Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Arnold Mon Dec 13, 2010 5:21 am
Samstag, den 11. Dezember 2010, 10:16:16 Uhr
Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"[email protected]" <[email protected]> [free address]
Kontakt anzeigen
An: [email protected]
Dear xxxxxxxxxxx

We are here to inform you that we got your payment, but the officer that suppose to pick up the money has been sent for an assignment. so Kindly go back to the point and pick up the money and send it to another officer name and address below:

Name: Nicholas Bill
Address: 49-51 Leicester Square
City: London
Zip code: W2 4PU
Country: United Kingdom

Note: don't forget to get back to us with the payment information as soon as the payment is done.


Military Affairs Department
Multi-National Corps – Iraq
Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory
APO AE 09342

Scammers don't usually have any trouble collecting Western Union payments, but this one seems to have been an exception.


by John DeLaney Mon May 09, 2011 6:34 pm
Sgt David Blair is still scamming. What follows below is his reaction to being called a scammer and liar.

I have removed the persons name he was writing to, and I have her permission to post what follows.

I hope so much they can help me. First, I apologize for my bad english. I'm from Germany and had last year in July on a dating site a U.S. soldier met.
From that day on, we wrote to every day. After 3 months he asked me for money for the first time that we talk together. I was skeptical at first and said no I can not pay. Then he said he makes a friend of employment with him in Iraq. And this friend is now in united kingdom to the British army to there with the British soldiers to work. He gave me a phone number "supposedly" by the British army. 00447-024088701 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 00447-024088701 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
This I believe it is not that he plays with me.
Then later he told me he wants to ask his mum for money for his holiday. His mum had allegedly transferred 1000GBP. And I pay the remaining is of 200GBP. I give them the e mail address of him and his mum.

1. Sgt.davblair @
2.melljenblair @

I advised her after receiving the above that Sgt David Blair was just another internet scammer, and what his reaction would be if she stopped writing to him, or called him out. Which she did.



THIS IS ONLY FOR YOU..............................

What follows are his pleas and attempts to instil a guilt feeling, and to claim his innocence. These scammers have no morals, and will attempt to coerce either by making their victims feel guilty for not believing them, or else will resort to threats.

In most cases, these scammers are just 20 yr old Nigerians in an internet cafe in Lagos, or Malaysia, and have no ability to cause any harm, other than emotional.

You got started again XXXX..why is it when it come to a stages like this you always have a stupid excuse ?please get out of my life now ....i don't want hurt no more are talking about Richard do you ever ask me you want to write him ?am asking when have you write him last just to tell you that is using that e mail address again but you don't try listen up all you do is to get me hurt all the time, XXXX why all this ?if you want me with you i will come but if you don't i will stay away forever and found my happiness some where else...thank you so much for all you concern about me GOD BLESS YOU AND STAY COOL ...if you want Richard talk here is the new e mail address is [email protected] for not believing me up to now.

I have nothing to send you again once you don't believe me and you have consulted scammer expert then let me be ....i will forward all your mail to my mum and tell her everything that is been happen
so that she can make use of her money for another something because i have been trying to keep all this away from her in the sense that everything is going be alright back but as am looking at it at now you have concluded and they have confused your mind about i will rather move with my life but i will let you know that you really hurt me so much...and please don't expect this from me again that either i go back to state when the mission finish here that am coming to you in germany no and never because i can not waste all this money for leave request process and you are still expecting me to use another money for travelling process and flight to come down to you while all is going to cost me now is not more than 200GBP from you and you know all my mum effort on this she will be so dissapointed to read this again if i told her everything but never mind again you are human being ..such use to happen in life but when i got to the state i will only give you a phone call just to know am in the state and nothing else..thank you so much

don't give me a condition before you can do thing because my mum don't give both of us conditio before she help so if you want to do it and if you don't no problem.good day.

Its okay XXXX ..i told you if i due for leave i will go home without paying penny but never due for it now and you dont believe me thank you so much go your way and i should live my life on..

Sgt David Blair, [email protected] is a lowlife nigerian scammer using stolen pictures, and information from a social sharing site like Facebook. He is using real peoples identities and pictures to steal money from his victims.

John DeLaney
by John DeLaney Sat May 21, 2011 11:51 pm
Sgt David Blair is still complaining about being outed. One of his victims is emailing him with abuse and he has asked me to tell her to stop

you got me black mail..i will get to you don't worry i think you know you are talking a US officer will see me i have your home address you will explain for this for all what i have bought for you took my wine my flowers everything i did for you still having a got to call me all this ??????????you have to pay for this...

He wrote to me
Pls tell your client that you are orientate to stop writing me okay ..she still contacting me for that he want me and i should be real and come to her please i dont have time for all to her okay or else ..

I sent this

You started this, you finish it

You are nothing but a Nigerian scumbag that is not fit to clean streets

May you rot in whatever hell your god provides for liars, cheats and thieves

I have posted your replies in, so other people will see just how despicable you, and your friends in the internet cafe are

You are all the bottom feeders of the human race, you cause strife, poverty and despair, and you have nothing to show for anything you do.

John Delaney

Still he thinks he is unjustly accused, he is nothing but a 20 yr old Nigerian scumbag that is stealing money from people

John DeLaney

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