by mjager56
Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:41 pm
There is a guy on facebook calling himself John Elias who has the same pictures as Erik Jonas. He says he lives in Ocala, FL but is from Columbus, GA. I have been talking to him for about a week now and he asked me for money today and I told him no to go get a loan. I told him I figured he was a scammer and now I knew he was. He also goes by the name of Erik Jonas and unfortunately I did get scammed by Erik Jonas over 12000 dollars. So if you ever come in contact with an Erik Jonas or John Elias, they are both scammers. They are both on facebook and have the same pictures on their profile pages. Please don't fall victim to their scams. I am still digging myself out of the debt I put myself in. Please be careful. thank you.