Information on romance scams and scammers.
by LadyRiba Mon Dec 26, 2011 10:54 am
Ladies this guy is still out there. I too experienced this same exact story. We met on Match and he immediately inactivated his account thereafter. Extremely creative, but then again they are expert scammers. He told me that he resells gemstones and has a Masters degree in Geology. Wife and daughter were killed in an accident five years ago. He said his mother died at an early age and he lives with his Nana. Went by the name of Christopher Rycroft. Luckily I was alerted that he could be a scammer. If you google his stupid poems and letters they show up in multiple sites which indicates that he has been doing this for a very long time.

I have written to Match and will be following up to ensure something is being done. There must be a way for them to track the credit card he is using to subscribe to the service. I agree with the earlier poster, this is an awful situation and it is a sick world out there where people have to resort to this in order to make money. I hope this individual or group of people get caught.

by Arnold Mon Dec 26, 2011 12:38 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners LadyRiba. Can you post his email address please.
The chances of him being caught are just about nil, unfortunately. Police forces don't have the resources to pursue anonymous Internet scammers. The credit card details he used to sign up will have been stolen and of no use to catch him. I baited a scammer once posing as a 10 year old girl, and he asked me to use my Pa's credit card to pay his dating site fee. They'll do anything to avoid spending their own money.

by LadyRiba Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:53 pm
Ladies, I wanted to add to my earlier post, this guy who went by the name of "Christopher Rycroft" claimed that he lived in the UK. We spoke on the phone several times and he has a British accent. I had googled his phone number and the name came up. I also found a link to a story on a British website that said something about a wife and daughter of Geologist Christopher Rycroft killed in an accident. I thought I had done my homework and everything seemed legit yet apparently that was not enough. I wanted to point that out because it goes to show us how cautious we must be!

The letters posted on this site are carbon copies of the ones he sent me, they seemed so sincere. I still wonder how someone can have such a wild imagination to make up these stories. As someone else posted, if it sounds too good to be true, it most certainly is. I did not get scammed for money, I was alerted in time.

This site is a great way of alerting others. To those of you who lost money to this individual, I hope you can get it back. To those of us who feel stupid and humiliated, we are not alone. This will make us stronger and more aware of these situations and by posting these blogs we can help so many others. Good luck everyone!
by kayt110 Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:09 am
Thanks so much for posting your story, and I'm so glad you didn't get scammed for money. Unfortunately, at least in my case, writing to is a waste of time. Match apparently does not care if people get scammed. They never even bothered to reply to my email. Love & light.
by kitten Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:36 pm

Also be aware of tomasnunez13@yahoo he also was on zoosk i have a entry here called is he for real.
Best wishes. :roll: :idea:
kayt110 wrote:I wrote to about this jerk and told them a brief version of what happened. I even suggested they start a system of screening IP address locations to cut down on the scammers. Guess what? They never bothered to respond, not even a canned "We're sorry" type of response. They completely ignored me. Of course the "please come back" emails from them continue. Obviously, does not care that some of their members are scammers who prey on their other members. Be wary if you continue to use I've never heard of scammers on eHarmony, maybe because you have to go through a bazillion or so pages of questions to complete an in-depth profile. But I'd caution anyone to be very careful doing any sort of dating online. It's a shame romance scamming is so prevalent in our world; these guys are scum that we shouldn't have to waste time even thinking about.
by dj3 Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:29 pm
I feel so badly for anyone who was scammed by this individual. With me he used the name Christopher Rycroft. Thank God my friend googled him for me and found these entries. He sent me many, many flowery emails. Some portions of them were word-for-word what has been posted here. Same back story (mother died in childbirth, wife and daughter killed in car accident 5 years ago, Nana takes care of him, etc.). I don't think i ever would have sent him money (he hasn't asked yet), but who knows. Supposedly he is on a flight (with realistic confirmation from KLM Airlines) to Dubai to pick up some diamonds, rubies, sapphires and other rare gemstones valued at 950,000 pounds, at this moment. I called KLM which is also Delta and they said he had been issued a ticket. I'm really not sure what he expects to get from me. I told him i just lost my husband and he had no insurance, that i was losing my house and had to move to a small apartment. i, too searched the email header using the information provided here and it came up as Nigeria.

