by concerned4friend
Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:49 am
Watch out for someone using these emails on They are scammer!!! BIG time!
I am so sad for my lonely friend. He really believed that he was having a love affair with a person calling herself Amy Thomas using this email address: [email protected]. She messaged him to start conversation and quickly turned it to love, "true" love and a promise to marry. Then extorted him into sending her THOUSANDS over the course of the past year and 3 months. Nearly $5K was sent overseas via western union to someone named IMBRAHIMOVIC NURUDEEN.
I got involved a few months ago when he told me he was going to marry and about sending money to Ghana to get her "home" to him. First he said he knew her before, that they married and then she went to Africa to settle her father's estate and would bring home a tidy sum of inheritance. I kept hounding him and hounding about this, trying to get more info about this person. Finally, when he thought he had sent enough for the ticket, she comes back saying the travel agency wanted a total sum $2250. for passport and tickets. This was when I REALLY laid into him to get real about the whole thing! She claimed she was saving sum in the bank for airfare. Then wrote him weekly to ask for more money for food. Then a few weeks ago, she was sick in hospital with typhoid fever and needed $250 for hospital bills.
Finally, I got so sick of him talking about her, and how she was coming soon. I looked up plane fares and told him we could buy a ticket for less than $1000. He should write and tell her to send the money back so he could buy her ticket instead of going with the travel agency. No response! I wrote and said send money back NOW. Still no response. Then reply was "all is set ok, honey. just need $150 more when u send ok i luv u forever" SAME shit over and over. I told him it was a scam. He still didn't want to believe me, after I wrote and told her she was full of it! He wrote and said "don't listen to my friend. she is tryin to break us up!" SO Dumb!!!
I finally got the entire story about how he never met her. only talked with some guy over the phone and he produced the western union receipts for all the fund sent for the past year! OMG!! I did internet searches on the name and found scam warning all over the place about this "Ibrahimovic Nurudeen". Some of the cut and paste content of his email was posted here by others who have received similar "love" letters.
Just wanted to warn all about this scam artist too! I am so sad for my friend. He has a disability: learning and memory and is living on Social Security income and now wasted SO much money thinking that he had found "true" love and she was going to rescue him from poverty with her inheritance! He is mad, but also, I can tell he's emotionally devastated.
So sad!!!
and I'm very MAD!!!
I helped him chat IM with her tonight, pretending to be him while he looked over my shoulder. Finally confronted about sending money back, she comes back saying "ok" and that was the last communication. Then signs off. Immediately, signs on with the other email, which I had already seen associated with the names on scam warning sites. Tried to reel him in again by pretending to be another girl just tryin to get acquainted. We played along for a while then confronted again with ALL the bogus names I found. They signed off real quick! I was a bit stunned that immediately, they would come at him again trying the make another connection. He's just gullible enough to start chatting with another chick in an effort to reconnect with someone. It is SO sad and he's a big target for this stuff as he doesn't have internet savvy and is very lonely.
Thanks for the forum.
I will follow this post late with all the pics she sent from emails, when I can get them set up to download.
I am so sad for my lonely friend. He really believed that he was having a love affair with a person calling herself Amy Thomas using this email address: [email protected]. She messaged him to start conversation and quickly turned it to love, "true" love and a promise to marry. Then extorted him into sending her THOUSANDS over the course of the past year and 3 months. Nearly $5K was sent overseas via western union to someone named IMBRAHIMOVIC NURUDEEN.
I got involved a few months ago when he told me he was going to marry and about sending money to Ghana to get her "home" to him. First he said he knew her before, that they married and then she went to Africa to settle her father's estate and would bring home a tidy sum of inheritance. I kept hounding him and hounding about this, trying to get more info about this person. Finally, when he thought he had sent enough for the ticket, she comes back saying the travel agency wanted a total sum $2250. for passport and tickets. This was when I REALLY laid into him to get real about the whole thing! She claimed she was saving sum in the bank for airfare. Then wrote him weekly to ask for more money for food. Then a few weeks ago, she was sick in hospital with typhoid fever and needed $250 for hospital bills.
Finally, I got so sick of him talking about her, and how she was coming soon. I looked up plane fares and told him we could buy a ticket for less than $1000. He should write and tell her to send the money back so he could buy her ticket instead of going with the travel agency. No response! I wrote and said send money back NOW. Still no response. Then reply was "all is set ok, honey. just need $150 more when u send ok i luv u forever" SAME shit over and over. I told him it was a scam. He still didn't want to believe me, after I wrote and told her she was full of it! He wrote and said "don't listen to my friend. she is tryin to break us up!" SO Dumb!!!
I finally got the entire story about how he never met her. only talked with some guy over the phone and he produced the western union receipts for all the fund sent for the past year! OMG!! I did internet searches on the name and found scam warning all over the place about this "Ibrahimovic Nurudeen". Some of the cut and paste content of his email was posted here by others who have received similar "love" letters.
Just wanted to warn all about this scam artist too! I am so sad for my friend. He has a disability: learning and memory and is living on Social Security income and now wasted SO much money thinking that he had found "true" love and she was going to rescue him from poverty with her inheritance! He is mad, but also, I can tell he's emotionally devastated.
So sad!!!
and I'm very MAD!!!
I helped him chat IM with her tonight, pretending to be him while he looked over my shoulder. Finally confronted about sending money back, she comes back saying "ok" and that was the last communication. Then signs off. Immediately, signs on with the other email, which I had already seen associated with the names on scam warning sites. Tried to reel him in again by pretending to be another girl just tryin to get acquainted. We played along for a while then confronted again with ALL the bogus names I found. They signed off real quick! I was a bit stunned that immediately, they would come at him again trying the make another connection. He's just gullible enough to start chatting with another chick in an effort to reconnect with someone. It is SO sad and he's a big target for this stuff as he doesn't have internet savvy and is very lonely.
Thanks for the forum.
I will follow this post late with all the pics she sent from emails, when I can get them set up to download.