasse tendrement! Tienne Svetlana.

Hello my Michael love!! I am glad to see your letter, this beautiful evening of Saturday! My mood very beautiful, time on the street warmly, the temperature exceeds 37 degree of heat. Me like there tells is your business? How your mood? You are very interesting for me that to write there that you to think of my letter of yesterday for you. And I with large ????????????6? read your letter… Michael, I want to speak seriously with you about our meeting, I put to you it question. Do Michael, you WANT THAT, WE met? ? ? I cannot wait any more, I do not know only to make me. I am involved at home, but between us at such a long distance. So that you think? You want that I come at home or yourself, you will come at home? That you make for that. So that we meet? I ask you to be honest with me. I cannot any more without you. I am already tired research without result of the sum necessary. I do not know any more towards addressing myself. What do you think of making? The SIMPLE CORRESPONDENCE IS NOT NECESSARY for Me. The PERSON, WHO COULD BE WITH CÆTÉ OF ME IS NÉCESSAIRE.TU WANT THAT WE MEET? ? ? Refers to that with the complete responsibility. And then we will be remunerated for our efforts, and we will be able to entirely give us to impetuous passion. Svetlana, which dreams of you. Michael, I love you and I await our meeting!! I hope much that soon… I await your answer! Embrace tenderly! Svetlana holds.
by 303acidstorm Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:51 pm
Van: Svetlana ([email protected])
Verzonden: zondag 25 juli 2010 17:38:51
1 bijlage
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Salut mon amour Michael!!!!Aujourd'hui un beau jour férié!Chez moi le très bel humeur! Le temps comme toujours chaud, la température environ 37 degrés.Il m'est intéressant, comment ton humeur ? Comment chez toi là le temps ? Aujourd'hui le dernier vousEt tu m'es très agréable qu'écrire à sur e-mail. Quand j'ai vu ta lettre, le lard m'est très intéressant. Que tu m'écrire là. Et quand j'ai ouvert ta lettre, je lisais avec un grand plaisir ta lettre.Et maintenant je t'écris cette réponse...Bien que dans ce monde il y a une personne, vers qui moi nonL'indifférent. Il est très agréable de connaître cela chez moi que nous sommes mutuelsLa compréhension l'un l'autre - le plus important fait sous nos relations.C'est très bon pour moi, comme pour vous rencontrer dans ma vie. Je n'étais pas ainsiHeureux quand même. Rien ce n'est pas nécessaire pour moi à l'exception de votre lettre etVous. Je pensais de nos relations et sur nos sentiments. Je deviensDéjà mis à vous. Je pense que nous sommes nécessaires l'ami à l'ami.Je pense constamment de vous, vous avez pris la place dans mon coeur. VousComme je et je pense que nos relations peuvent être plus profondes. Vos lettres fontMon humeur est haut. Chez moi cela devient joyeux sur la douche. Je comprends que notreLes relations chacun devenait plus sérieux et plus sérieux. Vos motsChauffez mon âme et le coeur. Vous dans mon coeur chaque minute.J'attends ta réponse!Embrasse tendrement! Tienne Svetlana.