He professed his undying love for me, wants me to pick out houses with him in Delaware where he supposedly stayed for a while last year, claims that i'm the answer to his prayers and his gift from God for all the hurt he's been through... unbelievable! He signs his emails "yours inevitably, Chris". I've only been communicating with him for about a month. We met on and he said his subscription was ending. Unfortunately, he has my real name and town. I don't think i gave him anything he can use against me... at least i hope not! What a despicably evil individual or group of individuals. I can't wait to see what his next move will be. He wants me to pick him up at the airport in Delaware, tomorrow or the next day. If i can provide any further information to help catch these fraudsters, please don't hesitate to contact me.
by kayt110 Mon Feb 06, 2012 11:31 pm
Be strong, keep on being smart and don't believe a word he says. Also don't send him money because that's all they want. Once they think they've got you emotionally roped in, that's when the money request comes. When he asks you for money, drop the correspondence like a hot rock. I never heard from that nasty scammer again once I stopped replying, which was immediately after he asked me for money. One thing you can be sure of, he's not going to Delaware, just like he wasn't coming to North Carolina. Life will get better, you can find a real man. Nasty scammers will always be bottom feeders.
by Watch Out In AZ Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:27 pm
It gets better ladies. He was supposed to move to Phoenix, Arizona last week.
He now goes by the name of ETHAN BECKFORD
email [email protected]
Cell phone 011 44 7700075976.
Same story, wife and young daughter died in car accident 5 years ago. He felt guilty as he got held up in a meeting and was not able to pick the daughter up from ballet practice. Truck with faulty brake system hit the car. Mother died in childbirth and his father detested him, lives with Nana, learned all his recipes from her. Very romantic and charming with soft spoken, British accent. Pretty much fell in love with me after week one. I adored his photos and emails. He even tried to reel me in with phone conversations about "What are you wearing?" and made me feel like the only woman in the world. But he rarely had "alot" of time to talk on the phone...... Best friend Ted lost job and declared bankruptcy. Has a German Shepherd named Max. Handsome guy but all his photos looked like he was overseas. However, he was well traveled due to his work for Debeers and consulting job in the mining industry. I really fell hard for this guy. Real hard. Feel naive and taken but not outsmarted. Met him on Match.Com about a month ago. Masters in Geology from University of Southhampton in UK. Gemologist/geologist. Just drained his bank account in the UK to purchase rare rubies, sapphires, diamonds and gold dust in DUBAI (big surprise)

Sent me the KLM fight itinerary from Dubai to Amsterdam, Amsterdam to NYC, then Delta Flight from NYC JFK to Phoenix and was going to stay at a Marriott here in AZ until he could find a rental and then a home and then would go back to England to get his 97 year old Nana and dog. I was getting all primped and pretty to pick him up at the airport and even had a welcome to Arizona gift back of English Tea and Arizona travel magazines ready for him. He was detained in Dubai last Sunday, February 5 and I received a phone call from an UNKNOWN number. The man was Mohammed Al Salim who claimed to the be the Dubai Airport Detention Center Solicitor who told me Ethan had been detained as he did not have the proper documentation to support the purchase of the "rare gems" I have spoken with him all week. He is only eating rice.

He told me he showed his license to the authorities and that this would not happen in Amsterdam or the US because Arab countries do this all the time, charge fees, and try to detain Westerners, etc. I was so worried about him and called him everyday to tell him I missed and loved him. He drained all his funds in England (about 950,000 pounds) to purchase the gems and put his hosue on the market for about 350,000 pounds.

The Dubai authorities will not release him from the detention center (thus no more flowery lovey dovey emails but we have been speaking on the phone all week and the calls usually come from me now) until he can secure $13,000 for the fine for not having the proper documentation. His friend Ted, in London, managed to "come up" with half this amount but he is still short $6,500. Since he drained his account to purchase the rare gems in Dubai, he has no money for the "waiver". "Mr. Mohammed" agreed to give him a waiver and release him if he could secure $2,500 - $3,000 or a percentage of the amount due. I asked to speak to the friend in London "Ted" who had already secure half the funds or to Mr. Mohammed and told him he should consult the British Consulate or Detained in Dubai London based non profit organization. He did not want the authorities or government involved because then the case would drag on to court and Mr. Mohammed told him not to get the authorities involved if he was to secure the "waiver" for him.

