Information on romance scams and scammers.
by AlanJones Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:00 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Dearest XXX,

Today I went in travel agency and have learned, that necessary for me
for arrival in your country.XXX I've found out full information in
travel agency.Staff of travel agency,have convinced me that we can
be together.I asked how much it would cost for me to make
visa.They said that only the examination of application
for visa will cost me 30 Usd.This money won't be returned
even if the application is rejected.To get visa I must go to Moscow
where is the Embassy.I'll to visit a lot of agencies,
offices and organization in Inta in Moscow.This is the usual way to
get visa,it may take me many months.I said to them that I could wait
for a long time.They offered me to solve the problem and it will take
me less time if I use Full Package of Service (FPS).FPS includes
additional payments for a category of the visa,consular services,
preparation for interview with commission your embassy.FPS costs 360
Usd,but the visas agency remove all the problems and thus
increases the chance of getting a visa without excessive delays (I can
get a visa in a week or two). On my request to find approximate route.
Package of proposals consists of air ticket there and back.

They have told me that they will make all of the necessary documents
for me.Assistants of agency told me that the official registration of
documents will take some time.I've received lots of papers to fill
in.According the conditions of contract agency does all of te
documents for me.Organizes my tripin full. XXX,I do not know
correctly has made, having paid such money. Probably I needed to
consult to you.We do not have time to wait yes? I agreed and
registered my application for visa, hoping that you'll be glad to meet
me. Can you imagine that we'll spend some weeks together Or even can
all life. It is not important for me where to live if I shall be sure
in your feelings for 100% my loved and native I without any
meditations shall stay to live in a place with you.For the sake of
happiness,I'm ready on many things.May be you think I try to do too
quickly, probably you suppose it's too early for us to meet each
other?I'm happy now at present time.XXX,very soon I'll leave the
work and I'll be able to spend my vacation with my Loved XXX.I have
never been abroad. XXX now I have a chance to meet you. I think it
will be great,wonderful,fantastic.I hope you don't think that I'm too
impudent.I just want to met you and to spend some time with you. I'm
looking forward to seeing to calm down my heart.Please tell me you be
able to meet me? Will you be happy to face me?

Your love,Yuliya

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by AlanJones Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:01 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Darling XXX,

Dear I talked to Marina about you XXX,for a long time yesterday in
the evening.I told her that I wanted to meet you.Marina supported me in
my desire.She said that I could't miss a chanse to see you.Marinais
very glad that I've got acquainted with you. She wants me to be
happy.I hope,XXX,that one day you and Marina will be friends.I
believe that Marina'll be as close to you as to me.Now I often think
of you before sleeping.I'm glad,that you were not against I have
chosen Full Package of Service.I very much experienced. But I so
would like to speed up process and somewhat quicker to be near to
you..Because I too test to you strong feelings.I not hesitating can
tell that I love you.For me a great happiness to get acquainted with
such fair,open,kind person as you XXX....Now I with impatience wait
for the notice from travel agency.For me days became very long. I want
that have faster flown by days of expectation.XXX,you know I have a
flower Ripsalis at home.It's very beautiful,and it needs much care.Now
I call it XXX.I hope you are not againstof it.Every morning I say to
it "Good morning,XXX" What do you think of it?It seems to me that I
want to tell you much and it will take me several days to tell all
about myself.But I'm shy and can be confused when I'll meet you for
the first time.Dear i saw a plane not long ago. And I thought that
these "Iron birds" allow to meet million people who are happy to see
each other every day (for example XXX and I)But when I think about
my future flight on board the blane I can't forget last catastrophe of
two planes. These incidents were in September. It was terrible to see
grief and tears of relatives of the dead people. Now our government is
sure that terrorist acts took place here. I believe that guilty people
were severely punished. They have no right to prevent peaceful people
from living. I hate terrorism and violence! You should know that fear
of terrorists will never stop me.I'll be able to fly on board the
plane and to be afraid of nothing.In my childhood I was flyining by
plane. But people say that flights are if it's true. I heard that
passengers are very well served during the flight. I'm interested to
see it.Dear i don't know exact date when I can arrive to you. But I
shall necessarily inform to you. Hope you can patiently wait?

