Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Ralph Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:35 am
The following email is quite typical of the type of lies scammers will tell when they are trying to get their victims to send money, this email has lots of common themes.

You are his only option
He will pay you back
When he gets to "The State"
He needs the money for his son
They money is needed urgently

Of course, these are all lies

Hello Honey,
I have tried everything I could with the insurance company. I can only sue them or query them when I am in the state. As it is now, I need the said cash to balance the payment for the equipment. I have deposited the one I have with me and I don't even have can to take care of my son anymore. I am completely bothered now. I have too many things in my brain.
Honey, the money I am asking you for is a loan and I promise to pay you back immediately when I get to the state. I need to sort things out here and complete the project on time. I don't know what else to do as you are my last hope. I hate it when I am becoming a responsibility for someone but I don't have any other alternative. I will wait to read from you.

by The Enchantress Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:04 pm
My dearest One ,

Here i just got that equipment and have not got it insured yet , i am getting a new one and already deposited some money for it , so i just need your help to please loan me the rest of the funds and i promise to pay you back . Please, i would so much appreciate this from you and will forever be grateful.

I love you

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by The Enchantress Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:58 am
Ok Love i will be waiting for you mail Love you MUCH...

My dearest One,

Thank you for wanting to help me . I told you that i cant access my account from here, if i were able to , i would not even ask you to please help me because i have enough funds in my account , i put a protocol on my account which will not make me withdraw or deposit any money into it while i am not around , so if you would be willing to do this for me , you will have to do it via Western union

So just got to any western union outlet near you and send the funds to the below info
Kenneth Jackson

87 clement ave
London , Se7 8ht
United Kingdom,

you will just send me the necessary details as soon as you get the funds sent so i can go pay the rest fee and get the equipment to get the work started asap. I will so much appreciate this from you and i will forever be grateful. thank you once again my love. I love you


But you should try and understand one thing that my bank account is not working from here or else if you can send it to John's girlfriend account and she will find a way to get it down here to us, because no funds can get in or out of my account without my presence. I so much appreciate you willing to help me but my account is not an option because i am not in the state right now , if i can access my account , i would not had asked you for any help , so kindly help me and i promise i will never let you down

My love,
You dont have to be so mean about all this issue , you are sounding so rude and it hurts me alot this is a way you are coming out only because i need your help , i would want you to understand one thing that i would do more if you were in my shoe but anyway , thank you for everything and i promise you once again that i will never let you down. You can send it to John's girlfriend account as below and let me know when the funds will get into the account , and i will tell her how to get it here.

Routine #102001017
Account #1637755503
Account name- Audrey E. Vollmers
Evergreen, CO 80439-7804
JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
Denver, Colorado 80202

Please let me hear from you soon. thank you . Words become a burden, when it is you that I am trying to express my love to. You see, it is a very deep, heart-felt love! One that only the right words can do justice to. You lighten my day regardless of what the day really may be. If it is raining, the very thought of you turns the rain drops into drops of your love for me, that saturates my very soul with the assurance that I will never have to be without your love again. Am I dreaming? Is it real? These are the questions that I asked myself when I awaken from the experience of your love for me. Then I realize that it is real. You do love me and I do love you! What joy! That is something that I never had before, and when it is threatened, my body goes through convulsions or something; I experience pains like I never thought possible. The fact is, I love you with this heart-felt love that is beyond verbal expression. For you give me joy. So, while I know that it would be beneath what I really and truly feel in my heart for you, just let me express my heart-felt love for you by merely saying, I love you.

With undying love,

The bottom part of that email was stolen from here

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by Ralph Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:26 am
These 2 emails were sent shortly after each other, both have been stolen from the net with the exception of a small piece towards the end of the first one, "So Honey if you want to help me Please Do"

When one finds a worthy wife, her value is far beyond pearls. Her husband entrusting his heart to her, has an unfailing prize.When one finds a worthy wife, her value is far beyond pearls. Her husband entrusting his heart to her, has an unfailing prize.I may be able to speak the languages of human beings and even of angels, but if I have no love, my speech is no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell. I may have the gift of inspired preaching; I may have all knowledge and understand all secrets; I may have the faith needed to move mountains-but if I have no love, I am nothing. I may give away everything I have, and even give up my body to be burned-but if I have no love, this does me no good.May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else.1 Thessalonians 3:12"Love never fails. But where there are propheccies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.So Honey if you want to help me Please Do The few hours I spend with you are worth the thousand hours I spend without you!"

