Information on romance scams and scammers.
by fanta Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:55 am
MoneyGram did not work, so I had to send money via Western Union Bank. I did not send anything and this is the last Wilmot answer:

. . . You love money so much. that is the problem you got.
If I'm a fraudster, I will collect any money from you but here I'm the one that rejected your money. that shows you how real I'm in the real world. that is me and my son and that is just me. But I can't have a relationship with you, money or no money. even if you give me 500,0000 Dollars today, I will not take it from you. because you have no good heart that I want. you are greedy and a liar. You love money more than human being. My little advice for you is this. free your heart towards people and show love.
If you want money, I can send you money now, because I'm back home finally.
Last edited by Con Warner on Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:55 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: took out [b]/b] that was lying around

by fanta Sun Jun 02, 2013 2:18 am
For all deceived women : It was a great emotional pressure and I succumbed. I wanted to send at least $ 500 more I did not. Fortunately for me, Western Union Bank did not approve this transaction as very suspicious of fraud. Wilmot did not believe me and was so rude that answered to me:

Pro všechny oklamané ženy: Byl to opravdu silný emocionální tlak a já jsem podlehla. Cht?la jsem poslat alespo? 500 dolar? víc jsem nem?la. Našt?stí pro m?, Western Union banka neschválila tuto transakci jako velmi podez?elou z podvodu. Wilmot mi nev??il a byl tak drzý, že mi odpov?d?l:

Now I know, you are not sincere, I called Western Union, I ask them and they said, even if you cancelled Transaction 100 times, that you can still send money anytime you wish. why the lies? xxx why

And I still had believed that his words are true...That on the pictures can not be a no impostor, but honest and sincere man ...
From my illusions help me my friend from our foreign police and finally I myself, because Wilmot did not respond to any of my more mails ...

A já jsem stále v??ila, že vše, co mi píše, je pravda... Že na t?ch fotkách p?ece nem?že být žádný podvodník, ale ?estný a up?ímný muž...
Z mých iluzí m? dostal m?j známý z naší Cizinecké policie a nakonec i já sama, protože Wilmot dál nereagoval na žádný m?j mail...

Although it is possible that in the photos is somebody else than the one who was writing and cheated ...

I když je možné, že na fotografiích je n?kdo jiný než ten, kdo psal a podvád?l ...

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