Your love,Yuliya

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by AlanJones Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:02 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Dear XXX,

XXX I was in travel agency. I have sent you the letter with
details. Did you receive it? How have you been doing these days???? I'm
happy to recognise that soon everything will be solved. We will be
together. I'm using the services of travel agency and they offer me
"Full Package of Service (FPS)"- type service package. It means all kind
of expenses are already put in total amount. I paid money the travel
agency. My dear XXX i want this letter to come to you as soon as
possible to calm you down. Please write to me very soon and tell me
your thoughts and your plans. Dear there shouldn’t be such bad
thoughts and negative emotions between us.

Your woman, Yuliya

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by AlanJones Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:02 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Darling XXX,

XXX I think that everything most difficult has remained behind us. I
always knew that if you want the dream to come true,you must do for
this purpose all what in your forces.I know that it is necessary to
believe, hope and struggle.And I really struggled XXX,I tried to do
all what in my forces.XXX I worry very much,but my heart say to me
that I should smile.I feel that I soon will meet you.Wishing you very
good day and hope to hear from you soon.Tenderly,Yuliya

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by AlanJones Sat Dec 16, 2017 1:39 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Hello my dear XXX,

Dear XXX i has read your letter and was on the top of the world with
happiness! I like to read such letters. After them I feel myself as the happy and
desired woman. Dear days of expectation of readiness of documents of
steel for me painful. Day for me began very long. I want that my
documents were ready as soon as possible. I want that the travel agency
has sped up this process. Whether I asked you you approve my act? I
have paid the big sum of money for promptness. How you look at it?For
me your answer very important. Because it is difficult for me for one
to make such decisions. I have paid this money because I want to be
with you as soon as possible and because my Holiday (Vacation). It is
not a pity to me what money for the sake of our meeting. I'm in a very
good mood today, but when I'm reading your letters again and again I
feel even better, I love to receive your letters, they always bring me
much joy and make me happy!

I'm always thinking about you and you are in my thoughts. I wish you
could be near me now, but I know that we’ll see each other and we’ll
be together. Now I every day go to travel agency and I try to find out
I skin the information concerning readiness of my documents. Today to
me have told that probably tomorrow the day after tomorrow me will
cause silt on interview in embassy. I was very glad to receive such
information. Now day for me lasts as a month as I think all about our
long-awaited meetings. I finish the my dear letter.

With hugs and warm kisses your love,Yuliya


The above email was also sent to the same victim a few hours later from "Yuliya - [email protected]" with the title "is Yuliya, my old email address didn't work. I write to you with my new address"

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by AlanJones Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:36 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Hello my lovely XXX,

Dear XXX i was happy to receive the letter from you.But I don't
like your doubts. I have no reason to deceive you. I can take a picture
with your name. But now I'm preparing for our meeting.
And I don't have the time. Today my
letter will be short.At me not so it is a lot of time.I have just
left travel agency,and have decided to inform you good news at once.
Me cause to Moscow on interview in embassy.Tomorrow I should leave to
Moscow.It seems to me,that I waited for this moment the whole
eternity.The travel agency has carried out the task earlier than I
thought.It can is connected to that sum of money which I have paid for
acceleration of readiness of documents.Now it is not of great
importance.I go to embassy!!!Probably tomorrow or the day after
tomorrow I can receive documents which are necessary for arrival in
your country.Tomorrow I shall write to you from Internet - cafe of
the city of Moscow.I shall inform you all news which will concern my
trip.After I shall receive documents,I will need to return back to
native city to collect necessary things and to buy the ticket in your
country.Trip to Moscow costs not cheaply,therefore I wanted to go to
Moscow,to pass interview in embassy and to wait for day of a start.
But in the contract it is told, that in your country I can buy the
ticket only in travel agency which helps me to collect necessary
documents.From superstition I shall not begin to buy the ticket
before reception of documents.Of agency of me convince, that it is
possible to buy the ticket, and, then to pass interview. They have
told to me,that many people do so.But it seems to me wrong. Dear, I
was probable next week can inform you date of my start. I believe that
next week I can take off to you. How you concern to this?I think that
you too will be glad.I shall finish the letter.I shall go to collect
things home.

