Information on romance scams and scammers.
by sally.smith Sun Feb 19, 2012 3:53 pm
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for this website. I too was just scammed by "CHARLES BICKERSTETH". I was doing a little research into the death of his son- (not daughter as indicted in other scams.) I came across this website. My story is exactly like those of the other unfortunate women. Fate intervened last evening, as I was in my basement and missed one call from him, a call from an unknown number , and a second call from him. From what I've read, the Dubai people were looking for money. I am sorry for all you ladies who may have handed cash over. He had not asked this of me yet- I suspect, that was the focus of the missed calls. All the information given on this site, about romance scammers is true. BTW, he is operating out of I will be trying to mention this to their management team- I'm not sure how effective this will be. One more thing- I was scammed out of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. BEWARE LADIES!!! IF IT SEEMS TOO FAST, AND TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE- THEN IT LIKELY IS!!

***One more thing. When I first was contacted by him, I googled him. I found him in LinkedIn. He seemed legit. I should have started checking out the "death of his son and wife".

by Jellylou19 Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:06 pm
He has been working the Edmonton area hard. All of the emails are duplicates. He is using his trip to Dubai to get painite and emeralds. Hang on to your bank accounts ladies. How does this man get caught? Seriously ! Thanks for the heads up!!!
by Pat_NY Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:33 am
Hello Ladies,
Here's an update, 2 captured in the UK.
Huge international ring, many involved.... all Nigerians, 1 studied in Canada.
Ring master not captured yet!
Calling —useless!
Telephone numbers are transferred from Nigeria to UK.
Calling FBI not working, never contacted me here in the States—After filing complaint, just goes into database.
UK police on it. Court hearing soon. Can't wait to see who they really are. Justice will prevail!!!!
He is still out there...Be careful and don't believe a word. Trust your instincts! I wish I did! We are just bait to them!
Passing all Aliases, telephone numbers and email addresses to UK police, keep it coming.
by Tammy Tue May 22, 2012 11:53 pm
He's also using the name Max McNamara...."[email protected]"
He popped up in my daily matches on said hello in an email and have been getting very "eager" emails in return. Something didn't feel quite right, and when I googled "my wife and daughter died in a car accident five years ago and I haven't been in a serious relationship since" I got this website. I googled it mainly because I was told a very similar story by another guy on

One of the quotes posted by Kayt that "Paul Rosenberg" sent her in an email were actually on this guy's profile on Same story....Nana raised him, he's a geologist educated at University of Southampton and he's got some friend from Uni that he ran into at a conference in Dublin and they made money investing in some research project. He said he works as a field manager for a steel recycler in the UK, and will be relocating to GEORGIA (not sure why he put that in all caps) on June 4th.

From his email:
"I grew up in Heath England with my Nana. I lost my mother at childbirth and for some personal issues my father despised me for it. According to him, whenever he looked at me he'd see the person that took his wife away from this world. He was a drunk and a degenerate gambler. At the age of 7, Nana took me away from him and I have lived with her ever since. She raised me and taught me every thing I know today. My father died 10 years ago from cancer, but I never cared much for him although i have forgiven him. "

Because I ran into another scammer last month, also on, I have been very suspicious of anyone who emails me and comes across as overeager, or tells me he's out of the country right now. I gave him my "throwaway" email address and have been very reticent about telling him anything about myself or sending pictures, etc.

There's another scammer from last month....will have to go back into my messages and look him up. I figured out he was a scammer by googling all the flowery things he was sending me.

I feel for you ladies who got scammed by this guy. I'm very glad this site exists.
by GASongbird Thu May 24, 2012 3:57 pm
I too have encountered Mr. McNamara (MacNamara?). He says he is coming to Georgia on June 4th. I had encountered another scammer on named Jerry Browning and, because of that have not revealed anything personal to Max. But he gave me the same story as you have experienced word for word in the daughter/wife genre. Browning claimed to be from Tennessee but working in Malaysia for 3 weeks. I googled some of the emails he sent and that is how I found out he was a scammer.

It's such a shame that there are such opportunistic people out there.
by GASongbird Fri May 25, 2012 11:23 am
Hello ladies,

I was still in contact with Max and I kind of layed out my experience with scammers. He was quiet for about 24 hours and then sent me an email that he was in a bad way because Nana had died. He said he couldn't continue the relationship.

I guess he'll have to come up with a new additional sympathy line.

by MimiBee2 Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:36 pm
Apparently this gentleman has a long and still successful career as a romantic predator.

When I met him on, he was going by Michael Fergie. Said his name was Michael Ferguson Chuck. His story is the same, heart-wrenching tale of wife and daughter killed in a car accident, taking care of his devoted Nana. Who promptly died, only increasing his pathetic state.

The same M.O.--purchasing gems in Dubai for a client, detained by the authorities, needing just a bit more cash to post bail and clear his name.

I didn't send this man money. But I'll admit it was hard not too, even realizing that it simply couldn't be true. It's astonishing to realize how one's kindness and empathy can fuel these con artists. He's very, very good. And I'm listing his names here, in the hopes that when his next prospective victim searches his name online, she reaches this post:
Michael Ferguson Chuck
And his sidekick lawyer friend was Alexander Neison, wife Betty Neison.

