Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Chris Fuller Sun May 30, 2010 11:47 am
Deliberately writing to scammers in order to obtain information about their scams is a very useful activity - but it must only be done safely, using a false name, invented personal details, a fake dating site profile, and a totally anonymous email address, set up with all fake information. If the scammer discovers (or suspects) that you have been writing to him just to 'expose' him online (or to distract him from real victims, perhaps), then he is going to be quite angry - and scammers are criminals, so you do need to stay safe and anonymous when doing this.

If it is something you are interested in doing, however, you will find a lot of information about this at 419Eater - click here. You might be particularly interested in the Romance Baiting FAQ: here.

And please always remember: stay safe.

by deniz Thu Jun 03, 2010 1:53 pm
I told that I`m still in contact and I found out he is a LIAR, but not a scammer. I told him what I found out and I didn`t hear anything about him for the next 5 days. Then he called me on the phone and told me about his lies.
by Dotti Thu Jun 03, 2010 2:02 pm
He's a liar and a scammer. It is not uncommon for a scammer to "confess" to lying when he knows that there is too much evidence against him to convince the victim that he was being honest. They typically admit they were lying, claim it was out of love, desperation, something like that. Then they will try to convince you that they really do love you and are very sorry they lied, and will once again try to get you to trust them.
In the end, it is just another way to try to keep you in contact and eventually get money from you. I have seen this exact same storyline more times than I can count!

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by deniz Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:05 pm
But he did not ask for money.
by Dotti Fri Jun 04, 2010 1:36 pm
Only because he hadn't reached that part of the scam yet. Some scammers ask for money in the first few days or weeks, but the more experienced scammers wait months, sometimes even a year or more, and work on "hooking" their victims (basically convincing them that this is a real relationship and getting the victim to trust them) before they actually ask for money, because they know they are more likely to succeed and ultimately get more money. He didn't have your complete trust yet, and he knew it--so he wasn't ready to ask for money yet (or to use you to make money in other ways--such as cashing fake checks, reshipping merchandise, etc.).

In the end, no matter what lies he told you and continues to tell you, his goal was to scam you.

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by deniz Sat Jun 05, 2010 7:42 am
What is about him, is he also a scam?

dearest one,
i am really happy to have a chance to know you and the reverse goes, i am simple and God fearing and sometimes i can act like a clown just to see you happy smiling. i dont like trouble cause i am the soft hearted type so i dont get myself into things i cant get out of.
i will like to let you know the kind of family background i came from, firstly i am the only child of my parents and i was born in UK in 1967. Well all was fine although i never got to see my father cause my mother told me that he denied me when she was pregnant in her teenage days where she had nobody but her aunty to behold in the united kingdom in liverpool where she met my father.
We later moved to amsterdam after three years where she got a simple job as a babysitter, i got into college and was given a Schorlarship back to UK in liverpool university and my mum was so proud of me and i promised to never let her down cause i was all she lived for and i must say she is my first love. Things began to get better in the university cause i studied hard, at the end of my schooling i got qualified as a Mechanical and System Design Engineer.
I used to work for a company that designs cooling systems for agricultural
tractors, but after many years of doing the corporate thing, I decided to be my
own boss and now I do a little of everything, mainly involved in the projects
surrounding the conversions of gas stations into handling gas with more than
ethanol. , Something that interests me is good for the environment and of
with anyone paying attention to the price of gas now days, very lucrative as

I travel to West Africa to purchase mechanical parts for an agricultural
cooperative. There is a lot of oil there and with the lack of infrastructure
resources; they are very creative in the utilization of their main resource…
Oil. The project would involve bringing equipment to the U.S that would be used
to make the proper adaptations to the current technology, so gas stations can
sell gas with more than 10% ethanol. Unfortunately, we have the resources, but
due to political interests in the government and the domestic oil industry,
there isn’t a lot of work being done around this and as you can imagine the
Agriculture Industry is very interested in the development of these stations,
their production of corn will increase and therefore, their profits.

