Information on romance scams and scammers.
by RadRad Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:00 pm
This Was about to happen to me with a lady solider Sgt. Cara Palthrow claiming she was about to go on 8 months leave. Wants to come to New Zealand but wants to talk on the phone but it will cost me 300 pounds to get us connected yeah right! Here is some of the email the military wireless telecoms.

Thank you for the inquiry. Our service is to provide wireless phone connectivity to subscribers and deployed officers.

This service is 100% free after the initial payment of three hundred pounds {£300} registration cost has been paid.

After making this payment a private phone line will be set up and the calls from the deployed officer to you will be free. This is the best way to get connected to the British troops.

In other to process this registration we will need you to provide us with the information below:

Your Full Name(s):





Phone Number(s):

Service Provider(s):

We protect your privacy. We do not insist you provide extra personal information than necessary.

All information collected will be treated as confidential.

The information you provide us would be used in registration with Tunnel Power Connect Wireless SAT in other to have access to our tunnel wireless phoning


We only accept payments via PayPal . OR

Western Union Money Transfer.

Important Notice: We only accept Western Union for payments made outside the United Kingdom. Such payments should be made payable to our designated Receiving officers in the United kingdom.

This is the Information of how you will make the payment through western union money transfer

Name: Sarah Kasper

Address: white hall main building greater London, United Kingdom

Amount: 300pounds



by Dotti Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:08 pm
Welcome RadRad,

Thank you for posting this scammer--I have given "her" a separate topic to make things a little easier.

Could you please post some of the scammer's emails? These are the scammer's script, used on multiple victims, and having it posted might help others to avoid being scammed. Also, could you post the headers and/or the email addresses and phone numbers being used in this scam so that they can alert others who may google them?

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by ADF-Sniper Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:51 am
Oh thank God for Google.

I have her in my IM box now using the Yahoo ID: [email protected]

Also known as: searching4you637 on

Hope Google spider works on this site.

by Dotti Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:59 am
Welcome Sniper!

I'm glad you were quickly able to find us.

Luckily Google visits frequently, so the latest info you have added should show up in search results very quickly.

If "she" sent you any emails, could you please post them (remove your personal info, though you will probably find that there is actually very little of your info, if any, in the letters)? These scammers use scripts, especially in the beginning, that they often continue to reuse even after they change names--so posting the letters increases the odds that a future victim will be warned.

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Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.

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