Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Eva1003 Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:25 pm
Well this is all new to me, so any advice would be great.
Through the dating site Plenty of Fish i met , who i thought was a guy who lived not far from where i was, however after exchanging emails, i received this email containing a whole life story, and that he was an American from Nashville, and his name was Msgt ALEXANDER STEVE JORDAN 45, Widowed with 2 young children, he had a daughter of 7 and a son of 5.His wife had died of cancer shortly after the birth of his son, and his mother in law was bringing the children up to enable him to complete his service.

He sent me lots of photos of him in uniform, with his kids and other servicemen, i had no reason to question any of this.
However as things developed he, would send really heavy emails, declaring undying love, and how much he loved me, and that he was desprate that we should be together, but as he was based in Afghanistan deployed on special operations, and had came there from Iraq?

We spoke mostly on MSN, and his grammar knowledge was limited, everything was "Cool or Uncool", to the extent i found it irritating.

He asked if i would send a letter to his Commandant requesting leave, when i asked for the email address was given a hotmail one?????????? , so by this time i am more suspicious of what is going on,
his Commandant wants to add me to MSN?
He wants to know if i am a Muslim as i speak Arabic
He has to get security checks on me, if he wants to add my phone number

So yesterday i received an email from his so called Commandant KELLY MAGILL, with a Policy and Instruction form, asking for personal details, to be completed and scanned back.
However i checked all the details and found various errors that i questioned and sent back to him, and told him the game he was playing was over.

After discovering this site i no longer feel the fool i was taken for, I have no partied with any money, just emotions and trust, buy my main concern is that is there is a Msgt Jordan of the USAF, which im sure there is , by his pictures, surely he has a right to know that some scammer is using his identity and also pictures of his children.

by Arnold Thu Jan 13, 2011 5:06 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners. It's a typical example of the scam.
Eva1003 wrote:So yesterday i received an email from his so called Commandant KELLY MAGILL

Can you post his email address please.
my main concern is that is there is a Msgt Jordan of the USAF, which im sure there is , by his pictures, surely he has a right to know that some scammer is using his identity and also pictures of his children.

I'm not so sure of that. He may know already, but there is nothing he can do about it. Ignorance is bliss.

by Eva1003 Thu Jan 13, 2011 6:04 pm
He has two email addresses [email protected] and [email protected].

While posting this email, i have just had this person on line, asking if i had printed and scanned back these so called policy and instruction forms, to which i informed him , "no, as i will have my legal friend read them over" and he went balistic, he left a statement which kinda worried me "just do what the Boss says!!!"
by calinda Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:46 pm
offf, l am socked to read that
same thing just happened to me
l have in front of me the printed documents from "commandant Magill Kelly"
l can believe, i was ready to do it, when something just crossed my mind to google yhe name, when l saw this post.
l am still under sock, l need to talk to somebody about, we need to do something and l don't know what
is so frustrating, l will keep talking to them, l want to see how far it will go, i will keep you posted and thank a lot for your help, l feel so fool, God........
they have some other email addresses like [email protected] and [email protected]
by Dotti Thu Jan 13, 2011 11:58 pm
First, Eva and Calinda, welcome to Scamwarners. I wish better circumstances brought you here. But, I am glad that both of you discovered the truth before you sent money for leave. Just so you know, only a soldier can request leave, nobody from outside the army can ask for leave for the soldier, and you don't pay for leave. The moment a "soldier" asks you to contact the army to request ANYTHING, you can be sure you are dealing with a scammer and not a real soldier.

Second, the best thing to do is to drop him now. Block him on messenger, do not take any phone calls, and set your email up to block his emails or send them straight to the trash. It's not a good idea to continue with a scammer when he has your real information, as he may try to retaliate by reporting you as a scammer, sending scam emails in your name, and other things that can make your life more difficult. Don't tell him what mistakes he made that gave him away. We don't want him to learn from his mistakes and improve his scam for the next victim.

