by hp2292
Fri Jan 17, 2014 3:52 am
Here's another one: Danny September
Same story - widow, son in Germany, father died, wife died 5 years ago, talks a lot about love, going to Manilla to renovate an oil rig, same words, same story, different sentences. Oh wants to reach my heart with his love, etc etc etc... There is a Danny September on eBay from England, who knows!!! He said he is from Houston and that he is going to come see me when he gets back from Manilla. He also said he is going to give me his phone number. I can't wait until he asks me for money to rescue him!
I don't know how to post his picture, I too met him on
If they ask you for money you can report it to the FBI! Yes, its true. If you haven't let on that you know its a scam then the FBI can take over and they have people in Nigeria to pick up these guys.
Thanks for the warning!!!!!