Don't let your mind rule over your heart.Where so ever you go, go with all your heart.Giving away a heart can hurt ... having a broken heart can be life threatening, even to the strongest people. But, receiving one is the greatest gift.Now let us play hide and seek. Should you hide in my heart it would not be difficult to find you. But should you hide behind your own shell, then it would be useless for anyone to seek you.Sometimes someone says something really small and it fits right into this empty place in your heart.There comes a time in every life we find the heart we're looking for.If kissing was just two people touching lips, it wouldn't touch our hearts and bind our souls the way it does.I give you all my love because I truly love you, but I can't give you my soul and my heart because you'll just break it apart.
by The Enchantress Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:35 am
Honey i just want you to forgive me.i dont work since monday now i donr have any money to pay the store.When you have loved unconditionally one man and lost that love, it leaves a wound that never heals, a sad and broken heart, a void forever.I wish I was a kid again, because skinned knees are easier to fix then broken hearts.A heart breaking isn't always as loud as a bomb exploding.. Sometimes it can be as quiet as a feather falling.. And the most painful thing is, no one really hears it, except you..If kissing was just two people touching lips, it wouldn't touch our hearts and bind our souls the way it does.I give you all my love because I truly love you, but I can't give you my soul and my heart because you'll just break it apart.Two souls meet and discover they were not meant to be, hence, they part. Yet, unconditional love is found when the two spirits meet again, and now become Lover.Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart and soul!

Note scammer has stolen the above from

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by The Enchantress Sat Nov 14, 2009 4:58 am
Each night before I sleep your sweet words through my mind. As I rest my head on my pillow a smile seeps through my soul, knowing that you, and you alone have made me whole.Without you I would simply be surviving, but with you I am living life to the fullest. Because of your love my spirit has been rejuvenated.The simplest pleasures in life bring me so much joy that it is hard to find the words to describe them. A walk in the park becomes a reality based metaphor... it is our journey together hand in hand forever more.Our banter that may seem odd to others makes us giggle to no end. The difference between you and I are very few, yet they are there. But we accept those differences, embracing them because they are part of something we love about one another.It isn't about looks, nor money but the simplicity in life that we find so attractive. Knowing we could survive anywhere as long as we were together.Love is not a job, love simply is. Unconditional love is what I offer you, and with you I receive the same. You are my heart of hearts, my soul mate, friend, lover and partner for life.I will love you forever and a day. Thank you for being there, loving me and knowing what my true heart wants.
Love always,

Note - the above was used by another scammer here;

Miss Mary [email protected] Nov 1st 2009

Dear Husband
Each night before I sleep your sweet voice echoes through my mind saying Mary i love you. As I rest my head on my pillow a smile seeps through my soul, knowing that you, and you alone have made me whole.Without you I would simply be surviving, but with you I am living life to the fullest. Because of your love my spirit has been rejuvenated.I had no idea that things would end up how they are now. I would have never guessed that you would be my husband, and I would not change a thing. I love you with all my heart, my soul, and life. You fill me with so much happiness. When I come home every day from work, there is only one thing that keeps me going day to day, and that is the thought that I will get the time to spend with you. Just knowing the fact that I will get to spend the rest of my life with you fills me with so much joy that I want to cry. You make me smile every time I hear your voice saying Mary i love you. You mean the world to me, and I never want to lose you.
The simplest pleasures in life bring me so much joy that it is hard to find the words to describe them. A walk in the park becomes a reality based metaphor... it is our journey together hand in hand forever more.Even in our moods, regardless of the irritations of daily life we manage to make each other laugh. The sound of your laughter rings through my ears and touches my heart. Our banter that may seem odd to others makes us giggle to no end. The difference between you and I are very few, yet they are there. But we accept those differences, embracing them because they are part of something we love about one another.When I first saw you in my dream, I knew something was different about you. I wanted to talk to you for the longest time, but I did not have the courage to actually talk to you. I thank God every day that He brought you into my life.
It isn't about looks, nor money but the simplicity in life that we find so attractive. Knowing we could survive anywhere as long as we were together.Love is not a job, love simply is. Unconditional love is what I offer you, and with you I receive the same. You are my heart of hearts, my soul mate, friend, lover and partner for life.I will love you forever and a day. Thank you for being there, loving me and knowing what my true heart wants.
Love always,
With love and respect
Your Wife
Olaniyan Mary

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by Ralph Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:38 am
This scammer is still trying to tell his lies to encourage his (non compliant) victim to send money.