P.S Dear i want that you have sent me your full home address,the
data on the nearest to you of the airports and phone number.I shall
call to you if there will be urgent questions.I hope to receive from
you the answer which will bring to me encouragement.
Dear write me the closest airport.Where can you meet me.The route I
need to fly.Perhaps the closest airport near your town.

Your love,Yuliya

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by AlanJones Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:49 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Darling XXX,

Dear XXX,i was glad to receive your letter.Thanks you for all given
information.Today i have arrived to Moscow.Dear,I'm in Moscow.You
know,Moscow is very expensive and a big city.Today I did not find the
way to my hotel.I have helped people as they told me to go. I had very
nice walk along Moscow sightseeing yesterday so I’d like to calm my
nerves and I’d better to go for a walk again. I'm very tired,and could
not write to you is a lot.Darling XXX i informed you some times that
cause me to Moscow on interview Now i near Embassy the Switzerland in
internet-cafe.I write to you the letter and i worry.I think,that my
destiny tomorrow is solved.Hope to me give the visa and I can meet
you.It will be the greatest day in my life!!It's a pity,that i cannot
write for a long time.Because I am very strongly tired.I hope,that i
can soon write to you about results of visit to Embassy.If I cannot
write from Moscow I shall write from Inta

With love yours and only yours,Yuliya

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by AlanJones Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:49 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Dearest XXX,

I have more recently left embassy and at once have decided to write to
you. I write to you the letter and I smile.I'm so glad!If I could,I
would speak with you for a long time.But unfortunately now it is
impossible. But I am confident,that our meeting will take place also
we shall speak in person.XXX,I want to tell to you about the
commission in Moscow. I hope to you it interestingly!!!Tomorrow I
shall already write to you from native city. I shall arrive to Inta
most likely tomorrow in the evening.I can probably have the visa. I
worry, you should understand it.I never thought that the commission
will ask such unusual questions.They asked about my sexual life,they
asked about children, about work,about patriotism, about my attitude
to Switzerland, about my conversance and awareness of events which
happened in the world and in Switzerland,about my religion and
belief.I have told about all ?my life in detail.I spoke about
verything fairly how it's really. To me have told that my answers are
unexpected and as a rule applicants don't answer such questions so
directly and openly. They haven't got used to hear such answers, but
they said that to hear sincere and truthful answers is much more
pleasant than words which come not from heart and reason. Children
from the orphanages also have made the big impression and rendered the
big influence on the commission. To me have told that I the first lady
who have such support from children - orphans.

Now I should wait the decision I hope, that my visa will be ready
within the next few days. The representative of embassy at once
informs about it to travel agency. After that i shall buy the ticket
in your country. After I shall buy the ticket i shall inform date of
the arrival to you.Now I agree with expression: "Expectation of death
is worse than the death"I can't concentrate on anything. My heart so
worry,I can't work.They have told that the decision will be accepted
in several days.I so worry. I so want that this small dream was come
true.I simply want to see my lovely XXX.I think the God will help
me.I simply want to meet you. I already see us together. I want to
construct with you the ship to float under sails in boundless ocean.I
want to meet with you a dawn and to see off a sundown.We will float on
our ship and our love will illuminate our way. We will look at night
at stars,we'll be pleased in the afternoon to the sun. If there will
be a storm, our love will protect us. If there will be a calm, our
love will be a wind. Our love will be a beacon for us. We will be
floating at ocean of love and oblivion and nothing can separate us.
We'll name our ship - Dream. It will be the small ship, but very
strong.Because we will make our ship from belief, hope and love.It's
impossible to wait, when your dream will fall to you from the sky.It's
necessary to go to the dream. It's necessary to clear and build the
road itself.If in heart there is a belief and dream,if in heart there
is a love and hope,it is necessary to achieve the dream by all means.I
always go to the dream. I don't sit on a place.In my life there were
very few light moments. On this I try to make everything that my
dreams have come true.I understand that now it's only dreams.But these
dreams brighten my life.I hope that yours also.Nothing will keep me to
arrive to you XXX!!!