He had an answer for everything. He first requested $2,500, then $3,000 for a "guaranteed" waiver. Of course, he requested it be sent via Western Union to Mr. Ethan Beckford, 22 Al Zayed Road, Dubai UAE. Then I started doing some internet research and bam...whaddya know? Funny how all the buildings on Shiekh Al Zayed Road are luxury highrises or banks...not Dubai Airport Detention Center. And also THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR saved me a great deal of heartache and about $3,000.

I feel so sad because I really fell for this guy.............So watch out ladies...he is still out there. Oh, and by the way, can't catch a hot Yank like this with lines like that. You almost had me baby but guess I just outsmarted you mate, now didn't I? Cheers Bloke!
Sticking to Eharmony.....Match.Com = Match.Bomb
Last edited by Bubbles on Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Added spacing for clarity.
by Bubbles Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:37 pm
Welcome to ScamWarners Watch Out In AZ and thank you for this post. It is good to hear that you did not get taken by this scammer.

They do have "answers" for everything. Once one starts to look objectively, it becomes more obvious that the story is made up. Scammers count on emotion overruling rationality and objectivity. Thank you for presenting this example for others to learn from.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
by Watch Out In AZ Mon Feb 13, 2012 5:07 pm
Bubbles and Others:
RE: ETHAN BECKFORD alias whoever the hell he is.
Update. See my initial post under my name Watch Out In AZ. Here is what I did. I first became suspicious of Mr. Too Good To Be True with his soft spoken English accent with a hint of Irish/Scottish/New Zealand/Swiss or something secondary accent. He never really wanted to stay on the phone too long. Had to go take a shower, Nana was calling, he was driving, wanted to go lie down, etc. 85 percent of me fell for this guy. The other 15 percent was all gut instinct using my head and not my heart but I did want to believe him because he was ever so charming and had an answer for EVERYTHING. Very believable. He is GOOD and totally the James Bond of scammers. Nigerians have nothing on this jerk. Once he got "detained in Dubai" and needed $6,500 which then dropped to $2,500 - $3,000, my antennas went up. But I played along with him calling him to make sure he was OK, telling him he could stay at my home and I would feed him and take care of him once he was released. I miss you, I love you, etc. He supposedly had a reservation at the Marriott in Scottsdale, AZ. Even knew the names of the towns here, etc. His original profile indicated he was 52 but he certainly looked much younger and that he was in Chandler, AZ so he pretty much just picked a local town here in AZ where he was going to move to on February 10. Once he got me on the hook, February 10 turned into February 4 with the one way ticket from London to Dubai via Paris, De Gaulle emailed to me. Then the KLM itinerary after the "precious and rare gem" purchase emailed to me for February 5. I noticed that in one of his oh so loving emails he indicated that he would reimburse me for the "Wink" on Match but he wanted "life time installments" so he would never have to let me go. I found that odd because I never sent him a "Wink". He emailed me with all the same crap you all have heard and read.
When he became "detained in Dubai" I did some on line research about being detained in Dubai. This is certainly a reality. People do get detained in Dubai. I found it odd that he did not want to contact the British Consulate/Embassy for assistance as if I were detained in Dubai, first place I would call is the good old USA Embassy to get me the hell of out there. I found a very well respected and legitimate non-profit organization called Detained in Dubai and contacted them for assistance. He did not wanted the authorities contacted. Again, things that make you go hhhmmmmmm. He even had the balls to ask me if I had an equity line of credit so he could sell the jewels, not have to pay taxes and the buyer did not want the funds deposited into any account but rather a secure one. Yea right, like he wouldn't drain thae equity account of mine if I even had one. I continued to kind of play along with him by calling him and being all sweet and concerned until my research was concluded during the course of this past week. I found an email from a woman in Fitchburtg, MA ([email protected]) who posted a help request on long can someone be detained in a dubail detention center. Same geologist story, drained his account in England to purchase the gems, doesn't have the paperwork for the Dubai authorities, etc. Poor girl. Then I got seriously pissed off reading her email. Two attorneys told the poor lady that he or she should contact the British and/or US Embassy in Dubai. Funny, he only wanted $500 from her. I continued to call him promising to get him the money. I then received a call from a very nice and understanding lady at the totally legit Detained in Dubai organization. Again, they are a non profit organization in London compromised of attorneys, business leaders and authorities who help foreign nationals regardless of nationality or financial means get the hell out of that place if they are detained for something stupid like having their prescription medications, etc. I told her the whole story about myself and you ladies as well. She is going to put out a bulletin through her organization. I would recommend you all contact this organization at [email protected] or [email protected]. Their telephone number is 011448444142993 or 011447050686745. They are a worthwhile organization and their worthy endeavors should not be clogged up with women trying to help Mr. Rare Rubies Diamonds Sapphires and Gold Dust. I then called my local FBI office in Phoenix, AZ. They are totally aware of this jerk and advised me to register an internet complaint at which I have done. All the while I'm calling love of my life Ethan Beckford telling him I will have the money soon and will send it via Western Union and call him with the code. I even told him that I was distrustful of Mr. Mohammed because I am originally from NYC (true) and lost friends and relatives during the 911 attack on the Twin Towers (not true) I was living in Washington DC on 911. Of course the bleeps hit the Pentagon too but that is beside the point. He told me I should forgive them. Unbeliveable. Even the victims of 911 don't shake this guy. How he sleeps at night is beyond me. Anyway, once I reported him to Detained in and the FBI, I decided to just mess with him a bit more. So last night I