Information on romance scams and scammers.
by 4warnedtwiceshy Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:54 pm
Thanks but who is Marisa?

I would like to follow this up.

by Dotti Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:33 am
Marisa is the owner of that scammer list. She owns a dating site that closely screens new members to eliminate scammers. That list contains email addresses used by scammers that attempt to sign up on that dating site. If an address is on that list, it either triggered a removal for location (tried to sign up under one country, but IP pointed to a completely different country) or for profile content itself (if you are experienced with these scammers, you can pick out over 75% of fake profiles just by reading them) Unfortunately, though, that post dates back to April and they have literally screened out hundreds to thousands of scammers since then--if you look, there are many pages after that post--so you won't be able to get any more information at this point.

I have already taken some other steps to see if it is possible to get a location--it will take time, though.

But, as I said, even if we get a location, it will only get you to country and general area. Scammers frequently use internet cafes that are visited by hundreds, even thousands, of people. Even if an IP could be traced to an individual cafe (which would require cooperation by the provider), there is no way to track to the individual person. Getting closer would literally require an international investigation--something that rarely happens, and definitely won't happen when no money was lost.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by 4warnedtwiceshy Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:53 am
Thanks Dotti, I appreciate it. I am still finding it hard to believe I have been scammed yet again. These individuals are very good at what they do.

I have worked out thatthere must be two of of them is American for when the conversation became more literate. In fact, he is lonline at tha monment. I put the word LIAR in my profile window. He felt me there, I know it but I didn't respond, He is still there, waiting to pounce. Ain't gonna happen.

I want to see what he does next. I want him to email me so I have his IP but thanks to you, I don't need to do that now.

He will wait for me until hell freezes over.

He asked me a couple of days ago why I changed my profile pic there so he has noticed. My son was in one of them but I changed it to just me.

Now the word LIAR will greet him every time he signs in. He signed in, waited a minute or so, signed out then signed back in again, probably trying to catch me out.

I am absolutely stunned. So I'm having a couple of stiff drinks and licking my wounds.

If anything else goes down I think you should know about I'll let you know.

by 4warnedtwiceshy Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:57 am
Oh..I forgot to say..

I think I know how he found me. On my cluster map on my blog there was someone from Lagos viewing it some time in the last few months.

It is a site.

He yold me he had been looking at my blog a couple of weeks ago but nothing showed up for Kabul. He looked at it alright, just before he decided to hit on me.

Must have run out of options, the others he tried to scam must have dumped him because he's coming after me real hard.

Will keep you posted any further developments.

by Katharina Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:45 am
Sorry for joining in the conversation, but I'd like to warn you: Don't pursue this scammer any longer. Some of them can become very mean when they realise they have been outed. Dotty made an impressive list of what they are capable of doing:
-sign your email address up for tons of spam.
-spoof the baiter/victim's email address and send out thousands of scam emails in their name (they will use a different reply-to address so that they get the real replies), in some cases essentially disabling the baiter/victim account due to the number of bounces, etc.
-report the baiter/victim as a scammer to their email provider
-if they are romance scammers, report their dating profile for scamming/facebook page, any other emails or profiles the scammer is aware of.
-go to anti-scam forums and other websites, and actually post the victims/baiters as scammers, or make nasty, vindictive posts accusing them of everything from adultery to felonies. This actually happens on scamwarners from time to time.
-send letters/emails to the baiter/victim's facebook friends trashing the person or making accusations as above. In one case, we actually encountered a romance victim whose scammer had emailed her employer--the nicest thing he called her in that email was a "whore".
-use the victim/baiter's physical address as the return address in fake check shipments--one victim went through several calls/visits from the police, and threatening/accusing calls and emails from the victims receiving those checks before it was sorted.

I think it's time to give up now.
I hope you will soon recover from this ugly experience.
by Dotti Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:59 am
one of them is American for when the conversation became more literate.

It's normal for the English to alternate between good and bad--in fact, that's one clear indicator of a scammer. It's not that it's two people--the "good" English is usually copied material. Scammers often have lots of prewritten material ready, even for chats--so that they can cut and paste it in quickly and keep multiple chats going.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by 4warnedtwiceshy Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:00 pm
Thanks Katharina.

I have no intention of having anything more to do with this scumbag whoever he is. I am done with it and yes, I have been running through the sorts of nasty things they are capable of in retaliation.

I have a family I need to protect. He is not worth it. i know they can be very dangerous when threatened and I haven't done that - all I did was email him a link to the Lagos world closk and wrote "you unspeakable PRICK!!!" underneath it, then wrote in im "CHECK YOUR EMAILS...BABY".

No further correspondence will be entered into with this person. May he rot in hell.

by 4warnedtwiceshy Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:07 pm
Dotti, I wondered about why the chat went something like that. And it would explain his long absences from our chat, cut and pasting conversation.