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by AlanJones Wed Dec 20, 2017 12:50 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Dear XXX from trip to Moscow i still had many positive emotions.I when
did not go on so important affairs,therefore strongly worried.On road
to Moscow i with anybody did not communicate because thought of
interview in embassy.I experienced that any failure can visit me.I was
afraid that can wait up to me in reception of the visa. But my
experiences appeared are vain.On interview to me did not give the
exact answer.In a corridor I have waited the person which was in the
commission and he has told,that I should not worry. Has told that in
two or three days representatives of embassy will contact travel
agency and will cause me to Moscow for reception of the visa.Therefore
i have gone home with quiet soul.Now I need to wait the answer from
embassy then it is necessary to buy the ticket in your country,to go
again to Moscow to receive the visa and to wait day of a flight.The
second trip to Moscow does not deliver me of inconvenience.The ticket
to me will need to be bought in Inta from representatives of travel
agency.To take off I should from the Moscow airport because I will
need to come in embassy and to receive the visa.Some days in Moscow
should to live and to wait for readiness of the visa.Moscow city, not
familiar to me.Hotels cost very dearly and it is terrible to me to be
in Moscow one.Therefore I have chosen not absolutely convenient,but a
safe variant.Today I went to travel agency and told him about trip to
Moscow.They sincerely were glad for me.Unfortunately the Embassy yet
did not contact travel agency. I think that has passed not enough
time.I think tomorrow or the day after tomorrow representatives of
embassy will cause me for reception of the visa.I want that it has
taken place as soon as possible. I want to buy as soon as possible the
ticket to you and to wait for day of a flight.Dear if tomorrow or the
day after tomorrow me will cause for reception of the visa. I shall
buy the ticket with a stock of 5-6 days. I shall better wait these
days. I need to prepare much for all for the period of the absence. I
love you and I want to be only with you.The feeling of love amplifies
every new day.

Your love,Yuliya


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by AlanJones Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:49 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Honey XXX,

Dear XXX i was very glad to receive your letter.My visa is
available but I can take away her only after i shall buy the ticket
in your country. Tomorrow or after tomorrow,i shall buy the ticket in
your country but only after to me inform from travel agency,and will
tell, that my documents are completely ready.For arrival to you.I
every day think of our meeting with you.I know how it is to be
thinking about someone all the time,i have felt that as well.So then I
try to keep myself busy doing other things and it helps.I guess that's
how I've been able to get along all this time without somebody special
in my life.I keep myself busy with study, with friends.I have become
used to it now, but not entirely.Some times i get along doing chores
around the house,listening to music,or helping other people with their
problems.It has been so many times that I wanted to be with someone.So
as time went on, little by little I had to learn how to not feel
lonely.But i have also learned that it's not all that possible. And in
the same way I try to avoid getting hurt, as it has happened to me
before. And that too is not all that possible.On the other side I have
seen other peoples mistakes and I like to think that I wont make the
same ones.I try to think of many possible results,I like to be
cautious and to think ahead, but I have learned that as careful that i
may be,there is always something that can go wrong.