For me, he lived in Sussex. And was on his way to San Francisco. On his white charger, of course.
by Davidsf Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:05 am
Indeed Michael Ferguson- aka Chuck has been very busy this month. August 2013 also met on Same story, email was too forward and too much I live in Chicago and his story- was the same: drunk abusive father, wife, daughter killed in car accident, adopted by a woman he calls Nana,lives in San Fransico but moving to Chicago.
Lists trade as Geologist- however did not know of a major geology collection located in Chicago, Emails were answering questions that I didn't ask( thats why I got suspicious), picutures of himself didn't quite match, and NO professional listing on Linked in or other mainstream professional sites. Phone numbers did show up as San Fran area code, but from a very strange area, and email used has mikefergie2016athotmaildotcom.
His voice has a strange contrived british accent- not authentic which is why I knew, besides everything else above he was a fake. When I started to question the above, his emails stopped immediately.

I found this site thru a google search- and am putting this notice out to search other scam sites. One way of checking on people on Match is to check and see if the person viewed your profile , prior to sending you a email. Michael Ferguson did not. HIs match ID is aloofemotions122. There are several scammers on Match- the other one that I ran into on match recently has anID of Esoccer. What burns me is that I reported both to Match and basically they did nothing . Esoccer is still on match, aloofemotions112 is no longer on match.
by Karenb52 Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:09 pm
Ladies - It is now March 2014 and this cad is still at it... He calls himself Michael Stevens now, but the story line is the same : abandoned childhood, wife & kid die about 5 yrs ago, and he starts setting up the story to play on your emotions & sympathy. His "Nana" just passed away last week, and now he "needs to talk to me...."

I found this site by googling a picture he sent me, and found this place. Thank goodness I am not too far into the story and was sort of waiting for him to ask me for money or something. It all seemed too fishy...

Here's a picture he sent me of himself. He\s probably not using these names any more, but the more info out there on the internet the better!!

by Karenb52 Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:12 pm
Here's another one
(don't know who this guy is.. I rather feel sorry for him, having his face used by this jerk for his operation....)

by Karenb52 Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:53 pm
This is the email address he has given me :

Michael Stevens [email protected] This is current as of Today (Mar 3/14)

He also uses [email protected] This second email was an address sent to me via, with a similar story (his account was about to run out.. he was leaving the country... he asked me to write to him directly at this address). I actually thought the second email was a mistake - I didn't realize he probably didn't remember having written to me from the first address. The guy is fishing with a big net....

I don't blame - he is operating outside their grid... Just be careful!!! If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is....
good luck!
by jupa Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:02 pm
Yes he is alive and well, I knew him as Michael Fergie................very prolific! Look out ladies! Same story, same pics........I posted the same pic with Nana............slick, slick, slick.........
by Smith Jones Wed Mar 05, 2014 7:06 am
My scammer was on also and very very slick. He even had a phone set up with my area code, which made it very easy to believe he was who he said he was. They aren't all obvious and some are such great liars the real problems are in the details. So glad that you saw the information posted here and stopped this scammer before he could hurt you further. It is so rough when you go online to find someone to connect with and who you connect with only has taking your money in mind.
by Louise56 Fri Apr 11, 2014 4:57 am
This person also wrote to me for the last six weeks as Michael Stevens. Extremely clever & very dangerous scam. Had me completely fooled right up to last moment. Supposedly becomes detained in Dubai after going there to buy precious gems for a client. Due to having insufficient documents when leaving to return to England, he is detained by customs. Just before this event two others in the team Betty Walthom & her husband Alexander Willows contact you. Betty writes after she has initially made contact & asks if you've heard from Mike in last few hours. Of course you have not & then she writes back saying he was not on the plane that returned well over 24 hours prior in wee hours of morning. Her husband, Alex, a retired lawyer gets on a plane to the rescue. They wait over 24 hours again before contacting you with the sting. He's detained by customs & has to pay a huge sum for bail to avoid a court appearance. They don't want it to go to court because he could wait 7 months for that to happen, his consignment will be seized & his Visa cancelled. I came so close to falling for it. They made a mistake with the bank details they gave me & in desperation in trying to get me sent two emails with two different names on bottom - one was signed Michael, who had been communicating with me & other was signed Frank. They also sent an extremely convincing document from Dubai customs setting out his supposed detainment. Obviously, very clever forgery. When I questioned two different names, Alex emailed me a copy of Michael's passport with the name Frances Michael Stevens. This passport definitely looked dodgy. Interestingly, during the six weeks, Michael had only called twice with both calls dropping out. On the day they were trying so hard to get money from me, Michael called me 6 times. Admittedly, first two calls dropped out & no one was on the line. They tried every ploy possible to get money from me. My family & friends had warned me & fortunately, right at the crucial time I listened to their concerns & this saved me. The scam is particularly clever & dangerous & this website shows you that each victim is sent the exact same emails. I continually looked for inconsistencies in his story & never really found any. If they are all Nigerians, they are getting someone who has English as their first language to write their scripts for them. All the spelling, grammar etc is perfect. Never ever did I think I'd be fooled by one of these people & they had me hook, line & sinker. Please beware. Very early on, I did find him on LinkedIn with identical photo. Have since not been able to find him & have reported to LinkedIn for their investigation. I did contact my local police & the federal police. Whilst they were very helpful to talk to, they don't appear to investigate these scams. I asked why & the young policewoman told me it's mainly because they operate out of overseas countries & it's so widespread. I do wish they could be caught.

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