Information on romance scams and scammers.
by klauder Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:54 pm


October 20, 2010

Key points of deception:

Lied about attending a K-1 visa interview in Kiev, after accepting payment for the trip. She later sent a copy of supposed visa denial letter in Skype. But the embassy confirmed that she never attended the visa interview. $1,700 plus $500 was sent to her for the airline ticket from Odessa to Kiev, and for taxis, and for an apartment in Kiev, and for the embassy & medical clinic fees, and for a coat & shoes for Kiev because she said it was cold in Kiev. But, as per the embassy, she never came to the interview & thus apparently never went to Kiev.

Included in posting is a detailed report, and a copy of the October 18, 2010 letter I sent to the U.S. embassy in Kiev about Viktoriya (scroll down toward the bottom of the post for this letter).

Other related history:

Sent $500 as an emergency loan for a friend of Viktoriya's. Then, while Viktoriya was supposedly in Kiev for the embassy interview, supposedly the friend wired to Viktoriya via Western Union the $500 because Viktoriya had run out of money in Kiev - yes Viktoriya told me this.

Bought a $900 computer for her which then was supposedly fried by the power system there. Sent another $900 for the computer to be completely repaired since it was supposedly burned inside.

Replaced several stolen cellphones.

Sent $500 to repair a car that had been damaged by improper driving by Viktoriya.

Sent $300 for Viktoriya to take a work seeking trip to Donetsk.

Sent $200 for Viktoriya to join a professional lawyer society in Odessa.

More details about all that was sent are further down in this report, as are the key details of the discovered fraud.

Full name in Ukrainian: ???????? ????????????? ??????????

Full name in Russian: ???????? ???????????? ??????????

Full name in English: Viktoriya Vladimirovna Anastasova

Name and address in English:

Viktoriya Anastasova
Dunaeva Lane 3, Apt. 16

In Ukrainian:

???????? ??????????
???????? ???????, ??????? 3, ???????? 16,
?. ????? 65044,

In Russian:

???????? ??????????
???????? ???????, ??? 3, ???????? 16,
?. ?????? 65044,

Her email address: [email protected]
Her Skype username: anastasova_viktoriya

Possible phone number as per

Occupation & education: A masters degree in law, and about five years of work experience as a paralegal and lawyer in Odessa, Ukraine.

Skype log excerpts showing money requests:

[3/27/2010 1:46:25 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: i understand, sleep,i write you latter (hug):)
[3/27/2010 1:47:42 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: Good morning I hope to you it was well slept, a bit later I will leave to talk to you. Why you to me have not told that send me money. To me it is pleasant that you care of me because my parents do not help me. Speak that I should go to work, and I cannot find work. Thanks that you send me money, but ?? should not do it, these are constant expenses. You should cares of the daddy and.

[4/13/2010 6:17:39 AM] Me: It's Tuesday morning. I do have some photos taken last weekend. I'll work on uploading them today.
[4/13/2010 9:30:49 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: Thanks greetings big for a gift. Now I was released from work and scanned letters and have come to cafe Internet to send them, now them scan. Concerning work. That to me have allowed to run business, on collecting of money under the debenture if I carry case I will receive for it money. As, me have suggested to register as the worker of the organisation of lawyers of a city of Odessa that I had more than affairs on which I I can work, but I while think, because it will be necessary to pay 2000 grivnas, for registration. I was at judicial session and made documents as wrote letters with inquiries that to me gave on them answers. (F)(F)(F)

[6/4/2010 11:51:34 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: thank you enormous for help you always I help, me much pleasantly this very sound
[6/4/2010 11:52:35 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: I really much pleasantly that you take care on me
[6/4/2010 12:11:25 PM] Anastasova Viktoriya: thank you big, simply I ???????? ???? go for ticket, when return write
[6/4/2010 12:11:35 PM] Anastasova Viktoriya: fank you very much
[6/4/2010 12:13:14 PM] Me: Yes no problem. I just sent your monthly give a week early...
[6/4/2010 12:14:02 PM] Anastasova Viktoriya: fank you i go and write you later
[6/4/2010 12:14:38 PM] Me: Here is the approximate balance in grivnas: 2395.8 - but on the bankomat only withdraw using grivnas, not dollars.
[6/4/2010 12:15:01 PM | Edited 12:15:41 PM] Me: Ok talk to you later. Be sure to take your mobile phone and also the charger for your mobile phone with you when you go to the other city (so that I will be able to reach you there).
[6/4/2010 12:15:35 PM] Anastasova Viktoriya: ok

[7/16/2010 2:59:44 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: Greetings. How are you doing? I WISHED to CONSULT To YOU. I have a certificate of the lawyer. And me have suggested to enter in members of lawyer association of the Odessa area. If I become a member of association, there lawyers direct each other clients and sometimes I will have a work. But for the introduction it is necessary to bring 2 500 grivnas at once, and then on 100 grivnas every month. But to me I will sometimes help with work. This association of lawyers of Odessa. What you tell? To me important your opinion. To that I very much want it. I cannot sit without work and doing nothing. For now the visa will open will pass any month. And this membership for ever.
[7/16/2010 3:00:19 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: (F)(F)(F)(hug)(hug)(hug)(F)(F)(F)