To me, it’s a win situation all around. We all win and the environment is
protected as well. I am not one of those “green earthy” people, but if I
do my part and make money at the same time, why not?
by Dotti Sat Jun 05, 2010 9:13 am
Yes, this one is also a scam. I could tell you right away that it is another fake profile, because he claims he was born and went to university in UK. The writing in the first paragraph contains lots of mistakes that tell us this is not true--English is not his first language and there is no way he was educated in UK.

Again, specific mistakes and certain phrases used clearly indicate that he is African. I cannot point out the specific phrases here on an open forum, because if I do that and he finds himself here, he will learn to change those phrases in his script so that the next time he does a better job of hiding his real background. When he writes for himself instead of copying, he gives himself away.

I can also tell you that he wrote the first paragraph himself, and he copied the part about his work. I can tell you this because there is a very clear change in the English. The second part was written by an English speaking person, which means he copied it from somewhere. And sure enough, it is pretty easy for me to learn the truth.

Look at what we find from Robert Alex, another scammer posted here at scamwarners:
Go down to the post by The Enchantress on Tue Mar 30, 2010 11:11 am

I used to work for a company that designs cooling systems for agricultural tractors, but after many years of doing the corporate thing, I decided to be my own boss and now I do a little of everything, mainly involved in the projects surrounding the conversions of gas stations into handling gas with more than 10% ethanol. , Something that interests me is good for the environment and of course with anyone paying attention to the price of gas now days, very lucrative as well.

I travel to London to purchase mechanical parts for an agricultural cooperative then later headed for Nigeria because there is a lot of oil there and with the lack of infrastructure resources; they are very creative in the utilization of their main resource…Oil. The project would involve bringing equipment to the U.S that would be used to make the proper adaptations to the current technology, so gas stations can sell gas with more than 10% ethanol.

Unfortunately, we have the resources, but due to political interests in the government and the domestic oil industry, there isn’t a lot of work being done around this and as you can imagine the Agriculture Industry is very interested in the development of these stations,so their production of corn will increase and therefore, their profits,to me, it’s a win situation all around. We all win and the environment is protected as well. I am not one of those “green earthy” people, but if I can do my part and make money at the same time, why not?

Notice he copied it almost entirely, and just changed a few small words here and there.

Then if you go to another site, you will see part of this exact same script, only it is from "Dakotah Perrigo" ... 1257969815
Notice this was posted in November 2009 so this script has been around a while.
Re: Dakotah Perrigo <[email protected]>
Antwort #2 - 17. November 2009 um 23:16

There are actually more examples, and more scammer names associated with these words, but these should be enough to show you how it has been copied and used by multiple scammers.

Please post the name and email this scammer is using so that it can help to alert others.

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by Bedou Baby Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:26 pm
Hello Dear,
This gentleman is most definately a scammer. He contacted me in Jan. 2012 claiming to be a military official from Indiana. He first started with the emails and to my eyes have appeared his exact words to you and a few others :evil: So when he asked me to help his aunt I immediatley called him out on it. His scam is Money Gram and Western Union. He uses the names Marcus Green, Marcus Marcus, Marc and a few others. His associates are Suzanne Jenkins (running for mayoral office), Lars Anderson (Baseball player), Monette Flemming (well let's just said she has an interesting obituary of which u can find on google). Don't fall for his games. I spoke with him directly HE's NIGERIAN. My daughter who is actually in the Army went to the Indiana base and checked him out. He uses a Sat phone connected to a computer in Lagos. His so called aunt is a 20 yr old Nigerian as well. Don't let him play you. Luckily I had the help of my daughter and her friends in the military. Some one else might not be as lucky. He stated he will retire from active duty on May 19, 2012 so we are expecting him to "arrive" Like that will ever happen but we are prepared for anything that may come out of this. Good Luck dear

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