My Dearest lovely Angel XXX,
It feels like i have spent my entire life trying to find someone like you and i am happy that we have finally meet each other.
You were my first love after my years of been alone, my only real true love and the one person i loved more than anything in the world.
There is no reason to fool myself anymore and now that we have find each other and we will spend the rest of our lives together, i loved you from the first moment i set eyes on your lovely face.
Until this moment, i have never realized just how lucky i am to have you in my life, if i had been you, i will have walked away from me a long time ago.
Yet your love is so unconditional and pure, like the beautiful person you are and you always accepted me for who i am, willing to sacrifice everything for me, i don't deserve an angel like you, Please forgive me for all that i have put you through.
I have finally opened my eyes and realized that i love you more than words can say, i don't know how many lifetimes it will take to make up for all the lost time, to repay the kindness and endless love you've shown me, but i want you to know that i am going to try my best to come home.
XXX, all i ask is please be patient and understanding as these times are difficult and a struggle for you and me, i am torn between survival and my feelings for you.
Life throws us many curves, the path may be long and hard but in the end the road widens and life changes for the better.
You don't have to say anything or do anything, i just wanted you to know that no matter what happens in this life, i will always hold a special place for you in my heart.
It's true, it is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all, i am happy that i know true love, for it is from that love that i have my most cherished memories.
From now to eternity, you will be in my heart every moment of every day, thinking of you makes me happy and for as long as i live, i will never stop dreaming of our meeting soon.
Thank you for sharing your love and your life with me and i will forever love you.
Thank you for showing me true love.
Thinking of you always, yours forever,