Hello my Michael love!!!! Today a beautiful public holiday! At home very beautiful mood! Time like always hot, the temperature approximately 37 degrees. It is interesting for me, how your mood? How at home there time? Today the last vousEt you are very pleasant that to write for me with on e-mail. When I saw your letter, bacon is very interesting for me. That you to write to me there. And when I opened your letter, I read with a great pleasure your letter. And now I write this answer to you… Although in this world there is a person, towards which me nonL' indifferent. It is very pleasant to know that at home which we are mutuelsLa comprehension one the other - most important made under our relations. It is very good for me, like meeting you in my life. I was not ainsiHeureux nevertheless. Nothing it is necessary for me except for your letter etVous. I thought of our relations and on our feelings. I deviensDéjà put at you. I think that we are necessary the friend to the friend. I think constantly of you, you took the place in my heart. VousComme I and I think that our relations can be deeper. Your letters fontMon mood is high. At home that becomes merry on the shower. I understand that notreLes relations each one became more serious and more serious. Your motsChauffez my heart and the heart. You in my heart each minute. I await your answer! Embrace tenderly! Svetlana holds.
by 303acidstorm Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:52 pm
Van: Svetlana ([email protected])
Verzonden: zondag 25 juli 2010 17:38:51
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Salut mon amour Michael!!!!Aujourd'hui un beau jour férié!Chez moi le très bel humeur! Le temps comme toujours chaud, la température environ 37 degrés.Il m'est intéressant, comment ton humeur ? Comment chez toi là le temps ? Aujourd'hui le dernier vousEt tu m'es très agréable qu'écrire à sur e-mail. Quand j'ai vu ta lettre, le lard m'est très intéressant. Que tu m'écrire là. Et quand j'ai ouvert ta lettre, je lisais avec un grand plaisir ta lettre.Et maintenant je t'écris cette réponse...Bien que dans ce monde il y a une personne, vers qui moi nonL'indifférent. Il est très agréable de connaître cela chez moi que nous sommes mutuelsLa compréhension l'un l'autre - le plus important fait sous nos relations.C'est très bon pour moi, comme pour vous rencontrer dans ma vie. Je n'étais pas ainsiHeureux quand même. Rien ce n'est pas nécessaire pour moi à l'exception de votre lettre etVous. Je pensais de nos relations et sur nos sentiments. Je deviensDéjà mis à vous. Je pense que nous sommes nécessaires l'ami à l'ami.Je pense constamment de vous, vous avez pris la place dans mon coeur. VousComme je et je pense que nos relations peuvent être plus profondes. Vos lettres fontMon humeur est haut. Chez moi cela devient joyeux sur la douche. Je comprends que notreLes relations chacun devenait plus sérieux et plus sérieux. Vos motsChauffez mon âme et le coeur. Vous dans mon coeur chaque minute.J'attends ta réponse!Embrasse tendrement! Tienne Svetlana.

Hello my Michael love!!!! Today a beautiful public holiday! At home very beautiful mood! Time like always hot, the temperature approximately 37 degrees. It is interesting for me, how your mood? How at home there time? Today the last vousEt you are very pleasant that to write for me with on e-mail. When I saw your letter, bacon is very interesting for me. That you to write to me there. And when I opened your letter, I read with a great pleasure your letter. And now I write this answer to you… Although in this world there is a person, towards which me nonL' indifferent. It is very pleasant to know that at home which we are mutuelsLa comprehension one the other - most important made under our relations. It is very good for me, like meeting you in my life. I was not ainsiHeureux nevertheless. Nothing it is necessary for me except for your letter etVous. I thought of our relations and on our feelings. I deviensDéjà put at you. I think that we are necessary the friend to the friend. I think constantly of you, you took the place in my heart. VousComme I and I think that our relations can be deeper. Your letters fontMon mood is high. At home that becomes merry on the shower. I understand that notreLes relations each one became more serious and more serious. Your motsChauffez my heart and the heart. You in my heart each minute. I await your answer! Embrace tenderly! Svetlana holds.
by 303acidstorm Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:54 pm
Salut mon amour Michael!!!?
Van: Svetlana ([email protected])
Verzonden: maandag 26 juli 2010 20:24:15
1 bijlage
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Salut mon amour Michael!!!Mon amour moi est très content de voir de nouveau ta lettre.Je suis contente de voir ta lettre, aujourd'hui chez moi le très bel humeur.Nous avons un temps très chaud. Dans la rue la température environ 34 degré de la chaleur.Hier nous aviez une fête. La fête : "le Jour de la Marine" :Et dans la rue il y avait beaucoup d'hommes dans l'uniforme.Et j'avec l'amie ne suffis pas de me promener hier, maintenant je suis assis et j'écris...Cela en effet m'est livré toujours par la joie immense de lire tes lettres! Mais le plus possible j'attends ce jour quand nous pourrons communiquer non seulement dans les lettres, quand nous pourrons communiquer à notre rencontre. Et ce sera pour moi la joie la plus immense! Je t'ai aimé tout par le coeur mien cher Michael et maintenant par tout le coeur je m'ennuie de toi. Je pense constamment de toi et je rêve sur notre rencontre et j'espère beaucoup que mes rêves pourront se réalisera à la réalité. Je connais que nous pourrons passer le temps le plus remarquable et heureux à deux. Certes j'aime nos relations, mais cela seulement les relations. Je rêve sur l'amour réel et je suis contente que tes désirs même! Et si nous souhaitons ensemble notre rencontre avec la force immense cela moi sera bien assurée que chez nous et nous pourrons nous rencontrer! Mon amour Michael je suis simple je ne peux pas sans toi, je ne peux pas vivre sans ton amour, sans ta caresse, la tendresse!Je veux passer de beaux jours de mon congé avec toi, je veux être avec toi POUR TOUJOURS!!!J'espère que notre rencontre bientôt réaliser beaucoup et nous serons ensemble!!!Que tu penses de cela, mon amour ?Mon moi cher sur cela doit finir ma lettre.J'avec l'impatience attends ta réponse rapide.Ton amour Svetlana....

