Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Sagely Tue May 10, 2011 4:18 pm
Hello sawthelight

As dotti and gomer have said its 100% scam.

The best thing is simply to not reply to any more mails this scammer sends, and draw a firm line under it. My fear here is you may still be drawn towards this scam, you asked for a mail to be checked....Be mindfull this may be a subconcious indication of "hope", and perhaps we could be wrong. Please know this is 100% a scam.

If you are in any way doubtfull pls ask us more, we will support as much as possible.


And remeber to talk about it, when you have finished talking, talk about it a bit more.

by sawthelight Wed May 11, 2011 12:44 pm
Luckily I realised it was a scam, and have stopped all contact and deleted profiles. I wanted others out there to know that they have stepped up their game play by using what looks likes legitimate army email addresses i.e. Ladies out there, don't get down on yourselves too much. I keep reading that you are upset as they had all these feelings for you and you felt flattered, so did I, who wouldn't. The truth is they didn't exist and I look at it as I beat the scammer, they didn't get what they wanted. Focus on the positive, and its a lot easier to deal with, almost a feeling of victory. Best of luck x
by Sagely Wed May 11, 2011 1:17 pm
Hello sawthelight

Great advice, its having a positive view like this that can help a lot.


And remeber to talk about it, when you have finished talking, talk about it a bit more.
by Tattihead Mon May 16, 2011 4:46 am
I am currently being scammed by the illusive Sgt Michael Edwards.

He started emailling me from meeting me on a dating site called Cupidinfinity, and has been in constant contact with me for the past 4 weeks.

Last week he said he could possibly get leave early than intended for Devember, if he applied to the US Transit office saying me, (his finace) wanted him home.
This Guy told me he has a daughter in Walnut Creek California, and has a home in Manchester UK where he will be moving to in December, as he has dual passpot through his British Mother, and wanted to marry me
We exchanged Photos, of each other, him in US Army clothing where he says he is on deploymant in Iraq in Camp Victory.
On Tuesday last week 10 May 2011 I recived an email from the office of Lt Gen Lloyd Austin 111, stating my fiance has put in a request for me for leave, and I had to confirm via email my name, address, and phone numbers, which I did. I then recived a second email with the FEE asking me to pay £794.00 to help the transit of another soldier with Sgt Edwars skills to be sent to cover his leave.
I emailed him straight away and he apologised, said he contacted them to say I am a single Mom and they agreed I could pay in 2 instalmnets.

Then I gooogled him, and found this site, I am so glad I did. He is still contacting me, and I have not told him I AM ON TO HIM YET. I do need some help though as it is becomming dificult to stop myself from screamming I know what your doing.

Help, where do I go from here, how can we catch him and stop this from happening to another woman who was just looking for someone to love??

by Katharina Mon May 16, 2011 5:41 am
Welcome here, and congratulations: You realised it is a scam; others only found out after paying, sometimes all their life savings.
As for help: Post his email address and profile so other victims using Google will find him here.
So what else to do now? Just drop him like a hot potato and leave him wondering what went wrong. Don't give him a piece of your mind: He will change his email address and profile, it will take him only minutes, and the nect victim doing an internet research won't find him here.
Best wishes for an emotional recovery!
by Guenther Mon May 16, 2011 5:56 am
Hi Tattihead, I'm very happy to hear that you realized what was happening before you paid any money. In addition to what Katharina said, I would also recommend that you filter his e-mail address and that of the "Lieutenant General" so that all future e-mails from them go straight to your trash bin or are deleted altogether. He will continue to e-mail you to try to convince you that he loves you, and it will be much easier for you to drop him and move on if you aren't seeing e-mails from him in your inbox.
by sillygirl Thu May 19, 2011 9:38 am
Met someoen on and Im not sure if I've been scammed here either, but by a different person called Sgt Owen Smith, everything he said seemed genuine, and is in contact practically everyday

I to was asked to contact Col Brian Wells ( regarding leave request and sent money over to them for it.

He still hasn't come home and am now starting to get extremely worried after all the money I have sent.

I tried to view message source on his email address for IP etc but didnt understand it so don't know whether its real or not. Can someone help me with this please

Im hoping its not a scam as now in so much debt due to it - HELP

I hope I haven't been scammed
by Dotti Thu May 19, 2011 11:46 am
Unfortunately, I'm sorry to have to tell you that there is no doubt that you have been scammed. I wish there were a better answer, but I don't need an IP to tell you this.

