by danielle1972
Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:20 am
Jillian wrote:Welcome, Danielle. I'm so glad you took the time to do some searching when you became suspicious. Thanks for registering and adding to this topic. If you have the current info the scammer is using which is different than that listed here, please do post some of his emails, including his email address, so that info will show up in searches for others.<br id="mf399">Let us know if you have any questions.
danielle1972 wrote:This man approached me on Dutch datingsite Badoo as George Handy from Orlando. A widower for 3 years after his wife died (after 13 years off marriage) in a carcrash visiting her family in Ghana. His daughter (Mandy)now stays with her grandmother in Ghana until he's back from Kabul, Afghanistan. Unfortunately he can't send money from Afghanistan to her for schoolfees etc. Just today he's asked me if I could?! Yeah right!! No way.... Started searching and ended up here; I am shocked!! Feel so sorry for the guy on the photo's!!!
He apprached me as "[email protected]" being George Handy.