Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Jimi Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:08 am
Hello I have big problem.
Ones time I want the buy lens and keith white [email protected], wrote me e-mail that he has
and that he send me. Then he gave me some paypal accoun, when I was send my money but few times
I returned my moneby back. I don't know why? Then he start to wrote me and phone me that will be better send from Western union. first time I didn't want but he started explain that he has ill daugther and he need for you and ther other... ok, we send half price and he promised that he send the lens, but he still wrote me he need more money becouse he need licens permit (which is boolshit). i found a lot of inormation and I found his phone which is: 00447031952786. 2mounth he still wrote me that he return money back. Now his next "customer" send me money from paypal account, he told me take your owe money and rest of balance send me to Western union. Now the man which he send me money from another papaypal account he want the money back, becouse he didn't get any item. I loose money and Keith White which is SCAMER has a big smail. I wanto get HIM!!!! could you please help me? I give all infromation which I have.
Thanks a lot

by David Jansen Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:14 am
Welcome here Jimi.

I'm sorry you were scammed by this scammer. The telephone number you have is a re-direct phone number, which can direct your call to any other phone in the world. It is not just an English phone number, and often used by scammers. Could you please post some of the e mails the scammer has send you? It will help warning others.

Being a victim doesn't mean you stand alone. We're here to help you.
by Arnold Fri Dec 10, 2010 8:02 am
I'm sorry to hear that. Getting him, or your money back isn't going to happen unfortunately. He'll be in West Africa or somewhere out of reach of your local police. The Internet makes it easy for scammers to be anonymous.

by paudied Tue Jan 04, 2011 9:32 am
Sorry to hear about this. This is experience we had!!!

A friend of mine a little while ago put up a post on a vintage motorbikes forum looking for an engine for an old 1960's motorbike (PuchsDS50K) and in last week or so got a reply from a fellow called Keith White. He said he had such a bike and was stripping it down for parts and would sell us the engine for 300 euros + 30 euros shipping which my friend thought was a decent deal as had been looking for it for long time. So the deal was that we would send him the money via western union and he would ship the engine. I was to send money at approx 2pm yesterday 30th Dec 2010 but I got delayed in work and then had trouble finding a western union that was working. At approx 4pm I got a phonecall from Mr White on a blocked number wondering why I hadnt transfered money yet... I could barely understand his broken english. Immediately alarm bells rang in my head so I just fobbed him off and told him I had trouble finding a western union. So I made contact with my friend with my suspicions so we decided to look for a photo and his phone number. Mr White rang again at approx 6.30 wondering where his money was. Told him he was getting no money until we got photo and number. So he sent me number and photo which when I googled PuchDS50K Pictures it was the first photo that showed up. I include below the number he gave me and the address. He rang me again this morning and I told him we had a friend in England about an hour away that would make contact with him to come see it and purchase if it was what was required. He got agitated then saying he didnt want anyone calling him or to his house or at least thats what I think he said in broken english. I then asked him did he really have a bike and he hung up on me. Guess he knew he wasnt going to get any money out of us!!!! Lucky escape!!!!

His name and address (False I bet!!!!)
Keith White
removed address, which is real address of an unrelated party- DottiEngland

Ph No +447031952786
by KATRINA Tue Jan 18, 2011 1:30 pm
this scammer is NOT keith white it is someone who has stolen his identity, i do not appreciate our address being posted on here or any other site. we are retired people and this person has made our lives miserable because of thiese scams, i can only apologise to anyone affected by it but it was NOT keith. i am keiths wife and we have not recieved any money from anyone if we did it would be returned.
by Dotti Tue Jan 18, 2011 3:02 pm
Welcome Katrina,

I'm sorry to hear that this scammer has caused problems for you and your husband. Unfortunately what you are describing is not uncommon. While scammers sometimes make up names/addresses, other times they choose a real name and address to use in their scams. Unfortunately, that is very easy to do with the availability of information online.

We try to make it very clear here that the names/addresses/photos used by these scammers are almost always fake or stolen. The real people typically have no connection to the scammer at all.

But just to reiterate:

A scammer (most likely African, based on the description of the scam and accent), who is most likely in Africa or Malaysia (the redirect phone number tells us he is NOT in UK, or he would have a real UK phone number), has been using the name Keith White when approaching targets. He is also using the address of a real person named Keith White. This scammer is after your money and is not buying or selling anything.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by Lawrence03 Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:30 am
Jimi wrote:Hello I have big problem.
Ones time I want the buy lens and keith white [email protected], wrote me e-mail that he has
and that he send me. Then he gave me some paypal accoun, when I was send my money but few times
I returned my moneby back. I don't know why? Then he start to wrote me and phone me that will be better send from Western union. first time I didn't want but he started explain that he has ill daugther and he need for you and ther other... ok, we send half price and he promised that he send the lens, but he still wrote me he need more money becouse he need licens permit (which is boolshit). i found a lot of inormation and I found his phone which is: 00447031952786. 2mounth he still wrote me that he return money back. Now his next "customer" send me money from paypal account, he told me take your owe money and rest of balance send me to Western union. Now the man which he send me money from another papaypal account he want the money back, becouse he didn't get any item. I loose money and Keith White which is SCAMER has a big smail. I wanto get HIM!!!! could you please help me? I give all infromation which I have.
Thanks a lot

I've made some similar experiences with this and maybe you can find some information about the number here:
by Arnold Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:45 am
Welcome to Scamwarners.
4470 numbers are free, and even if you could get hold of the info supplied by the scammer applying for one, it's almost certainly false.

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