Just having a closer look at the letter that "The Enchantress posted", it contains an email address for the doctor, perhpas somebody with better eyes could confirm I have this right but it is
[email protected]I haven't done any checks yet, I am about to but firstly a few points;
Mail.com is a free email providor that provides a range of email addresses including lawyer.com banker.com, accountant.com and of course consultant.com, I have never ever seen a legitimate person using a mail.com address, scammers love it, mail.com seem to go out of their way to help scammers and will do little to prevent their users from comitting fraud.
The next thing I will point out is that setting up one of these accounts is free and easy and of course there is no need to show that you actually are what you are claimuing to be by using the domain name.
Now, lets see what I can find with some searches
[email protected] - no hits there, there will be soon now that the address is posted here
( "drsammy" scam ) -
Click Here for some results
( "consultant.com" scam )
Click Here to see over 30,000 examples of scams using consultant.com as part of the scam
As I mentioned in the previous post, it doesn't matter how much evidence we can provide, the scammer will create a lie to combat it if you ask about it, they are hardly going to tell the truth are they
I would also like to add that it is possible for us to search on that picture to see if it comes up in other search results, it doesn't always work but it does sometimes.
The picture you receive of her in hospital will be from a long distance or you wont be able to see a facem it will show many tubes and machines hooked up to a person, a doctor will most likely also be in the picture.
I was dealling wit ha scammer a while back, this one was very good, he channged his scam to suit his needs but often ended up in hospital and used a doctor and lawyer to finsih the job of stealing from the victims.
Take a look through this thread
viewtopic.php?f=13&t=670 you will see many things that look similiar to your situation.
The other thing we could do is to get a header to see what the IP tells us, if you can tell us which email providor you use I can give you specific instructions on how to get the header to us, I would be interested to see where this one really comes from
No direct hits on the fake doctor's email address
[email protected] but by changing the seacrh terms just a little I was able to pull up this
Click Here you will see a range of variations on the same name of the doctor involved
The next thing of interets is that the doctors email addresses that I know of dont seem to be working, this doctor seems to be having quite a bit of trouble with his email addresses being closed down doesn't he, what email address are you currently using for him