Hello my Michael love!!! My love me is very glad to see your letter again. I am glad to see your letter, today at home very beautiful mood. We have a very hot time. In the street the temperature approximately 34 degree of heat. Yesterday had us a festival. The festival: “the Day of the Navy”: And in the street there were many men in the uniform. And I with the friend am not enough to walk me yesterday, now I sat and I write… That indeed is always delivered to me by the immense joy to read your letters! But as much as possible I wait this day when we can communicate not only in the letters, when we can communicate to our meeting. And it will be for me the most immense joy! I loved you all by the dear heart mien Michael and maintaining by all the heart I am bored of you. I think constantly of you and I dream on our meeting and I hope much that my dreams will be able will be carried out with reality. I know that we will be able to spend the most remarkable and happy time to two. Admittedly I like our relations, but that only the relations. I dream on the real love and I am content that your desires even! And if we wish together our meeting with the immense force that me will be quite assured that on our premises and we will be able to meet! My Michael love I am simple I cannot without you, I cannot live without your love, without your caress, tenderness! I want to spend beautiful days of my leave with you, I want to be with you FOR ALWAYS!!! I hope that our meeting to realize soon much and we will be together!!! What do you think of that, my love? My me expensive on that must finish my letter. I with impatience await your fast answer. Your Svetlana love….
by 303acidstorm Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:56 pm
Hello my love Michael!!!?
Van: Svetlana ([email protected])
Verzonden: woensdag 28 juli 2010 20:12:52

Hello my love Michael!!!How at you business? How your mood? I hope that at you all is good.Favourite mine, I very much love you. I still never met such fine person, as you. And I am glad that we with you were reduced by destiny. You of ANGELA, which has gone down from heavens for this purpose to melt my heart! I have found you, and you me! I want, that you knew, I will always love you! You for me always will remain the most desired, gentle, tender, unique and the beloved in my life!I like in you all. You - the most delightful creation on the earth, the most gentle, sensual and passionate. I very much-very LOVE you. Always and everywhere, there is no you better. You are that, what is actually, is not present pretence drops - I love you for it even more strongly. I with impatience wait for the moment when I will fall in your tender embraces, and I will inhale your aroma, repeating your name, listening to your voice and, again and again, peering at affable lines of your person. At night I see your beautiful face, a mouth, I represent, as you concern me with the charming lips. With you my life was filled with sense, now I know, that I want. And I wish to be With YOU, to be always, all life. Yours Svetlana!!!


