Por acaso é lusófona? I don't know who else would write "foruns". Eu não falo português tão bem mas aprendi espanhol e francês quando era jovem, pois não é dificil entender. By "he is huge" you mean your heart?
If the scammer told you to send money via Fulano de Tal ao endereço #65535 Rua Onde Seja ... please send the information to a mod. They'll know what to do with it. Many of these people (we call them "mules") think they're performing a legitimate job, but would quit if a warner told them it's highly illegal.
This is a forum and I think you're doing just fine
As Byron explained, please mark the photos as fake, put them on Upload Eater, and post the mails with your name deleted. If you can, please post them with headers included so that we can see where the scammer really is (usually).
... ni los estafadores heredarán el reino de Dios. 1 Cor. 6:10