called him and woke his sorry bleep up. Of course, he was so happy to hear my voice. I told him that his hot American gal was calling and that I had just sent him the money via Western Union and asked him if he had something to write with. He sounded groggy of course because he was probably sleeping. He told me he could not wait to get out of there. I told him I know baby and that I was about to go take shower and wished he was there with me to take a shower together. Guy was always asking me what I was wearing so I figured I'd tease him a bit before I dropped the ax. I told him I would read the Western Union money transfer code very slowly to him and that he should repeat it back to me and he agreed. I then said, "OK here is the code..." and I then said the following to him: "I"LL MEET YOU AND ALL YOUR STINKY SMELLY ARAB FRIENDS IN HELL. DON'T EVER BLEEP WITH A WOMAN FROM NEW YORK. NEW YORK. CHEERS, MATE" and I hung up. He called me back because apparently he did not "understand" the Western Union code I had just read to him. Hee I said, OK Baby....I'll read it again. And I said the same exact thing to him again only louder and slower. Payback is sweet. I feel so sorry for you ladies who actually sent this ass money. Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you need to talk or have any questions. I URGE YOU TO REPORT HIM TO THE FBI AND THE DETAINED IN DUBAI ORGANIZATION. Not much they can do probably nor as I'm sure he has now disconnected his phone number 011447700075976 and email [email protected] but the more women who report this guy, the better. And by the way Ethan and your will have to answer to God one day. Better start practicing how you're going to get through the gates baby. I've got a free pass. Not so sure about you mate......
by Watch Out In AZ Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:38 pm
Keep all the emails, voicemails, and text messages from Ethan Beckford, Paul Rosenberg and whatever alias he and his sewer friends use, etc. for the FBI. Dude is probably at his stinky, fly infested internet cafe in Lagos drinking nasty Nescafe coffee, or in his luxury hotel suite in Dubai or London hitting up some other women on a dating site. Don't think he'll be using ETHAN BECKFORD anymore after my phone call to him last night. But if he does.....let me know.
Maybe Nana can lend him the money. Hee hee.
My darling Ethan, love of my life.......told ya I was from NYC
Too bad for missed out on the hottest piece of bleep in AZ baby! Enjoy the skank you get over where you are. Probably have to pay for it, dontcha?
Better find God my dearest before it's too late....or whoever it is you worship over there in that cesspool country of yours.
And please take a shower before you "move here to start a new life"
We're begging you.....Yank gals like our men clean. Or do you even have baths and showers where you are?
Yes, we know FBI won't do much baby, but just too bad you have to pay for leftover Hamburger Helper women over there when all the free (and clean!) Grade A American Prime Rib, New York Strip, and succulent filet is on our side of the pond............sounds like he eats London Broil but probably leftover Hamburger Helper, ya think?
Love ya! :)
by Watch Out In AZ Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:19 pm
After reading some of the others scams out there, at least our scam man was hot and well spoken. Knew how to spell, proper grammar, that English accent with the twinge of something else......I'll give you that Ethan or Paul Rosenberg or Mister Rare least I got the hot guy photo who knew how to speak, write and spell.
Cheers to that! :beer:
by kayt110 Tue Feb 14, 2012 12:29 am
They don't use their own photos, they scour the Internet for male model sites and copy photos off those. So chances are good our scammer is not hot at all. Sad to say, there must be some women out there sending him money or he wouldn't still be doing this. It's been almost a year since I first heard from him. As for the grammar and spelling, they copy and paste blocks of flowery text from romance websites and I suppose other places where lovey dovey flowery text can be found. They keep those passages and use them over and over. Once "Paul / Ethan / any other alias" asked me for money and I got angry and dropped him like a hot rock, I started to imagine him as the fat (or maybe young and thin), bottom feeder he no doubt is. Not that all Nigerian men are this way, but I'm sure he is Nigerian, not British, German, or anything else he claimed to be, and looks nothing like those photos. I'm fact, the poor guy whose modeling photos the scammer stole off the Internet is almost as much a victim as the women who got scammed. I'm glad, Watch Out in AZ, that you, like me, got angry and didn't send the rotten scammer a dime. I do wish these guys could be caught and put out of business. Maybe someday that will happen. I know it's best to forgive people who wrong us and show compassion, but it's difficult to forgive people like this who spend every waking moment taking advantage of womens' emotions and trying to steal our hard-earned cash. Good luck to you and thanks for posting.
by Janet88 Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:03 pm
I have also found the Scammer going by the name of Christopher
Rycroft. He is going by the name of Charles Bickersteth, [email protected]. Same story, he is 48 years old, lives in Wales, lost his wife and son in a car accident 5 years ago and was on looking for a long term relationship/soul mate. He but pulled his profile the same day we met. He was very charming and spoke English very well. I actually contacted him on too ... he did not contact me first. The information he sent some of you is the same exact emails that I received...went to Dubai to purchase some gemstones, but is in a detention camp and needs money to get out. I did also receive a phone call from the Dubai Detention Center (unrestricted number) He was going to come to NJ go back to Wales for his Nana and them come back to NJ to rent a house for a year or so until he decided if he was going to buy a house or not. Unfortunately, I sent the money before I saw all the posts. Charles wanted to come to New Jersey to meet me and start out life together...........he goes by other emails [email protected] and a linked in account [email protected]. His friend, Brian Lewis, was emailing me each day to give me updates while Charles count not contact me. He was the the one that told me about the money that Charles needed. Then Charles sent me an email asking for it. It was approx $6500. so, look out ladies, he's still out there.
by Watch Out In AZ Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:49 pm