[7/29/2010 7:27:00 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: I to you do not disturb? At me to you the request, I have just found phone for 1 999 grivnas it is cheaper than for 2 399 - for 400 grivnas, 260 grivnas on restoration of a card telephone - me mum help me please

[8/25/2010 6:26:53 AM] *** Call from Anastasova Viktoriya, duration 09:24. ***
[8/25/2010 6:32:02 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: Greetings. Here already and you it is necessary to work a weekend 2 days. I have come into the cafe Internet, yet hot to write you the letter because to ask from the friend the Internet not so conveniently. Has drawn out your money took the computer in the evening and by a taxi has brought it to repair - thanks you big. I have paid 550 dollars of 4 350 grivnas for details of the computer and I owe 2 640 grivnas more and 400 grivnas for procleanings of all system by chemical substance. I have agreed with the master that I can take away the computer when I will have all money and he has told that will wait. To you for all you much for me do thanks.
[8/25/2010 6:32:25 AM] Me: $380 USD.
[8/25/2010 6:32:31 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: 2 640 400
[8/25/2010 6:32:35 AM] Me: And 400
[8/25/2010 6:32:39 AM] Me: = 380 USD
[8/25/2010 6:33:10 AM] Me: but you also need a power surge protector so that the same thing does not happen again
[8/25/2010 6:33:51 AM] Me: there is a "power supply" inside of computer
[8/25/2010 6:34:03 AM] Me: but outside of computer, usually the "power surge protector" is external

[9/22/2010 6:04:51 AM] *** Missed call from Anastasova Viktoriya. ***
[9/22/2010 6:08:10 AM] Me: you can call and ask if it is 1582 grivna if you go to airport to pay
[9/22/2010 6:08:19 AM] Me: but I can buy for you on their website


Note in our September 22nd Skype exchange I offer to pay for her airline ticket online or to send 1582 grivnas so she can go to the airport and pay (for her to attend the K-1 visa embassy interview in Kiev). We also had a webcam chat about this. She of course wants to buy the ticket herself - apparently because she has no intention of going - keep reading...

Money given to Viktoriya via a debit card I allowed her to use:

Date Type Check # Description Withdrawal (-) Deposit (+) Running Balance
10/08/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $200.15 $0.26
10/06/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $150.00 $200.41
10/05/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $50.00 $50.41
10/01/2010 ATM ATM1748 AVAL ODESSA $191.68 $0.41
10/01/2010 ATM ATM1748 AVAL ODESSA $252.21 $192.09
09/30/2010 INTADJUST Interest Paid $0.03 $444.30
09/30/2010 ATM 17-19 FONTANS'KA DOROGA ODESSA $251.91 $444.27
09/30/2010 ATM 17-19 FONTANS'KA DOROGA ODESSA $251.91 $696.18
09/30/2010 ATM 17-19 FONTANS'KA DOROGA ODESSA $251.91 $948.09

Note: $1,200 was given to Viktoriya for her trip to Kiev for the embassy interview. This money was for the embasy visa fee, plus for taxis, plus for an apartment in Kiev, plus for a coat and shoes she needed for the trip, since as she said at the time it's very cold in Kiev. Also while she was supposedly in Kiev, she told me that she asked her friend to wire to her via Western Union $500 which I had lent to her friend previously, because in Kiev supposedly Viktoriya ran out of money. But, Viktoriya never went to Kiev. The embassy confirmed this. She never showed up for the embassy interview.

09/29/2010 TRANSFER Transfer to other checking account $1.12 $1,200.00
09/29/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $1,200.00 $1,201.12
09/26/2010 TRANSFER Transfer to other checking account $1,100.00 $1.12
09/26/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $1,100.00 $1,101.12
09/22/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $125.95 $1.12
09/22/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $251.89 $127.07
09/22/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $122.17 $378.96

Here is where I paid Viktoriya $500 for a plane ticket to Kiev. But she never went to Kiev, as per the statement from the embassy that she never showed for her interview.

So that's $1,200 plus $500 plus the $500 which her friend supposed wired to her and which now cannot be returned to me (since it was a previous emergency loan to her friend), for a total of $2,200 lost as a result of a trip to Kiev which apparently never took place.

