by Tbpilot06
Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:51 am
So I haven't heard anything since the original day and since I blocked the number. I was given until Friday to pay or they were going to the police. I'm guessing either that it might end or the worst feeling is that someone really is going to the police. I find it hard to believe that any real father (even if one was really talking to a minor ) would come up with a story about a broken computer and accept payment just to repair it? Also the thing that seems different from all I read is that I haven't heard from any other number as of yet. I don't know I know the profile was listed as 24 years old and have the screen shots of the profile but I'm still freaking out. I know I did nothing wrong but still why haven't I gotten more demands ? Anyone have similar experience? Could be a variant of the scam like possibly being run on a smaller scale.