SAME writing...Look

Hello my love Michael!!?
Van: Svetlana ([email protected])
Verzonden: zondag 18 juli 2010 11:38:39
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Hello my love Michael!!How at you business? How your mood? I hope that at you all is good.Expensive Michael, you tell that my address false??????? To me it is not pleasant, not pleasantly your words of mistrust why you do not trust me???? You offend me by the own words, understand me??? After all I have grown fond of you Michael. Favourite mine, I very much love you. I still never met such fine person, as you. And I am glad that we with you were reduced by destiny. You of ANGELA, which has gone down from heavens for this purpose to melt my heart! I have found you, and you me! I want, that you knew, I will always love you! You for me always will remain the most desired, gentle, tender, unique and the beloved in my life!My love Michael, it is very pleasant to me to hear from you good news!! This finest that I to hear! I re-read some times and I am happy now!! I am happy that you want our meeting as strongly as well as I!! I pleasure in heart that we can carry out our meeting!! I will go and learn rather that as well as that is necessary that our meeting was carried out as it is possible soon! Now that will not stop us!! We necessarily will together!!! I LOVE YOU Michael!!!!!!!! I will write you news to the following letter! I very strongly wish to be close to you, to embrace your hot body, to smell, kiss your lips... And I hope that it will be carried out already soon!! I we will trust that together, I hope that very soon, my love Michael!!!!I like in you all. You - the most delightful creation on the earth, the most gentle, sensual and passionate. I very much-very LOVE you. Always and everywhere, there is no you better. You are that, what is actually, is not present pretence drops - I love you for it even more strongly. I with impatience wait for the moment when I will fall in your tender embraces, and I will inhale your aroma, repeating your name, listening to your voice and, again and again, peering at affable lines of your person. At night I see your beautiful face, a mouth, I represent, as you concern me with the charming lips. With you my life was filled with sense, now I know, that I want. And I wish to be With YOU, to be always, all life
by 303acidstorm Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:14 pm
Hello Mike!!?
Van: Svetlana ([email protected])
Verzonden: donderdag 29 juli 2010 10:53:32
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Hello Mike!!To me to see pleasant again your letter. Agree, messages interesting correspondence with the unfamiliar person are the most easier. Here it is possible to connect all fulfilled technologies - and a favourite joke to recollect, both about a hobby to tell and about interesting cases from a life to tell. How to keep a keen interest in correspondence with old friends and close people? Psychologists recommend not to be at a loss for a word - begin with discussion of the interesting book or the latest news, and it will be excellent dialogue for contact. You agree with me???I wish to tell a little about me. My growth of 174 sm, weight about 53 kg. I the blonde, my constitution normal!You think, I the goddess? The queen? The madam? I first of all the woman!!! I am created from caress, tears, love and hatred,I am fine as a dawn, is artful as the moon And I am strong, as a wind, is free, as a cat I a flower which smells as a life, In general I very interesting!!!!! :)Now I will write to you a little about my city! I live in city Kirov. It is very old and beautiful city. My city is located on the river Vyatka, in 900 km from Moscow in the southeast. Our city, not big but also and not small, lives in it nearby 460.000 persons. It - is not so rich, but very beautiful we have remarkable the nature. Round my city approximately on distance of 20-30 km from it it is located more than 6 lakes. We have many factories and factory, but basically they do not work or became obsolete. The main property of our republic - wood. We it is successful it, we trade. In the winter at us it is very cold, but in the summer very much hot. At us there is very beautiful city centre where I usually to go with my friends.We it is successful it, we trade. In us I was many parks in a city, often I go, there and I reflect.You like to prepare? I simply adore. I very much like to prepare exotic dishes. It to be pleasant to you, when the woman is able to prepare? You love what dishes? To me very interestingly what your hobby? I for example, is kitchen, I simply madly like to prepare, as studying a foreign language is interesting to me. It is very interesting to me. I know that it is not easy, but as my mum spoke: "It is all it is useful for me in the future!" Mike, it is interesting to me, what women are pleasant to you? I for example, appreciate in people kindness, sincerity, honesty and the good relation to near which are kind, sincere and do not deceive. And what you appreciate?,I wish to be happy with the man and to spend with it all life. I wait from the man of understanding and honesty, I think that this most important thing and, certainly, big love and cares of me and our future family. I will try to make the man happy. But without its help, without its love and understanding it will make difficultly. I wish to have such feeling as love. I very much hope for it!! You to understand me about what I speak to you? How you think, you can be it? At us can that it be to turn out????Tell to me please, what you want our relations? What do you wait from it?Today I have decided to send you some photo of my house where I live with my parents. And which I have made a photo recently on the nature when to walk on park!I think that you understand my words. I will wait for your letterYours faithfully, Svetlana

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