by tom1515
Mon Nov 14, 2016 1:05 pm
hello I was contacted by 18 yo I thought and we interacted on a site that said he was 18, he asked for my cell and started texting me, then we exchanged photos, he provided some that were nude, yes stupid me replied back. after testing a bit he said he was 17. I stopped texting him and deleted the text and now I had a call from his father saying he was going to report me. I've looked up the numbers from both the son and father and did not find anything on them and now father is asking me for money to avoid him from having to go to police. The numbers are both from south Carolina 8032109961, original and new one is 8038002983. Is this a scam? Currently I've blocked out both numbers and saw your site so thought it was very insightful and wanted to reach out to you with my questions.