by rollercutie
Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:42 pm
Met on connectingsingles yahoo is still active [email protected] address given was 3032 S 136th E Ave Tulsa which does exist, said was an e6 staff srgnt US army. I googled the name David Cox and found a new article from a military site and the real David Cox is a staff srgnt ,does exist and was in Iraq in 2008. David claimed to b in iraq on his 2nd tour, we chat on the site for abt 1 week then moved to hotmail and yahoo IM. then he was moved to afghanstan(2wks ago). did not claim to love me in 2 days, said things like "i am falling for u big time" or "u are my heart my everything" "u dont know how much u mean to me" for weeks b4 finailly saying he loved me. sometimes the emails were short just checking to see how my day was etc. Started saying how bad it ws in afghanistan, he lost 2 friends and was scared and didnt know why he was still there when he had me waiting for him.. said was not due for leave til march..a few days later says his general will approve a private leave if I ask for it..suspisious i me [email protected] of course i google general gordon moulds and find he exists. I email and got a long reply about procedures etc..& if we want his help to get David out now the flight would cost $2375 first class or $1800 econemy. I said i didnt have the money and asked for his family to help. I get a call from his mom, but I didnt aswer my cell so she emailed me too saying she would help with the costs. I trace the number to a california land line 7607058888 but nonpublishd,the news article I read said David was from California. Moms name is Julie, [email protected]. We email back and forth but she took over, emailed the general and forward me all the details. Was told to send money western union to US Military, department of Aviation headquarters in Malaysia to a David Baker, Puchong, Selangor 47100. I asked David to email me from his military email, i get a reply from US Military Personnal [email protected] -said he was from Fort Sill in Oklaholma. I accepted it as truth. google the us embasy in mayalsia and the ip addresses of all his emails, same area. I google the airport is the same zipcode as the one given to me. Julie tells me she made her payment. I ask about the 19135 in their email he said it was a zip code where they used to live in philedelphia so i check it out & it was.I checked all the iip adress to make sure they did not come from nigeria or ghana or africa at all - all maylasia and I was told the servers where there too like the embassy..i had doubts but i wanted to belive because there was just so much supporting it to be I made the payment.. The next day i get an email from the general saying David needs a $1700 BTA to leave. I knew the BTA was a scam. I called Julie and the number was disconnected. Yesterday David still insisted he was real and was coming to me and that is mom was gonna pay $500 BTA..asked me to pay too. i said no. I left him still trying to convince me he was real and his yahoo is still active. I closed my account. I want everyone to know about this cause I could not find his name or pic on any of the scam sites and if I had I would be a little richer today. And if it wasnt for the role his mom played or the phone call I would not have fallen for it. i gambled and lost & i will never us a free dating site again but I am ok but the next person might loss more or be hurt more so i am posting this. I have pics not sure where to put them