09/22/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $500.00 $501.13
09/16/2010 ATM KATERYNIVSKA STR., 37 ODESA $74.54 $1.13
09/14/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $75.00 $75.67
09/13/2010 ATM Balkovskaja str., 33 ODESSA $126.44 $0.67
09/13/2010 ATM Balkovskaja str., 33 ODESSA $98.62 $127.11
09/13/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $100.00 $225.73
09/12/2010 TRANSFER Transfer to other checking account $5.00 $125.73
09/12/2010 TRANSFER Transfer to other checking account $20.00 $130.73
09/12/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $150.00 $150.73
09/08/2010 ATM ATM2850 OD FRANCZK_SI ODESSA $47.86 $0.73
09/08/2010 ATM ATM2850 OD FRANCZK_SI ODESSA $251.89 $48.59
09/08/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $250.00 $300.48
09/08/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $50.00 $50.48
09/02/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $26.63 $0.48
09/02/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $26.00 $27.11
08/30/2010 ATM Balkovskaja str., 33 ODESSA $126.77 $1.11
08/30/2010 ATM Balkovskaja str., 33 ODESSA $126.77 $127.88
08/30/2010 ATM Balkovskaja str., 33 ODESSA $119.16 $254.65
08/30/2010 ATM Balkovskaja str., 33 ODESSA $126.77 $373.81

Here is where I send $500 for an emergency loan to a friend of Viktoriya. Viktoriya called me in the middle of the night urgenty requesting this loan.

Then, last week (Oct 5, 2010 week) she claimed that while she was in Kiev on her trip to the embassy, she ran out of money, and had her friend wire to her this $500 via Western Union.

But she never went to Kiev. And so this extra $500 loaned to her friend on an emergency basis is lost as well.

08/30/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $500.00 $500.58
08/30/2010 TRANSFER Transfer to other checking account $500.00 $0.58
08/30/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $500.00 $500.58
08/25/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $130.55 $0.58
08/25/2010 ATM A4120014 OD FIL SILPO ODESSA $126.76 $131.13
08/25/2010 ATM A4120014 OD FIL SILPO ODESSA $126.76 $257.89
08/25/2010 ATM A4120014 OD FIL SILPO ODESSA $126.76 $384.65
08/25/2010 ATM A4120014 OD FIL SILPO ODESSA $88.73 $511.41
08/25/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $600.00 $600.14
08/23/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $25.35 $0.14
08/23/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $25.00 $25.49
08/17/2010 ATM KOLONTAEVSKA ST. 58 ODESA $50.06 $0.49
08/17/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $50.00 $50.55
08/14/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $25.35 $0.55
08/13/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $25.00 $25.90
08/11/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $95.08 $0.90
08/11/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $507.10 $95.98
08/11/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $602.00 $603.08
08/06/2010 ATM A4120014 OD FIL SILPO ODESSA $49.43 $1.08
08/06/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $50.00 $50.51
08/02/2010 ATM ZHUKOVA 5A ODESSA $0.63 $0.51
08/02/2010 ATM ATM6366 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $25.34 $1.14
08/02/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $26.00 $26.48
07/30/2010 INTADJUST Interest Paid $0.01 $0.48
07/30/2010 ATMREBATE ATM Fee Rebate $0.34 $0.47
07/30/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $26.61 $0.13
07/30/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $26.00 $26.74
07/29/2010 ATM ATM1748 AVAL ODESSA $1.27 $0.74
07/29/2010 ATM ATM1748 AVAL ODESSA $253.37 $2.01
07/29/2010 TRANSFER Transfer to other checking account $5.00 $255.38
07/29/2010 TRANSFER Transfer to other checking account $10.00 $260.38
07/29/2010 TRANSFER Transfer to other checking account $40.00 $270.38
07/29/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $160.00 $310.38
07/29/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $150.00 $150.38
07/25/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $253.32 $0.38
07/25/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $93.73 $253.70
07/23/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $25.00 $347.43
07/23/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $322.00 $322.43
07/20/2010 ATM A4120014 OD FIL SILPO ODESSA $126.61 $0.43
07/19/2010 ATM RISHELEVSKA, 9-A ODESSA $23.13 $127.04
07/19/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $50.00 $150.17
07/18/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $100.00 $100.17
07/14/2010 ATM Balkovskaja str., 33 ODESSA $99.99 $0.17
07/14/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $100.00 $100.16
07/12/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $51.89 $0.16
07/12/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $52.00 $52.05
07/09/2010 ATM A4120014 OD FIL SILPO ODESSA $24.04 $0.05
07/09/2010 ATM A4120014 OD FIL SILPO ODESSA $126.50 $24.09
07/09/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $50.00 $150.59
07/09/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $100.00 $100.59
07/08/2010 ATM ATM5732 POCHTAMT 2 ODESA $0.63 $0.59
07/07/2010 ATM CHERNYAHIVSKOGO, 8 ODESA $37.93 $1.22
07/06/2010 ATM CHERNYAHIVSKOGO, 8 ODESA $63.18 $39.15
07/06/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $50.00 $102.33
07/06/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $52.00 $52.33
07/04/2010 ATM A4120014 OD FIL SILPO ODESSA $51.83 $0.33
07/03/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $52.00 $52.16
06/30/2010 INTADJUST Interest Paid $0.01 $0.16
06/30/2010 ATM A4120014 OD FIL SILPO ODESSA $53.13 $0.15
06/30/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $53.00 $53.28
06/23/2010 ATM OTP BANK ATM UAH ODESSA $136.57 $0.28
06/22/2010 ATM SEGEDSKA ST., 8 ODESA $63.20 $136.85
06/22/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $200.00 $200.05
06/21/2010 ATM ATM2765 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $202.22 $0.05
06/20/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $200.00 $202.27
06/16/2010 ATM A4120014 OD FIL SILPO ODESSA $50.57 $2.27
06/15/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $52.00 $52.84
06/10/2010 ATM A4120014 OD FIL SILPO ODESSA $11.37 $0.84
06/04/2010 ATM ATM2840 OD VLMSA_SILP ODESSA $290.15 $12.21
06/04/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $302.00 $302.36
05/28/2010 INTADJUST Interest Paid $0.02 $0.36
05/28/2010 ATM ATM4181 PIRAEUS ODESS ODESSA $54.90 $0.34
05/28/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $54.00 $55.24
05/27/2010 ATM A4120014 OD FIL SILPO ODESSA $29.02 $1.24
05/27/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $30.00 $30.26
05/20/2010 ATM ATM6366 PIVDENNYI ODESSA $111.06 $0.26
05/19/2010 ATM ATM1721 ODESSA POSTAM ODESA $37.86 $111.32
05/18/2010 VISA BENETTON -2 ODESA, #00000019001 $100.96 $149.18
05/18/2010 ATM LUSTDORFSKA R., 140-1 ODESA $25.24 $250.14
05/17/2010 VISA VUZOVSKIY TORGOVIYODESSA, #0000001900 $4.62 $275.38
05/14/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $2.24 $280.00
05/14/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $200.00 $277.76
05/14/2010 ATM SHEVCHENKA, 15/3 ODESA $25.24 $77.76
05/14/2010 TRANSFER Transfer from other checking account $100.00 $103.00