Some scammers do have access to bank accounts and while it is by far their preference to receive money by Western Union, some will have ready access to bank accounts if required, in this case, the scammer has provided another different bank account for his victim to send money to.
by Ralph Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:20 am
Following on from the previous post, as much as some may be able to provide bank accounts, there preference will always be to receive money by Western Union, take a look at this load of lies trying to encourage his victim to pay by Western Union and not into a bank account

Hello My Dearest Removed,

My Love deep down your heart you know i really need your help and i dont have anyone else except you the love of my life and the reason why i am alive and hopeful is because you are there for me. Pls Honey kindly do this great favouyr for me to get this work started as a matter of urgency, paying into an account will take days that may eventually leads to weeks which delay the work i came to do here and moreover i dont really the mind of people here so my love i will prefer to receive the money personally through western union so that i will be 100% of it and i will get the equipment right away. My Princess i will be waiting to read from you earliest today so that i can move ahead with the project. I love you so so much and i will be forever be grateful to God Almighty for your love as the greatest gift of my life.

Love Always,
by The Enchantress Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:38 pm
This scammer provides a fresh bank account - the previous one having been reported and closed.

My Dearest Princess,

Thank you so much for your love, care, support and perfect understanding really appreciate. I was able to get in touch with (name deleted) and he promised to get in touch with you as soon as possible today so that i can fulfill the promise i made to the store where the equipments was hired. My Love i will be very glad if you can make the funds available to the account number given to us by one of the staff that work in the store, she said as soon as the payment is remitted in the account she will receive an alert from her sister and she will also let me know. My Love here is the information given to me by the lady at the store and i will want to look for the branch of the bank nearest to you so that you can make deposit into the account and get back to me so that i can also inform the lady. Thank very much for all you have done for me by standing by me to see to the success of this contract, it is true now that BEHIND ANY SUCCESSFUL MAN THERE IS WOMAN.

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1010243047547
ZIPCODE: 30338
BANK PHONE NUMBER: 770-570-1197

I will be waiting to read from you my love later today...


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by The Enchantress Sat Nov 21, 2009 8:41 am
Hello My Princess,

Happy weekend to you and how was work during this past week? Hope not too stressful on you. Honey (other character) has been a wonderful man and i really appreciate him a lot it will be my greatest gesture to meet him in person when i get back home. My Love i need to know if your clerk came back yesterday and confirm to you that the deposit has been made into the account so that i can get in touch with them at the store. I called them yesterday at the store and i told them the funds will be remitted but i need to get a confirmation from my wife so they said no problem that as soon as i get the confirmation i should let them know right away. I love you so so much and i cant wait to finish this work. Pls take good care of yourself for me and i will did the same thing here my princess. With Love


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by Ralph Tue Nov 24, 2009 6:20 am
This email is the scammer telling how dusgusted he feels after his money didn't arrive from his victim.

Quite sickening to think a scammer with no integrity at all is concerned about how he feels having not received money from his victim

My Love,

How are you and work at the office today? Hope not too stressful i guess my princess. On my way going to the project site i branched the store to inform them that money has been paid into the account then left there to my work site, it was later in the afternoon they informed me that nothing was paid into the account that i promised them friday last week they will get their money and now today is monday no balance yet, i felt so disgusted as if i have my lost my integrity. My Love did you hear from your client as regards the money and what is the exact time your clerk pay the money so that i can stop over at the store and tell them. Honey i have been trying so hard to finish the project that was why i have not been online consistently like before, i really need to finish this work on time so that i can come home to be with you. My Love pls kindly some thing fast as regards the store funds so that they can still believe in me as a man that made promise and keep to it. I cant stop thinking about you and i love you so so much with all my heart, body and soul. Love from your Prince.


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