Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Dotti Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:09 am
If you are talking to the person listed in this thread, then there is absolutely NO doubt. He is a scammer.

Some romance scammers can be very patient, waiting months, occasionally even a year or more, before asking for money. They will focus on building the illusion of a relationship and making sure their victim is "hooked" enough that they are likely to send money. But the entire profile is fake, set up solely for the purpose of scamming.

The best thing you can do is cut off contact before you are hurt.

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by SymJowers Sat Jan 26, 2013 10:18 am
I actually already cut off contact with him this Morning not because I felt or think he might be a scammer. I have just made some major decisions including beginning a new job and I see no place for a Man right now.
Also thanks for letting me know they could take longer. I met about 4 different men thru a dating site and all of them seemed to ask for a "favor" in a week or less. When I decide to date again, I will truly be on top of there game. Glad I found this site!!

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.......

God Bless,
Sym Jowers
by began steele Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:44 am
SymJowers you can be sure money will arrive in due course, or goods you did not ask for and it will all lead to you being scammed. As long as you accept nothing and do not transfer money you should be alright. Your scammer has another profile.
TELEPHONE. +44 703 5990404 redirect to NIGERIA.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by SymJowers Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:34 am
Thanks for that one. I did not know about that one as I have seen 2 Facebook Pages.....It's weird though as yesterday I tried google image and it could only locate the few pictures that I found here and the Child he says is his "Daughter". She is a Model not his "Daughter". Couldn't locate his emails either.....He sent me another one besides the "martinwilliams644" I want to say it was "martinwilliams748", I was trying to double check it but that is what sticks so that must be it. I would never send money to someone I don't know. And if anything every came from someone I don't know, I would not accept it.
I know I sound BOLD here but I have learned a little about scammers. I was on a dating site and talked to about 5 of them in a months time. Within a week of starting to talk with them they were already trying to find out about my financial situation. All except one stopped talking to me when I told them I would not help them. The one finally gave up when I wrote him an email and told him that we could not "be together" anymore. Weird...I know.
But then his 20y/o "Daughter" started texting me. Calling me Mom and telling me "Good Morning" & "Good Night".
I think it might of been him with another phone. That phone was listed in Florida and his number was in Lagos.
I have found out thru checking email headers and phone numbers that not all of them were from Africa. Several of the ones I talked to were right here in the Untied States!
Another thing...if the number at the end of the email was suppose to be "Martin's" is different from the 2 I have. The 2 he sent are: +44 704 5781 & +44 703 1815

Thanks for your email............

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.......

God Bless,
Sym Jowers
by began steele Sun Jan 27, 2013 9:43 am
[email protected] seems appropriate.Be aware of proxy IP , and you can always do a google search for it. On balance that will give you around 100 links mostly to sites checking IP. However some links will be to sites that deal with spam, such as Project Honeypot or Stopforumspam and that's a good indication of a proxy. Also some links will actually mention proxy. If you see thousands of links to sites such as games, clothes etc you can be almost certain. There is only one reason why a normal person should use one and that's to conceal themselves and that also means SCAMMER. Some email providers like Fastmail and Gmail remove IP numbers.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by SymJowers Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:12 am
I did check his IP......and if I remember correctly it showed "Poland".........but I am not sure how the emails are processed from overseas. They may have different areas they come from...Not saying he isn't a scammer......Just saying I know things are done differently over there.

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.......

God Bless,
Sym Jowers
by Dotti Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:28 am
I have found out thru checking email headers and phone numbers that not all of them were from Africa. Several of the ones I talked to were right here in the Untied States!

It's possible, but highly unlikely. It's also one of most common mistakes victims have made--thinking they were safe because the headers did not place the scammer in Africa.

Headers can be useful to show someone IS a scammer, but less useful to tell you he is NOT.

If he is claiming to be elsewhere, but headers show Africa or Malaysia, then you can be certain he is a scammer.

But, if he claims to be US or UK, and the headers show the same, it does not mean he is not a scammer.
-ANY email sent from a gmail account using their website will trace to California, regardless of where it is written. That's because Google puts their headquarters in as the originating IP.
-There is a Yahoo protocol, NNFMP, that is not well understood, but it is often tied to forged headers. If those letters are anywhere in the header, there is a good chance the header is forged, and the location information may be altered. In many cases, the originating IP will appear to be Yahoo's headquarters in California.
-If he is using a satellite ISP, at times it may show their headquarters
-There are other web-based email services that strip originating IP as well.
-Some internet cafes in Africa route their computers through proxies for a variety of (not always good) reasons.
-Some individual scammers do take the trouble to use proxies, particularly if they have been detected due to IP in the past.

These proxies may be official proxies (e.g. Tor, hidemyass, etc.) or they may actually be established by hackers, using computers that have been compromised without the owner's knowledge. In this case, the hacker is selling the information needed to route their activity through those computers (information like this is frequently sold to spammers and scammers.) Some scammers will make the effort to claim a location that matches their proxy (and may even get a phone number that aligns too.)

As Began said, Google can be very helpful. If an IP comes up in connection with spam or other scams, it is probably a compromised IP.

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by SymJowers Mon Jan 28, 2013 6:47 am
I have tried to track "Martin Williams" email through Google to see if he has been reported other places and the only place it shows up is here. The same goes for his pictures, except the Child he claims is his Daughter and I found her on a Modeling Site. Maybe he is new and trying the "Game"?
I had one guy I talked with and when I Googled his email.....he was all over the place. His header even put him in Africa! Maybe as time goes by "Martin" will begin to show up in more places................

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.......

God Bless,
Sym Jowers
by Dotti Mon Jan 28, 2013 9:52 am
It depends.

Some scammers will continue to use the same name and email address with many different victims. It's easier for them, as they don't have to keep a lot of different stories straight.

But, others will use multiple identities, and limit each fake identity to one or two victims. It's more work, keeping all of their characters straight, but it has its advantages.

Some will use an identity more than once, but as soon as they are confronted with a scam listing by a potential victim, they will drop that identity and move on to a different one.

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