Moneygrams sent:

Apr 21, 2010 9:14:01 AM Viktoriya Anastasova UKRAINE 470.00 USD
Picked Up

Apr 13, 2010 8:28:36 AM Viktoriya Anastasova UKRAINE 200.00 USD
Picked Up

Mar 26, 2010 11:14:18 AM Viktoriya Anastasova UKRAINE 200.00 USD
Picked Up

Picked Up

Picked Up

Picked Up

Picked Up

Picked Up

Picked Up

Picked Up


Copies of skype logs from Viktoriya showing the deception...

Here is where she quotes to me a letter she supposedly received from the embassy, for a visa denial.

[10/11/2010 3:23:13 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya:
?? ??????????? ????????????.
???? ?????, ?? ???????????? ?? ?? ?????????? ??????!

??????? ?? ???????????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ??????????.
????? ???????? ??????????, ?? ?????????? ????? ??????????:

October 07 2010, 09:00

????? ?????????? ??????? ??????????:
??????????? ?????? ?????????? ??? (?. ????, ???. ?????? ????????? 6).

????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??? ??? ????????:

???? ?? ??????????? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????????
????????? ??? ????????? ???? ????: ?-1.
???? ???? ???????? ??????? ???? ????????? ?? ????
???????????? ???? ????????????. ????, ???????? ?? ????????
????????? ??? ? ????????? ???? ????: ?-1.
???, ?? ?? ?????????? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ????????? ??????????? ????????????? ??????? ?? ?? ????? ???????????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ??????.
?????, ?? ??? ??????, ??????????? ? ??????? ? ?????? ???????? ??
?????? ?????????? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? 6 ???????, ?? ? ????????? ??? ?????????? ???????? ????????.

??? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ?? ???????????? ??????? ?????????? ???
? ??????? ????? ?????? ???.

?????, ????????????, ?? ?????????? ?? ????????? ???? ????? 07 ?????? 2010 ???? ?? ????? ?????????? ???????? ?? ???????????? ??????? ?????????? ???
? ??????? ?? ????????? ????? ???????????? ????????.

? ?????????? ???????????,
?????? ??????? ??????????
[10/11/2010 3:23:40 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: They did not open visa for me? i ro know what to do
[10/11/2010 7:17:41 AM] Me: Greetings. I am asking online about what our options are for appeal and so on. I hope to have more information soon. The embassy is closed today for a holiday.
[10/11/2010 2:25:57 PM] Me: Dear Viktoriya. I have drafted a four page letter in response. I will fax the letter to the embassy tonight, so that they can read it Tuesday morning Kiev time. Later when you are online I will send a copy of the letter I am sending to them. Sincerely, Me:.
[10/12/2010 12:41:51 AM] Me: Hello.
[10/12/2010 12:42:58 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: hello are you sleep
[10/12/2010 12:43:22 AM] Me: I've been working on the visa issue. But soon I hope to go to bed.
[10/12/2010 12:43:42 AM] *** Call from Anastasova Viktoriya, duration 00:24. ***
[10/12/2010 12:53:51 AM] Me: 1. Issue a visa
2. Deny the visa and return the case to USCIS
3. Issue a specific 212(g) request for more information
[10/12/2010 12:54:11 AM] Me: What another couple familiar with the process said the embassy must do.
[10/12/2010 12:54:23 AM] Me: They have to do one of these three.
[Wednesday, October 13, 2010:]
[2:50:44 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: hello i am back yesterday in night and take back all my dokuments
[2:50:51 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: how are you
[3:14:42 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: I have read letters which you to me have sent by e-mail. Yes it was once again pleasant to me to see your good and a careful altitude to me. Thanks for your anxiety. It is not very a pity to me that I could receive the visa because of the unemployment. I thought that we will meet you in the end of a month, but probably it will not turn out. On it, at all I do not know as to do. I am upset.


