My love I am writing you now with tears in my eyes because I just got informed by the Manager of my Charity organization which I opened to help the homeless, motherless and fatherless kids, that 6 kids died yesterday night because there is no medication, good food, and vacines for them.
It all began wen I went on tour to africa and I got to see so many kids sleeping on the streets, no food, no clothing, no medications, no vacines, no shelter, they were dying of malaria and typhod and so many disease, I got down on my knees and cried, I now opened a home for them which I send money to my manager to always get them vacines, clothing, medication, food, clean water and so on.
Before I left for Afganistan I sent some money to cater for them while I will be here, but he just mailed me that he has ran out of cash and we lost 6 kids last night that was so sick. I have been crying all day, because these kids are not meant to die like this.
Pls my love I need you to send him some money for me, so he can get the house in order, to get them food, vacines, medication, good water and some other incentive, I would pay you immediately am out of here.
Pls do it for the kids sake
Thanks, I awaits your reply my love