So why should i continue to hold back and not live my life like
others, by going ahead with what my heart says and being as cautious
as possible,right?We are only human and imperfect,all I can try is to
do the best I can, with the person that best fits my way of thinking.
And it would seem so strange that I could find such a person on the
other side of the planet. Imagine if the Internet didn't exist, I
would have never known about you and I would probably continue to live
the same way forever. There is only so much happiness that one can
achieve alone, but I would like to think that I could achieve so much
more with you. It would be wonderful to stop dreaming about it and
make it come true. So at the same time, I also think about what would
be needed to make a relationship work and how to provide for as much
as possible.It's not easy when other pressures are felt in a
relationship.So if at first we should decide to take this beyond what
it has become so far,i think it will be like awaking from a dream and
trying our best to make the dream come true.Like i said before,there
is a lot to talk about, a lot to learn and understand.The feeling of
love is great, but it takes little bit more to have a place to live,
to be healthy and have a family.I know that these are subjects that
can't be decided or solved in a week, but the most important thing
will be addressed,how well we get along.

There is one thing that i know for sure,i like you very much and we
will have a wonderful time together.Your words in every letter have
shown me that we think the same way,so i truly believe that something
great and long lasting will come out of this.I think about you every
day and wish you were near me already.I will just have to be patient
and wait for that moment to come true.

With hugs and tender kisses.Yours,Yuliya


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by AlanJones Fri Dec 22, 2017 12:49 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Hello my dearest XXX,

How are doing today?Hope this letter will find you in high
mood.Fortunately XXX now we can be together at last.I hope soon i
will inform you the information concerning my flight to you: plane and
date of arrival.You can't even imagine it's such a pity and irritating
how many different things are necessary for me for travel: clothes,
cosmetics,some gifts for you from me.I will prepare special gift for
you my dear.You will be happy.Best gift specially for you.Which I will
show you when I will arrive to you.I hope,that my gifts will be
pleasant for you.XXX you know,I’d wish it to be as rehearsal of our
honey moon.I’d wish it to be absolutely unforgettable and I’m ready to
devote myself totally to you - I’m ready to fulfill all of your
desires, dreams and requests when we’ll be together during days and
nights!It would be wonderful to see some historical sightseeing,
acquaint with your culture,eat some traditional food - do it together
and enjoy each minute of company of each other. I want the time before
our meeting to pass in one day to have possibility to fly off tomorrow
already - but dreams,dreams… My embraces XXX.I miss you very
much.XXX I've been to my friend Marina.We went to the country side
and visited church.It's such a wonderful building as if from old
russian folk fairytale.We've been to divine liturgy.How was your
day?????? With great love and devotion your darling woman,Yuliya

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by AlanJones Sat Dec 23, 2017 12:55 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Dear XXX,

I have good news, very good for me and for you dear! Today in the
morning I have come to travel agency, to me informed good news. Now it
is necessary for me to buy the ticket to you and to go in Moscow for
my visa and wait day of my flight. I'm immensely happy.

I will be able to see you in person!!! I asked how, as to me have
explained to me it is necessary to have the ticket to you I would be
able to go to XXX Airport on the 27 December, and how
much it would cost. They said that the ticket would
cost 229 Euro. I asked them to find a
cheaper ticket, because the price is too high for me. But as it turned
out I would not be able to have a cheaper ticket so quicly, the date
is too early. Tickets must be reserved long beforehand. I asked them
to offer me other variants of the flight. We found the most suitable
one. Flight date in 7-10 days. Well now I shall inform concerning the
information of flight!

Dear, I feel itself it is a little inconvenient because I had to
address to you for the help. I always counted myself the independent
person, which itself can solve all problems. But, this time, I could
not all to take into account and was mistaken that I can pay all
travel itself.

But i'm glad that now I have you XXX, - the man, which can help me.
After ours acquaintance, at me varies sensations of. Earlier I counted
myself the strong and independent person, and it was pleasant for me
to feel, that I can care of myself. And now I feel simply the woman
who requires support. But it is pleasant for me, to feel beside strong
the man which protects me from all excitements of a life!