She claimed to me over a voice chat session that she went to Kiev, had her medical clinic check, had her embassy interview, and left her passport with the embassy. Then on Wednesday the 13th she claims that she went to the embassy again to reetrieve her passport after the supposed denial. Notice above where she says "hello i am back yesterday in night and take back all my dokuments." This is where she is claiming that she returned to the embassy in Kiev to retrieve her passport after the supposed denial.

But she forgot with her deception to take into account the courier service they have for passport delivery. So it's lie upon lie upon lie. Lying about going. Lying about buying a plane ticket. Lying about getting an apartment, about the taxis, about calling her girlfriend who I had loaned $500 to previously - calling to this friend to have that $500 wired to her via Western Union while she was in Kiev because she supposedly ran out of money while she was there. Lying abou the denial. Lying about going to Kiev again to retrieve her documents after the supposed denial. And continuing to lie to me this week about the matter, as you shall see...

Here is an English translation of the letter Viktoriya claimed came from your embassy, using google translate for the translation:

---English translation of supposed visa denial letter

Is an automated message.
PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to this email address!

Thank you for using the services of the Visa Information Service.
Below is information pertaining to your appointment:

October July 2010, 09:00

Venue visa interview:
Consular Section U.S. Embassy (Kyiv, str. Nicholas choices 6).

After the interview referred to inform you of the following:

You as a citizen of Ukraine were afforded all the necessary
documents to obtain visa type: K-1.
we have studied your detailed CV and other
you submit documentation. Therefore, we consider it appropriate
deny you a visa type: K-1.
Thus, as at present more than half a year Are you unemployed hromadyanynkoyu Ukraine and have no material basis for expatriation.
Also, in our view, communicating with someone on the Internet and
by telephone line for no more than 6 months is not sufficient to establish family relationships.

But suggest you contact the consular department of the U.S. Embassy
in Ukraine after a while.

Also, reports that according to the maps you received October 7, 2010 you can get to the consular department of the U.S. Embassy
in Ukraine to obtain your passport.

Best regards,
Visa Information Service

---end of quote of English translation of supposed visa denial letter

In her October 13 Skype message where she transmitts the supposed denial letter Viktoriya says it's a pity she was denied due to unemployment. But unemployment is not normally a reason for K-1 visa denial, from what I've been told.

On October 14 Viktoriya sent the following message in Skype and via email:

-------quote begins

To: []
Subject: Re[2]: Email Confirmation
From: <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 13:03:44 +0400

Greetings, I will show you the screen and you will see that I do not deceive you. I called in embassy and they to me have told that I really am not registered at them as the person which came on interview, and that my business is opened also I still I can come on interview. Here, I it have told that was in embassy and they have refused to me the visa. And they to me have told that will check up the information and will call back, I have left home telephone number number. And still wished to tell to you that you ugly behave under the relation to me, you do not trust me also it not pleasantly. I thought that the relation to you I could prove the attachment to you my bear and all that I wrote to you earlier. It is unpleasant to me. But I will show you the screen.

-------quote ends

I had asked Viktoriya to show me her screen in Skype, so that I could see the denial letter myself.

Then later on October 14 Viktoriya called to me using a voice call in Skype. She said she was angry and upset, and that she had told her mother about the situation and that her mother was upset as well. Then she hung up on me. She still claimed in this voice call that she did not lie to me.

Previously Viktoriya had claimed that during the week of October 5 she flew to Kiev, had the clinic visit, had the embassy interview, and that she left her passport with them. Then later this week she claimed that she returned to Kiev for her passport, after receiving a denial letter.

On October 15 I received the following message from the embassy:

=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= quote begins of Oct 15 embassy email

From: "Kyiv, IV"
To: []
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 14:05:40 +0300
Subject: RE: October 14 request

Dear Mr. []:

In response to your email of October 14, 2010, we inform you the following.

Question 1: Would you please call to your contracted medical clinic in Kiev and ask if Ms. Anastasova attended an exam, last week or at any time. She reportedly had an appointment scheduled for October 5. But did she attend your contracted clinic at any time last week or ever?

The answer is No. Our employees have contacted the clinic and they were informed that Ms. Anastasova did not take medical examination.

Question 2: Please confirm that Ms. Anastasova did not meet with anyone at the embassy nor at any embassy location in Kiev last week.

When I called this week to the consular section I confirmed that she never came for an interview. Please confirm this in writing to me. And thank you very much for your help on this specific item.

Ms. Anastasova’s visa interview was scheduled for October 7, 2010, however, she failed to show up.

Question 3: Please confirm that your embassy did not take from Mr. Anastasova her passport, last week. And please confirm that your embassy did not return to Ms. Anastasova her passport to her this week, in person, via her coming to Kiev to the embassy in both cases.

Since Ms. Anastasova did not show up for her visa interview, we did not take a passport from her.

