by scooby101
Thu Apr 03, 2014 1:32 pm
Hello My sweet lovely Darling wife,
I'm doing fine just as you are,OK but the stress is really much on me these days due to our up coming retirement and that's why I do kept long a bit to write you back, I'm sorry,OK. Accept my apology. Darling how's work ? Hope everything is going on well with you over there !!!Please Darling, I just want you to be taking proper care of yourself for me because I shall be coming to meet with you in few weeks to come. Darling, the U S military delegate will be coming down here in Iraq for the final clarification and for the approval of our retirement after Easter and after that we will be going for retirement. Darling I will be coming to meet with you after Easter for proper introduction and proper marriage, so when I come over we will now discuss on where to settle down and spend rest of our lives together as husband and wife, OK. Darling you know we really have a lot to discuss, but all the discussion will be done as soon as I come over, OK. Darling I thank you a lot for changing my life. You are truly a blessing and a gift to me from God and I so much appreciate having you in my life. I will never let you down or let you go away from my life because I cannot do without you.
You are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. Each moment that spent reading your messages, is so magical that I caught myself smiling for no reason at all. I thought that I would never find a love that is as strong as ours. You are the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. Now that we've found each other, I know that you are the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, the woman I want to love forever, and the woman I want to grow old with. Darling, you complete me. You make my life so amazing and I don't know how else to repay you but to love you just as much as you love me. The world is a better place to be because of you. You make me feel Handsome. Thank you for given me so much more than I ever could have wanted. I'm so thankful for what we have, and for everything we will have. You are the only woman I ever want to share my life with. I could never imagine what it would be like if we were to lose each other. I don't even want to think about it. All I want to think of is you and all I need is a queen just as you to be present in my life so I can hold you till I die.
You are the love of my life. I love you, and I always will until the day I die. Hopefully, when that day comes, I will still have you by my side and yours will be the last face that I see. When we’re older with a family and home of our own, we will look back at the ways we argued about things that were so insignificant and we will laugh and know that our love was strong enough to overcome every argument. I just want you to know that I'm thankful that you came into my life and I will love you till the end of my days. My love for you will never fade, I’m still crazy about you, Darling. From day one, I knew there was something in you that no other woman had. You are the most amazing woman I have ever known. I went to bed last night with a vision of you next to me. I slept like a baby all night, because I was not feeling alone. When I awoke this morning to see if it was real or if it was a dream, realty hit me that it was only a dream. Very soon, I know that you will be right next me, and that I will not have to dream of it again because you will be right there so we can hold, hug and squeeze each other tight. Darling, I long to be there with you so I can help build you and support you, so that we can accomplish a whole lot together as husband and wife.
You make me feel loved, you make me feel safe, but more importantly, you make me feel wanted. Something that I hadn't felt in a very long time. We both knew our relationship would grow right from the very first day we exchange mail. But, neither one of us could begin to imagine the love we both feel, not exploding or thundering into our hearts, but just slowly growing into a beautiful relationship that only you and I can understand. We don't even need to be together, we are never apart. You are my soul mate, my best friend, my inspiration, my relation, my wife, my love. Each passing day has me falling more in love with you. You can do the slightest thing and it warms me. Most of the time you don't even realize it. You are always in my thoughts and in my heart. I never knew that love could be so wonderful until I met you. You have given me a new perspective on so many things. I will always treasure our love and keep it safe. I love you, My Darling. You make me feel special. You make me feel like I'm a star in the sky lighting up your life. You make me feel safe whenever I'm reading your sweet lovely messages. You make me feel like an angel from heaven because you never stop telling me how much you love me.You are always lighting up my heart with the things you do and say. I feel so happy having you in my life. You are my Babe, and will forever be my Babe. You will always be the love of my life. I will die for you. Missed you a lot. I wait to hear from you soonest, OK. Kiss