What is WRONG with these individuals...trying to screw a woman over for a couple of hundred dollars but I guess multiply that by 5 + at a time I guess I have my answer.

They stole something from me and fortunately my heart is stable enough to recover and recover quickly. I am able to channel my blinding fury in creativity for the rest which is how I handle loss of any kind.

They are sick, ruthless individuals and thank God I saw the light before he got any money out of me.
by Katharina Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:22 pm
Most of the time it's like you say: They get several thousand dollars, pounds, euros, and then the victims stop paying. However, there are so many cases in which ladies sent hundreds of thousands, mortgaged their homes, lost friends from whom they borrowed and never paid back. Scammers never stop asking for more and yet more money, and some of them are incredibly good at manipulating others.
by 4warnedtwiceshy Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:33 pm
Yes Katharina, this is what they're good at and they're nothing more than low-life criminals. I had already made up my mind no money was changing hands after our security measures highlighted the common sense values of our protection laws.

I am not usually easily manipulated but when the fake love is laid on so thick they find a crack in the armour and exploit it. I am actually glad my young friend was on chat a couple of nights ago because he was starting to wear me down again. I am just so digusted with the whole deal.

They have you eating out of their hands but this guy met his match and he knew it. So he had to put the pressure on, first with the phony love bs then where's the money baby routine. I am so sorry for thos other women for whom it was too late and it's a bitter, ugly pill to swallow knowing that worthless pieces of trash like these guys can so effortlessly destroy their lives.

by 4warnedtwiceshy Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:45 am
Guess who just im'd me on Yahoo?? Yeah, that's HIM!! Was on my desktop that has auto sign in but as available, not invisible like my was, "hello my love?"...[i ignored him]..."are you there?"...[closed off the window, went invisible].

Last night I saw him sign in for the first time in days, no doubt cultivating his latest victim. After I finished copying all the conversation history I deleted his ass..but he still has me on his list obviously!! Seems he can't get any joy out of the newest ones because he came after me again, this has to be the recovery you spoke of Dotti??

Right, well, done and dusted, now the police know and so does our consumer watchdog authority and woujldn't you know it, this week just happens to be their scamwatch week!!

They really are this universally THICK, aren't they!! I called him and unspeakable PRICK and he still comes back for more!! Hide thicker than a rhinocerous!!

Of course this begs the question, what does he do now when he realises that no way no how is he ever going to get any money out of me..I hope he doesn't get nasty.
by Katharina Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:05 am
this has to be the recovery

Recorvery scams promise you will get your money back ... if you pay more money. The scammers pretend to belong to some kind of law enforcement or other authority. For a detailed explanation read here:

And he might try other types of scams with different email accounts - a fake charity, a pet looking for a nice home ... just come here if you receive a suspicious email.

Have a nice weekend!
by 4warnedtwiceshy Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:13 am
Thanks Katharina.

Fortunately the money I sent him came back because it failed our Western Union online end validation process (thank God four protection laws!!) so this scum didn't get any of my money. I was one of the lucky ones (it was back in my account yesterday).

I have read everything there is on here about the recovery scams so I will definitely be on the lookout for anything remotely resembling a suspicious email.

Enjoy your weekend too!
by 4warnedtwiceshy Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:16 pm
Okay, so this is getting spooky now...I got an offline from "Frank" asking what is going on.

I replied thinking he wasn't there but he was. Then told him to F*** OFF.

So I ended up having a conversation with him, as much as I wasn't going to...then he was put on my ignore list after he disappeared for more than 10 minutes after I asked him repeatedly to shpw me a photo of him in his uniform. You will believe the crap come out of his mouth because you've seen/heard it all before. Please note the constant use of broken English:

"frankmillar98: So is this why you haven't come online since all this long?
frankmillar98: Baby you have fooled me
Jacqui: what do you think
Jacqui: you fooled me that's why i stopped talking to you
frankmillar98: How can you keep such in mind for me
frankmillar98: How can you say I fooled you
Jacqui: you do not talk like an American, number one
Jacqui: you are Nigerian
frankmillar98: How will you say so have you speak to me
Jacqui: i found out, i am not stupid i believe everything
Jacqui: i specka to you on here
Jacqui: for a start..
frankmillar98: Ok tell where did you get all this bullshit stories
Jacqui: soldiers ARE allowed cell phones and webcams, a friend of mine has a friend in kabul
frankmillar98: For God sake I am a solder and I stay in kabul
frankmillar98: Oh baby which friend of your is that
Jacqui: i got this TRUTH from various sources all of which whill remain with me
Jacqui: as if i am going to tell you that
frankmillar98: Oh baby who told you this?
Jacqui: then where is the picture of you in your uniform
frankmillar98: You break my heart so much
Jacqui: you conned me
frankmillar98: And you said you love me
frankmillar98: Oh baby you lie to me
Jacqui: you are not listening to me
frankmillar98: I never con you
Jacqui: where is the photo of you in your uniform
Jacqui: and who was that poor man in the photo you sent me, it is not you
frankmillar98: No baby you are the one that is telling me what that those not make sense
frankmillar98: Why will you say that
Jacqui: your name is on a blog list of known scammers
it was a bogus military email you sent me
frankmillar98: Which name is that?
Jacqui: soldiers do not need to pay for an outside subscription for satellite phones, they can use their own
Jacqui: did you think i wasn't gpooing to find out?
Jacqui: do you go by any other name?
frankmillar98: Baby now I hnow that you did not love me
Jacqui: oh for god's sake..stop it
Jacqui: you know i am telling the truth
frankmillar98: You only looking for some one to use
Jacqui: YOU broke MY heart
Jacqui: that is unforgiveable
frankmillar98: I never break your heart
Jacqui: you know what, this conversation is going nowhere
frankmillar98: You break my heart for telling me all this
Jacqui: YOU LIED to me..whatever it is your name is and it isn't frank
Jacqui: where is the photo of you in your uniform
Jacqui: i looked up a few military web sites
Jacqui: and..
Jacqui: there are no antelope in california
frankmillar98: I never want to see you again you break my heart
Jacqui: you are a liar and you haveevaded all my quesions again
Jacqui: you scammed me and that is the bottom line
frankmillar98: Did I take any thing from you?
Jacqui: you lkive in Lagos, your IP address was pinged
Jacqui: you took my heart and my humility
Jacqui: you stole that from me
Jacqui: with your lies
frankmillar98: I don't stay in that place you call
frankmillar98: And I have my daughter in california
Jacqui: you live in Lago, your inteenet address was pinged
frankmillar98: Oh now you lie
Jacqui: your email address is on a known list of scammers
why would it be there
Jacqui: and so was your facebook account, it was a phony
Jacqui: what is it going to take for you to work out that i know you are not frank millar
frankmillar98: Oh baby now I know that you are tell is all lie because they can't pick my ip here
Jacqui: it is a name you use to scam women
Jacqui: your name comes up on aklnown list of scammers
Jacqui: anybody's IP can be traced with the right tools
Jacqui: bc that's how yours was found
frankmillar98: Tell me where did you get all this bullshit from?
frankmillar98: If I were a scamer I would never love you the way I do now but now you break my heart so piss off and don't talk to me again
Jacqui: i am not going to tell you how i know i was warned by a friend of mine who has an American friend stationed in Kabul
Jacqui: he told me there is no frank millar there
Jacqui: you did not answer me where the photo was of you in your uniform
frankmillar98: Oh now you see
Jacqui: so don't bullshit me any more
frankmillar98: Don't you know that here is very big
frankmillar98: Ok I will send that to you if you want to see it ok
Jacqui: ok so send it
frankmillar98: But please don't ever call me a scamer
Don't you know that here is very big
frankmillar98: Ok I will send that to you if you want to see it ok
Jacqui: ok so send it
frankmillar98: But please don't ever call me a scamer
Last message received on 21/08 at 4:39 AM
frankmillar98: So where did you get all this bullshit you telling me
frankmillar98: Because now I know that you just fooled me from the start and now you tires of me and you out of your life
Jacqui: where is the photo you said you send me
Jacqui: you were the one came after me
Jacqui: not the other way round
frankmillar98: I need to scan it first ok
Jacqui: ok so scan it
frankmillar98: am on it
frankmillar98: But you never believe in me as I did with you
frankmillar98: I hate it so much
Jacqui: you told me too many things that did not add up what do you expect
frankmillar98: I try to bring peace with you and your son but you reject me
Jacqui: you tried to extort money from for a satellite phone
Jacqui: that is what you did
Jacqui: soldiers are allowed to use their cell phones bc my friend calls his soldier friend in kabul
Jacqui: so do wives and girlfriends
frankmillar98: I never want to take your money I just want to be more close to you the more
Jacqui: you were putting pressure on me in the last week to pay the money for the satellite phone
Jacqui: when i know that sodiers are able
to use their cell phones in kabul "

And that is the last I heard from him. I have a feeling now he is going to get nasty because he is panicking now, wondering how on earth I found out. As you saw, I flatly refused to tell him. He cannot contact me by im any more because I reported him as spam.

If he starts sending me emails (and I doubt whether he will because he knows I can ping his IP) everything will be kept as evidence. I really hope he leaves me alone, he has my home address and he asked me very early on in our chatnhistory what my full name I know why. He was probably trying to find out my financial history, bank accounts, etc..

I share this chat history to warn other women how adept they think they are in scamming us.

:!: :evil:

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