Question 4: Please confirm that your embassy did not send to Ms. Anastasova the following email, and that your contracted "visa information service" that schedules embassy interview appointments did not sent it either.

The email you have attached looks like a confirmation email that an applicant receives from our call center. We have contacted the call center and they confirmed that they sent the confirmation to Ms. Anastasova on September 5, 2010, however, the content of the letter was different. In the call center’s email there was standard information about time and place of the visa interview and the appointment confirmation number. All the confirmation emails from the call center have standard text, and the call center is not authorized to change it. It is obvious that the text from the email you have attached was changed, but it definitely was not changed by the call center’s employees. Only Consular officer can determine applicant’s eligibility or ineligibility for certain visa type. Such determination is possible only during the visa interview where the applicant must be physically present. In case of refusal we do not send any notifications via email.

We are sorry we could not provide you with more positive information, however, we hope you will find our answers helpful.

Public Liaison Unit
Consular Section
U.S. Embassy,
Kyiv, Ukraine
Tel.: +38/044/490-44-22
Fax: +38/044/484-42-56
Please visit our website at for more information about consular services
This e-mail is UNCLASSIFIED based on the definitions provided in E.O. 12958

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 1:45 PM
To: Kyiv, IV
Subject: October 14 request

October 14, 2010


I would like to request some key details regarding the case of

Viktoriya Anastasova (case number []).

Would you please have your staff answer the following questions, so
that I can fully confirm what has happened in this case.

This is a special request to confirm key details about what has
happened in this case and so that I may then decide how to proceed.


Question 1: Would you please call to your contracted medical clinic in
Kiev and ask if Ms. Anastasova attended an exam, last week or at any
time. She reportedly had an appointment scheduled for October 5. But
did she attend your contracted clinic at any time last week or ever?

Question 2: Please confirm that Ms. Anastasova did not meet with
anyone at the embassy nor at any embassy location in Kiev last week.
When I called this week to the consular section I confirmed that she
never came for an interview. Please confirm this in writing to me. And
thank you very much for your help on this specific item.

Question 3: Please confirm that your embassy did not take from Mr.
Anastasova her passport, last week. And please confirm that your
embassy did not return to Ms. Anastasova her passport to her this
week, in person, via her coming to Kiev to the embassy in both cases.

Question 4: Please confirm that your embassy did not send to Ms.
Anastasova the following email, and that your contracted "visa
information service" that schedules embassy interview appointments did
not sent it either:

----------------quote begins

Sun, 5 Sep 2010 06:01:29 -0400 ?????? ?? "[email protected]"
<[email protected]>:

>?? ??????????? ??? ????????.
???? ?????, ?? ? ???? ????? ?? ?? ?????????? ??????!

???? ?? ?? ???????????? ????????? ?????? ? ???? ??????? .
????? ???????? ??????? ?, ?? ????? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??:


October 07 2010, 09:00

? ??? ?????????? ? ???? ?? ???? ??:
??????????? ? ?? ? ?????????? ??? (?. ?? ?, ???. ?????? ????????? 6).

? ??? ?????????? ????????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ??? ????????:

???? ?? ??????????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ?? ????? ??
????????? ??? ????????? ? ?? ????: ?-1.
???? ???? ???????? ??????? ???? ? ????? ? ?? ???
???????????? ???? ?????????? ?. ????, ????? ?? ?? ??? ????
? ??????? ??? ? ???????? ? ?? ????: ?-1.

???, ?? ?? ????? ?? ? ??? ??? ? ???? ? ? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?????? ????
????????????? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????? ????? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??

?????, ?? ??? ??????, ?? ???????? ? ??????? ? ????? ??????? ??
?????? ????????? ? ? ???? ??? ?? ? ???? 6 ? ??? ?, ?? ??????? ?
??? ?????????? ? ?????? ? ??????.

??? ??????? ?? ??? ?????????? ?? ???????????? ? ?? ?? ?????????? ???
? ???? ? ????? ?????? ???.

?????, ??? ????? ??, ?? ? ???? ??? ?? ???????? ???? ????? 07 ??????
2010 ???? ?? ?? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ?? ???????????? ? ?? ??
?????????? ???

? ???? ? ?? ????????? ????? ???????????? ????????.

? ?????????? ???????????,
?????? ? ???? ???????

----------------quote ends

Please answer these four questions for me as soon as you are able to.

I am still gathering information about what has occurred in this case.

I will be in contact very soon to your section about how I wish to
proceed. But for now I request that your office answer these four

Thanks very much for the time you've spent so far on this case.



This email is UNCLASSIFIED.

