by ReN
Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:59 pm
Hey everyone. I was scammed in a similar way, via mocospace (account name is bonnylovrssex). Contacted me about wanting to talk via text, so I gave her my number (xxxxxxxxx). Immediately, I get a nude photo that didn't have her face in it. She begs for one back, but I decline her offer, delete the convo, and go about my week. I get a call that weekend from the same daughters number and it's her "dad". He's pissed, the "mom" is sick, and it's up to me to "clean up my mess" for sexting a minor (her profile says she's 24). Basically says he already filed a police report and I had charges placed against me (total bull) and I had to pay 350$ to get the charges dropped (initially). The charges increased to 450$ to pay off a "magistrate" and 565$ to pay off a "detective". I was panicking, so I ended up paying both fees. A couple days later, the father called again and he said his daughter tried to kill herself and insurance won't cover the medical fees unless he pressed charges, and he said I'd have to pay 750$ to help with the hospitalization, which I did. I never once thought or asked anything, as the admins on this page say, they operate on fear that they instill on their victims. Once you start asking questions, however, their story falls apart.
After about a week, the man contacted me again, this time from a south Carolina number (803-361-2440) claiming he needed 470$ to pay for the daughters treatment at a specialist. At this point, like the admins said, I was spent. I ended up selling various electronics just to pay this asshole earlier, so I had nothing. Then, my friend referred me to an attorney, who told me to relax, because it was a scam. I confronted the man and demanded to see paperwork. He didn't (more like couldn't) and he became flustered, his story began to fall apart. He claimed he was in Nevada, but he pressed charges in San Francisco, error one. His story kept falling apart, and he threatened me with legal action. I eventually basically told him to fuck off. 2 days later, the same guy called and left a voice mail with the 702 number, pretending to be a detective. I ignored it and am still walking the street and going to school.
I know a lot of people are wondering or are scared. But don't be afraid. Sadly, I found this site too late. But their advice is legit. Ignore the scammer. The best advice, though? DON'T SEND D*** PICS TO STRANGERS!!!!!!!! If you do, be safe. If you do feel you are being scammed, just follow the advice on the page. I am living, breathing proof that this is a scam (this scam happened in July). I really appreciate this site, even though I found it too late. Thanks for reading my story.
Edit: I was also contacted from 682-240-8102
Last edited by Bryon Williams on Mon Oct 03, 2016 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Removed personal information.