Information on romance scams and scammers.
by nikkis Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:07 am
If only we on this site could start an organisation to catch these men and then string them up, hang them out to dry and let every woman in the world chuck stones and bricks at them. Though I think even this would be too good for them. They deserve something real bad to happen to them and see how they like it.

by Dotti Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:35 am
Unfortunately, as Arnold said before, the vast majority of these scammers work from areas where enforcement is virtually nonexistent and corruption is rampant. We could have all of their real information - names, addresses, phone numbers, and even their life stories - and in most cases, their punishment would be weak or nonexistent. We do recommend reporting them to the appropriate authorities either way.

Many of us here are also scambaiters over at Arrests are rare, but by closing their websites, wasting their time, causing scammers to waste time and money chasing victims that don't exist, and making their lives difficult, we do at least have a chance to have some impact on their "businesses."

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by Arnold Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:25 pm
nikkis wrote:If only we on this site could start an organisation to catch these men and then string them up,

We aren't the Four Just Men, and can't countenance going outside the law even if it was feasible . As well as the legal and moral issues, in real life vigilantes make mistakes.

by nikkis Tue Aug 30, 2011 4:33 pm
Ladies, After almost being scammed by a so called american soldier ive decided to get involved with a genuine soldiers site, male and female soldiers who really do need our help but not with money they just need simple parcels to be sent out to them. I actually enjoyed (as I thought) having conversations with my soldier man that I wanted to carry on but this time with a genuine soldier. If anyone is interested in sending anything from a small parcel of goodies to just a simple letter then please let me know. The genuine soldiers are doing a lot of good work and deserve and need a bit of help.

Nikki x
by Michael Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:01 pm
Which site is that? I'd love to take a look and check their credentials.

Account inactive - messages are not being monitored
by began steele Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:33 am
Soldiers love getting written letters too. Another thing is that it's almost impossible to fake an army POSTOFFICE address. It shouldn't be difficult to get a real one to tell you what it is, except a scammer may give you 1000 reasons why not, top of list being security and that will be pure bullshit .

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by nikkis Tue Sep 06, 2011 3:48 pm
I need someone to offer some help and advice again please people. The soldier that tried his best to scam me has come back for a 2nd go. Ive deleted him off my contacts on both facebook and yahoo and ive also blocked him from messaging me (or so I thought) tonight ive logged on to check my emails on yahoo and the scammer came through to instant message me. How on earth can I get rid of him. Obviously I know that he is no threat to me but as soon as I saw his name come up to instant message me my heart skipped a beat and then I got very nervous. He knows that I know he is a scammer so why does he keep coming back and how is he able to get through when Ive blocked him.

Nikki x
by Justin Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:00 pm
Scammers do not always give up easily. Just keep ignoring him and he will eventually go away. As far as the chat deal is his email address the exact same as before? You may have blocked his previous email address but he can just start a new one similar to the original.

Not sure how tied you are to your email account but if it's really bothering you may want to consider getting a new account. Otherwise I promise eventually he will move on.

by nikkis Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:33 pm
Hi Justin, thanks for the reply Unfortunately I am tied into my contract with my email and use it a lot. He is still contacting me off the same email address and I just dont know how is managing to get through when ive blocked him. Its a long story but I told 1 of the other official ladies on here 2 weeks ago that he wanted me to send a payment to a lady in Hawaii and when I checked her out she was a friend of his on facebook. After his contact with me lastnight twice, I have just now logged onto my facebook to chat with my cousin and she has been on tonight and left me a message. He has told her all sorts, lies such as I am an ex girlfriend and she is not at all bothered that Im still contacting him. The lady on here a couple of weeks ago said she was going to contact her and explain he was a scammer and explain that she needed to cease contact with him but she obviously didnt contact her and now she is pestering me. I just dont know what to do !!!!!!!!!!! I do ignore him, I never message him back. How on earth can I block him. Ive done it once but it obviously didnt work and its worrying me a lot
by Justin Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:56 pm
Ok check out this link you may have missed a step ... tadv3.html

As far as the suport member contacting the women in Hawaii I am sure they did if they said they would. That does not mean that the women listened to our suport members warning.

If you would like to private message me the details I will look into it.

by Dotti Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:09 pm
Unfortunately, some of the victims we contact don't even bother to read our messages, let alone believe them. In some cases, they will simply delete our messages or report us as spammers. I do a lot of warning on facebook and if 1 out of 10 people I warn ever responds, I'm doing pretty well. Sometimes I have even had victims respond accusing me of being a scammer! It sounds as if this victim is pretty hooked at this point in time, and unwilling to accept the possibility that she is being scammed. That doesn't mean we won't try to get through to her. But if she isn't ready to accept the truth, she may continue to believe him until something else triggers her to take a step back and look at what is happening.

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by nikkis Wed Sep 07, 2011 1:33 am
ok people thanks a lot for your replies and pm's

Nikki x
by began steele Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:28 am
Yes Dotti absolutely correct.
So often here we see the victims who are badly hooked. They have lost money already and yet are poised to send more. They do a search and get some information and then post here asking if they are dealing with a scammer. They still think that they are going to get told that the person is real and not a scammer. But we never do. I wish it could happen sometimes, but I guess- dream on :?
I get answers back and have to reinforce the warning, repeat myself, give further information and even tell them what the scammer has already done, and still fail to convince them, because next day they send a loving comment to the persons profile. I get accused of being a scammer, having some form of agenda for personal gain, trying to steal their boyfriend etc etc . Well Yes! I do have an agenda, but that's to stop them getting conned, and also to stop the next one who comes along getting conned too.
However sometimes it works and I get thanks for the warnings and help. It makes up for all the failures and gives me real pleasure.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by Chheoun Sotheavy Tue Oct 11, 2011 4:39 am
Dear everyone,
What should i do with the scamer that keep contacting me, I have lost $18000 with that scamers and i gain nothing, i'm really suffer both my trust and money, but i have no way to get them caught? their number are +0201202272966 and +0201502272966, They keep mailing me and ask me the same thing. I'm really sad....How should i do to deal with them?
by Justin Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:42 am
I'm sorry this scammer has caused you this pain. These scammers are not going to just give up especially since they were successful in stealing your money. You need to completely ignore them. Eventually they will give up. Any communication with them only provokes them to harras you further.

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