=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= quote ends of Oct 15 embassy email

Skype logs from October 15 and 16:

[10/15/2010 6:26:35 AM | Edited 6:31:50 AM] Me: I have sent to your account confirmation from the embassy that you lied to me. Your case is still open. You can go to Kiev for an interview. I will not pay for you to go, twice. I have already paid once and then found you lied to my face about the matter. But you can still go. Or you can let the opportunity to travel to America pass forever.
[October 16:]
[1:10:09 AM] *** Missed call from Anastasova Viktoriya. ***
[1:11:08 AM] *** Missed call from Anastasova Viktoriya. ***
[1:12:04 AM] *** Missed call from Anastasova Viktoriya. ***
[1:13:10 AM] *** Missed call from Anastasova Viktoriya. ***
[1:18:29 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: You powerfully mistaken, I did not lie you, and why you compare me with others. I have said you that was in embassy. In the same way I you not obmanVvala. But private telephone I did not leave since I live with parent and they too raise the tube of the telephone. The Money I beside you did not take. And beside me really no mobile, you knew that I its has sold since I need were a money I can not work. I in Kiev, in embassy I went. You me much offend this. think Once again since I want to be with you, but it is necessary you this, when you I do not believe.
[1:18:46 AM] *** Missed call from Anastasova Viktoriya. ***
[1:23:50 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: if I wanted to defraud you, why I then long communicated with you and told about its lifes, its family
[1:57:31 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: for the sake of you I ready all forget and once again go on conversation, say when and I shall go

--------------End of Skype logs from October 15 and 16, 2010.

Viktoriya received the embassy letter where they state that she never showed up and so on. And yet on October 16 she still said she went.

The woman is crazy & a great danger to your time, life, and wallet.


Quote of October 18, 2010 letter to the U.S. embassy about Viktoriya:


Regarding the October 11 fifteen page letter that I sent to your section, via fax, email, and regular mail, I am embarrassed about this letter that I sent. The reason I am embarrassed is because I have discovered that I have been defrauded by Ms. Viktoriya Anastasova in this case.

Recently Ms. Anastasova transmitted to me the following message via Skype (as directly quoted from the Skype log on my computer):

[10/11/2010 3:23:13 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya:
?? ??????????? ????????????.
???? ?????, ?? ???????????? ?? ?? ?????????? ??????!

??????? ?? ???????????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ??????????.
????? ???????? ??????????, ?? ?????????? ????? ??????????:

October 07 2010, 09:00

????? ?????????? ??????? ??????????:
??????????? ?????? ?????????? ??? (?. ????, ???. ?????? ????????? 6).

????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??? ??? ????????:

???? ?? ??????????? ??????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????????
????????? ??? ????????? ???? ????: ?-1.
???? ???? ???????? ??????? ???? ????????? ?? ????
???????????? ???? ????????????. ????, ???????? ?? ????????
????????? ??? ? ????????? ???? ????: ?-1.
???, ?? ?? ?????????? ??? ??? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ????????? ??????????? ????????????? ??????? ?? ?? ????? ???????????? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ??????.
?????, ?? ??? ??????, ??????????? ? ??????? ? ?????? ???????? ??
?????? ?????????? ????? ???????? ?? ?????? 6 ???????, ?? ? ????????? ??? ?????????? ???????? ????????.

??? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ?? ???????????? ??????? ?????????? ???
? ??????? ????? ?????? ???.

?????, ????????????, ?? ?????????? ?? ????????? ???? ????? 07 ?????? 2010 ???? ?? ????? ?????????? ???????? ?? ???????????? ??????? ?????????? ???
? ??????? ?? ????????? ????? ???????????? ????????.

? ?????????? ???????????,
?????? ??????? ??????????
[10/11/2010 3:23:40 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: They did not open visa for me? i ro know what to do
[10/11/2010 7:17:41 AM] Me: Greetings. I am asking online about what our options are for appeal and so on. I hope to have more information soon. The embassy is closed today for a holiday.
[10/11/2010 2:25:57 PM] Me: Dear Viktoriya. I have drafted a four page letter in response. I will fax the letter to the embassy tonight, so that they can read it Tuesday morning Kiev time. Later when you are online I will send a copy of the letter I am sending to them.
[October 12:]
[12:41:51 AM] Me: Hello.
[12:42:58 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: hello are you sleep
[12:43:22 AM] Me: I've been working on the visa issue. But soon I hope to go to bed.

As you can see from the Skype log quoted above (the Ukrainian language text quoted), Viktoriya claims that your embassy wrote to her a visa denial letter. In your supposed denial letter, your office supposedly mentions a chatting time frame of six months.

My October 11 fifteen page letter to your office was a response to this Ukrianian-language message I received from Viktoriya in Skype. But now I find that this message which supposedly came from your office denying the visa, this message from your office to Viktoriya was never sent by your office. Instead, it was apparently either drafted by Viktoriya herself or perhaps by her father – both are lawyers in Odessa.

As per my October 11th direct phone call to the consular section, I found out that Viktoriya never attended her October 7 interview in Kiev.

Last week Viktoriya represented to me that she had gone to Kiev for her interview. Before her supposed trip to Kiev she showed to me a supposed airline ticket receipt on a Skype webcam chat session. And after her supposed trip to Kiev she described to me how she had met a friendly man at your embassy who interviewed her. She had supposedly told this man what our relationship had been, why she wanted to come to America, and so on. And she said that this man smiled at her at the conclusion of the interview and supposedly said to her “your interest in coming to America to live with your fiance seems genuine, but it is not up to me to decide.” Viktoriya told me all this in a Skype webcam conversation we had last week.

