by dlynn729
Fri Dec 21, 2012 4:37 am
Michael wrote:Hi Mochagirl,
I am very happy to hear that you found us before you lost money to him, stories like yours help us remind that what we do here is not in vain . A guideline on how to post pictures can be found in this thread here: (click here)
Please post his email adress and his emails here too, to make sure he can be traced online
I too was almost scammed by Anthony Handy on black people meet .com (I've notified them). On there he is using "coolblackman49co" met yesterday spoke for hours last night and this morning on yahoo messenger (gave him my cell #). This evening when reviewing his profile he again did a chat on the website as he had when first contacting me. Didn't seem to know me, sent me to another address and when questioned said his email was hacked needed to change. Was [email protected], tonight it was [email protected]. His English today was different than yesterday and spoken as if from Africa. When asked his place of birth and where raised his reply taken directly from email was this - anthonyhandy43:I was born at Baptist Hospital of Miami. I started A & A Children Academy at 6 and later on continued from Calvary Baptist Church Schools. I was very playful at school and it affected my academic works - He also stated he was an E9 Sgt. Major in the Army stationed in Kabul Afghanistan retiring after 25 years & returning home Jan. 30, 2013. He asked I buy and send his daughter an IPAD for her 10th birthday on 12/26 for him & he will repay when they come to see me on their way home to Florida. Kayce, his daughter lives w/caretaker in Ghana after wife's death. Yesterday he said she was 8 today he insisted I forgot. When he said this " when I think about the way that I am feeling for you now, I don't know what to say except that I was lost in the garden and needed a route to come out until I got a way that leads to the exit of the garden. I was going and I saw a butterfly and I tried to catch it, but the harder I tried to get it, the higher it flies into the sky and the more I try chasing it, the worse I get lost. I was tired and tried to rest after the butterfly had gone away. I was sitting under an oak tree and all of a sudden, I saw the butterfly that I was trying to catch; it came down onto my shoulder slowly and with many friends that showed me the direction to the entrance..I was happy and came out from the garden and I was happy forever. I was lost and you are the butterfly that came to save me."I didn't answer - it was so different and sounded African based to me that I did not answer, so he said he had to go to work so we said goodbye. Yesterday and this morning the instant messages had only one or two typos and precise English as if from a highly intelligent American born & raised man, this evening - many typos and broken or English terms used incorrectly that sounded African to me and repeated words or phrases that I originally thought were typos, being repeated the same incorrect way, told me they weren't typos, such as - "I am very very Interesting in you" he said it twice each time using "interesting". All these things made me Google him and I saw his Myspace w/conflicting age and time in Afghanistan and this site. Almost told him this morning he sounded to good to be true, should have known he was - too good to be true. Glad to know this site exists - I'll spread the word.
Last edited by dlynn729 on Fri Dec 21, 2012 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.