XXX, I informed a place of arrival to you to the agent and he has
calculated the staying payment for me. It will be for me (364€).
Into it enters: Flight from Moscow Sheremetyevo International
Airport up to (XXX Airport) and back, 2 ticket 182 (there
and back ) + airticket to Moscow 235 € + (2-3 days meals and hotel in
Moscow) 330€ .

With me have still remained money, after payment of the first parts of
cost. And now is necessary for me, in 5-6 days about 320Euro to pay
in agency the second part of cost travel agency. I hope dear, that this money
not difficulty for you and you can help to pay to me, in 5-6 days,
320Euro help me??????

Lovely, I hope, that I did not make to you difficulty by the haste.
Probably it is not planned expenditure for you. As you remember, I
have already paid the cost of the visa itself and the services the
agency is approximately 310€. If it so, do not become angry about me please, I very much miss
you and i wait for ours meetings very much.

I wait for your letters XXX! I know that you are my strong and
intelligent man and you do not leave me in this situation. I'm sure
you can help me to make real our meeting!

Thousand kisses. Yours woman,Yuliya

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by AlanJones Sun Dec 24, 2017 12:45 am
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Dear XXX, I very strongly experienced, when I had to ask you the
help. I was afraid, that you will give up to me. I for a long time did
not dare to read the letters from you. I thought, that will leave to
abuse me and will not help me. But you did not begin so to do. I am
glad to that our meeting will soon take place. You act as the true
gentleman. I promise you, that you when will not regret that have got
acquainted with me. I will not bring you I promise. After I have
received your letter I have gone to travel agency. On arrival to
travel agency, then I have asked my agent how my love can help me. The
tourist agent has told to me, that you could transfer money for the
ticket into account travel agency, or I could open the account for the
name and you could transfer on my own account. But the transfer of
money will take 3-5 working days. I said I needed to hurry to buy my
ticket. And I want to arrive to you on December 27. Therefore tourist
agent advised me to use remittances such as the Money Gram. If you
will take advantage of services of the Money Gram, money will come
during fifteen minutes. XXX, please let me know after you’ll send
your money-help – ok? Tell me in your letter the all necessary
information about money transfer, secret code, your full name,the
place you send your funds. So I can go and receive it the same day
you’ll send it to me.

My data:

Name: Yuliya
Surname: Kolesnikova
Country Russia
City: Inta
Street: Depovskaya
House: 34
Apartment: 2
Postal Code: 169849

Inta, Komi Republits, 169849, Russia

Your woman,Yuliya

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by AlanJones Mon Dec 25, 2017 11:52 pm
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Today I spoke with a travel agent. I was told that you can
transfer money to the account of the Agency. And I can pay for the
tickets and other expenses. I'm a little worried. But I'm waiting for
our meeting. I hope that soon I'll be on my way to you and you will
meet me at the airport. I'll wait for your letter.

Your Yuliya

Skachkova A?nastasiia Evgenevna

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by AlanJones Mon Dec 25, 2017 11:54 pm
From: Yuliya - [email protected]

Dear XXX,

How are you? How is your health?I hope everything is well with
you?!XXX,I can't sleep up to the late night because I usually think
about you XXX,I think that it's up to you to make plans and to
inform me what to expect...I frankly hope in our future, that your
aims coincide with my. I consider that it's impossible to be alone
always,it's necessary to have such woman with whom it's possible to
talk smth about,who could help and be pleased at you anytimeat
difficult or happy minute.Somebody who will take care of you, will
meet you with prepared supper,will warm at nights by warmth and
love.XXX,just recollect me and my words to you and I believe all
troubles will be disappeared.XXX...Simply I'd like to say that I
thank the destiny that it has given me you honey.Each your letter
makes my soul and mood be in high spirits.I always think of you no
matter where and no matter what I do.

Woman who entirely devoted to you,Yuliya

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