But, Viktoriya never came to your embassy for her scheduled interview. And she never attended the contracted medical clinic in Kiev either.

I must say that this whole matter has been a near complete surprise.

The near daily conversations I have had with Ms. Anastasova since January. All the time we’ve spent talking. Her intentions seemed genuine.

But, I am sorry to say, as per the October 11 Ukrainian-language supposed email she transmitted in Skype to me, Viktoriya has misrepresented a visa denial from your embassy.

So she did lie to me about coming to Kiev for an interview there. She apparently lied about the purchase of an airline ticket for Kiev, about having to pay for an apartment in Kiev, for taxis from Borispol to Kiev, for food in Kiev. She lied about attending the clinic. She lied about leaving her passport with your office. She lied about the denial. She lied about leaving her passport with your office. She lied about returning Kiev to pick up her passport after the denial.

And here is a quote from an October 14 email:

From: "???????? ??????????" <[email protected]>
To: []
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 13:03:44 +0400
Subject: Re[2]: Email Confirmation
Greetings, I will show you the screen and you will see that I do not deceive you. I called in embassy and they to me have told that I really am not registered at them as the person which came on interview, and that my business is opened also I still I can come on interview. Here, I it have told that was in embassy and they have refused to me the visa. And they to me have told that will check up the information and will call back, I have left home telephone number number. And still wished to tell to you that you ugly behave under the relation to me, you do not trust me also it not pleasantly. I thought that the relation to you I could prove the attachment to you my bear and all that I wrote to you earlier. It is unpleasant to me. But I will show you the screen.

---quote ends

And here is a quote from a Skype message she sent on October 16:

[10/16/2010 1:13:10 AM] *** Missed call from Anastasova Viktoriya. ***
[10/16/2010 1:18:29 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: You powerfully mistaken, I did not lie you, and why you compare me with others. I have said you that was in embassy. In the same way I you not obmanVvala. But private telephone I did not leave since I live with parent and they too raise the tube of the telephone. The Money I beside you did not take. And beside me really no mobile, you knew that I its has sold since I need were a money I can not work. I in Kiev, in embassy I went. You me much offend this. think Once again since I want to be with you, but it is necessary you this, when you I do not believe.
[10/16/2010 1:18:46 AM] *** Missed call from Anastasova Viktoriya. ***
[10/16/2010 1:23:50 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: if I wanted to defraud you, why I then long communicated with you and told about its lifes, its family
[10/16/2010 1:57:31 AM] Anastasova Viktoriya: for the sake of you I ready all forget and once again go on conversation, say when and I shall go

I request that this case be closed (case []), at my request.

My apologies for the lengthy October 11 dated fifteen page letter I sent earlier, sent via several methods.

After devoting nearly a year to this endeavor, and ten months of intense chatting with Ms. Anastasova, and all the resources devoted, I am disappointed at this outcome. But thanks for processing my I-129F in this case.

Here where I live, I did have motivation to find a good job, and to get a house, and to fix up my yard, and to grow a nice new crop of green grass – all because of my motivations to make a nice home for someone to live here with me. I shared with Viktoriya many hours of videos and as much of my life as I could – so that she would be put at ease at coming. But I am sorry to say that all this time I devoted was apparently for nothing, with the exceptions as noted.

This level of deception, where I trusted Viktoriya to come to Kiev, and when she did not & lied about it, and when she claims she receives a denial letter from your embassy, a letter you did not send, I do not see how any sort of reasonable relationship can sustain this level of deception.

So I will move forward. I have contacted online support groups regarding this matter. If there is something you can do to prevent Ms. Anastasova from defrauding other men in the future, I would appreciate it. And please make note of the fact that my intentions in this endeavor were genuine and honest, even if at the last moment we found out that I was being defrauded by Ms. Anastsova.

Thanks again for your time.

p.s. Here is an English translation of the letter Viktoriya claimed came from your embassy, using google translate for the translation:

Is an automated message.
PLEASE DO NOT REPLY to this email address!

Thank you for using the services of the Visa Information Service.
Below is information pertaining to your appointment:

October July 2010, 09:00

Venue visa interview:
Consular Section U.S. Embassy (Kyiv, str. Nicholas choices 6).

After the interview referred to inform you of the following:

You as a citizen of Ukraine were afforded all the necessary
documents to obtain visa type: K-1.
we have studied your detailed CV and other
you submit documentation. Therefore, we consider it appropriate
deny you a visa type: K-1.
Thus, as at present more than half a year Are you unemployed hromadyanynkoyu Ukraine and have no material basis for expatriation.
Also, in our view, communicating with someone on the Internet and
by telephone line for no more than 6 months is not sufficient to establish family relationships.

But suggest you contact the consular department of the U.S. Embassy
in Ukraine after a while.

Also, reports that according to the maps you received October 7, 2010 you can get to the consular department of the U.S. Embassy
in Ukraine to obtain your passport.

Best regards,
Visa Information Service

…End of quote. But this message did not come from your embassy. Viktoriya apparently made it up.

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