From: Mr Gary Daniel ([email protected])
Sent: Tue 2/14/12 8:10 AM
To: . (.)

Microsoft SmartScreen marked this message as junk and we'll delete it after ten days.
Wait, it's safe!
From :Mr.Gary Daniel
Auditing / Accounting Director
Bank of Africa (BOA)
Barking-West Africa

My name is Mr Gary Daniel, I am the manager of (BOA) bank of Africa in Ouagadougou Burkina Faso West Africa. I have a business proposal in the tune of ($17.3 Million United States Dollar only) after the successful transfer;We shall share in ratio of 40% for you and 10% will be for spence 50% for me.

Should you be interested,So we can commence all arrangements? And I will Give you more information on how we would handle This project. Please treat this business with utmost Confidentiality and send me the Following information's bellow to enable us commence immediately: Awaiting your urgent me for more details +226-7079-7333.

(1) Full names......................... ............
(2) Private phone number....................
(3) Current residential address............
(4) Occupation.................... .................
(5) Age and Sex........................... ........

Best Regards,
Mr. Gary Daniel

From: Morgan Harison ([email protected])
Sent: Tue 2/14/12 5:49 AM

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Wait, it's safe!
Greetings to you,

I am Morgan Harrison, I have a business proposal of U.S $14 million which I want you to handle with me from my bank as a beneficiary in Bank of Africa (B.O.A) Ouagadougou Burkina-Faso in West Africa,On conclusion of this Transaction, you will be entitled to 40% of the total sum as gratification,while 60% will be for me.

Please you have been advise to keep top secret" as I am still in service and intend to retire from service after I conclude this deal with you. Please keep this proposal secret.

Also this matter should be a confidential between you and me because I don't want any person in my bank to know that am involve during the process. Thank you for your anticipated co-operation.

If you are interested, please send me your full contact information as below and after that I will send to you the details of the business.

(1) Full names:
(2) Private phone number:
(3) Current residential address:
(4) Occupation:
(5) Age and Sex:

Thanks for your co-operations.
MR. Morgan Harrison

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