There is no such thing as a leave request filled out by someone outside the army. The whole "fill out a leave request so I can come see you" concept is ENTIRELY an invention of African scammers.

In the REAL army, the only person who can request leave for a soldier is the soldier himself. He does it internally, and nobody from outside the army fills ANYTHING out. Leave is like vacation from a regular job--it is essentially earned based on the amount of time the soldier has worked. If the soldier qualifies for leave and his command approves the timing, he gets it--and it doesn't cost a dime. If the soldier does not qualify for leave, he doesn't get it, period. There is no buying leave.

The army likes to handle things internally. People from outside the army don't request things from inside the army. If you are in contact with a "soldier" and he asks you to request ANYTHING for him--phone, leave, or anything else--he is a scammer, plain and simple.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by sillygirl Thu May 19, 2011 11:51 am

Just found that out thanks not that it helps me in anyway
by chaufergirl Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:23 am
Sagely wrote:Hello sawthelight

As dotti and gomer have said its 100% scam.

The best thing is simply to not reply to any more mails this scammer sends, and draw a firm line under it. My fear here is you may still be drawn towards this scam, you asked for a mail to be checked....Be mindfull this may be a subconcious indication of "hope", and perhaps we could be wrong. Please know this is 100% a scam.

If you are in any way doubtfull pls ask us more, we will support as much as possible.


Dear Dotti, I was almost scammed by a man named john hatfield stating he was in afghanistan and the us gov. was with holding his pay. He tried to lure me to send him 1000.00 so he can take an army plane to me here in chicago. His email is he had me send an email to how do i post this whole story? he even involved a man named collins cruz stating he was his major here in the u.s using a phone number (210)209-8350 i need to post this story so other unknowing woman will not get caught up in this scam thanks Carla
by chaufergirl Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:04 am
Arnold wrote:Catching anonymous scammers working out of Internet cafes in countries with poor law enforcement is almost impossible.

please help almost got scammed by a man claiming to be in army needed calling & leave permits to come home early please i need to post this story
by Dotti Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:43 am
Welcome chaufergirl,

I removed your email address from your post. Posting your email address on public forums is unfortunately a quick way to draw the attention of even more scammers and spammers.

You can post your scammer here--just go into the romance scams section, click "new topic" and post your scammer's information. It is best if you use his name and email address for the title, and copy and paste some of the emails he sent to you--just remove your own email address first.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by kaygb5310 Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:21 pm
alii wrote:
Arnold wrote:We now know of one such scammer quoting the email address was registered in May last year for 12 months, just for the email address that goes with it. No attempt has been made to create a website.
We're taking steps to have it shut down.

hi thanks i am alii i just need ur help i am stuck i dont know what i do i met lady online dating she said me she is fighting war in Afghanistan and when she said she fall in love with me and she ask me to send request british army to quit from there and come to see me and marry me . i email them and they said to me she talked us before this matter and initated leave granted and u have to cover her travel expense u have to pay 465 british pound to come and see u ur mention airport she given me email address could u plz tell me is this true or not i am stuck is that real army email address i search it but i dont know what i do i am going to make payment today but when i see that topic so i thought to talk with expertise thanks plz reply me asap thanks

I am having the same with man known as Staff Sgt. Peter S.Brown, whom I met on Facebook and have been talking to over a year now..(am still talking to)..I have seen the fake documents on here that he sent me..I have emails from his supposely Commander and Admin. He tells me he is in Afghanistan as well, and that he is from Greece, Divorced with a child named Helen..He made me a benefactor so that I can bring him home..Because the Army has us "married" per say.. He's very knowleged of some parts of the military, he is very smart an knows how to talk an romance a female to giving him what he wants..His email is only gives out what he thinks you need to know about him because he hides behind his laptop or pc...I've asked him to send me a letter from where he is an he say's he can not leave his base to send a letter out of Kabul to Kandahar.. I didnt understand that.. He's a real charmer, but at the same time has a bad bad temper an is very familar with word's like "Wicked" and Shameful and will degrade you into guilt as he done with me..I'm haveing a very hard time of letting him go an always go back to him..I have sent him money over the past year totallying 700 usd..I know this man is scamming me and I dont know what to do..
by began steele Sun Aug 07, 2011 12:28 pm . LAIR, FAKE, MILITARY SCAMMER.
Send no money.IT IS ALL A SCAM AND A LIE Such leave requests are a scam and all the people you think you are involved with are the same Nigerian man in an internet cafe in Lagos. Never send money using Western Union or Moneygram to anyone on the Internet regardless of the excuse given

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.

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