Now, you should realize that he will likely keep trying to contact you. He might continue to try to convince you that he is real, and if he knows that won't work, he might try to threaten you. The truth is, he is most likely in Africa (or on a student visa in Malaysia), and he is not coming near you, no matter what he says. These scammers are low-life cowards who hide behind fake names and stolen pictures when stealing money, because they know they are very unlikely to be caught, and if they are, they can likely bribe the police in their country anyway. They are not likely to visit a country where the police can't be bought, as they know they are much more likely to end up in jail. Just ignore any threats, and don't make contact. Eventually, when he knows there is no way he is getting money from you, he will quit and move on to the next woman who is more likely to pay.

This kind of scammer usually uses scripts--a series of emails that he will re-use on many victims. Posting those scripts here can help other victims. Scammers often use the same script even after they change fake names and emails, so having them here can really help. It is also important to post all names, phone numbers, and email addresses used in the scam--you can both see how much that matters, since that is how you two found out you were being scammed by the same person.

As far as the photos goes--unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done as the scammer already has them. He probably took them off a myspace or facebook page, but he has now saved copies, and there is no way to get them away from him. The best way to help the owner is to post the photos, so that the scammer is less likely to reuse them. They should be marked "used by scammer" or something like that first, and if there is a child in the photo, cover their face. You can find instructions for how to post photos in my signature.

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by calinda Fri Jan 14, 2011 3:24 pm
thank you guys for all these informations, you are very helpful here
by lozza Mon Jan 17, 2011 5:42 pm
Hi Eva,

I hear you sister, I don't know what made me search his name but his"love letter" was just not in sync with other emails and msn conversations - sounded really good though - where is this man? See my posting and would love to know if you got that exact email? At least we woke up before being further sucked in.... good luck with your search for romance and TG we learned a good lesson, I won't let it jade me but definitely will be much much more aware and stick to the locals down in Sydney where I live
by Eva1003 Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:15 pm
Hi Lauren

Well funny you should mention the "love letter " I got the exact same one too lol... and others too
He was definitley too good to be true.....

Hunky, but i still would not have paid 10k lol.... after all i am a Scot lol,
take care and i hope you find that hunk at the other end of the world
by calinda Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:39 am
but we got our lesson :)
the love letter was really nice but when he was talking on the messenger didn't make any sens or connection with that letter. l told him l am sick and didn't even ask how do l feel......:(((
by Minerve Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:52 pm
Bewcause he is a scamer and he is interested in one thing only: your money, the all of them.
by calinda Fri Jan 21, 2011 7:03 pm
l am very concerned what is he going to do with my pictures and my real name, l am a business woman and if they google my name will be very easy to find out who l am and where and what l do, really very upset abut
by kerrikp Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:14 pm
Ladies, there is a real Msgt Jordan. A member of another board where this jerk's cruel exploits are detailed found him. He is Jason B Jordan and he is posted at Goodfellow AFB in San Angelo, Texas. His commanding officer's name is Shannon Fraley. A few of us on that board have tried to warn him, especially since the children's photos are also being used, but it sounds like he's simply switched e-mail addresses again. If you want to compare note or join us, we're here: ... 2646a88c8/
by Pinkfairydust66 Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:59 am
I was sent beautiful letters and poems daily. I had fallen for this man. We messaged daily. Also, texted daily. I was sent Attorney papers supposedly it was a closure or forfeit notice from the attorney for his late parents. I still have everything. Also, ladies just a little bit of advice I learned the hard way he hacked all my online accounts. HE, did steal the identity of the real Airforce officer. I have been researching the same person even paid two different background check places all came back that I truly was messaging with the real one. NOT...
HE ALSO USES [email protected]
I do have information about the cases but do to this man finding me every site that I use i I will message you back info. If you email me at [email protected].

He is not working alone and is pinging the phone number to what ever country he tells you.
I have more information
by Dotti Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:37 am

Please do post more information.

Most likely he did not hack anything (though some scammers are good at social engineering and will get to accounts that way, and a few have access to tools provided by the actual hackers). In general , someone that is very good at hacking is not going to waste his time sending all those emails, when he could make twice as much money in half the time simply hacking accounts.

I can't tell you how many times I have heard from a victim who thought he/she was safe because an online background check revealed nothing wrong. I don't know what you used, but unfortunately, one of the problems with relying on background check places is that many do nothing more than search public records to see if the information you were given matches a real person. Most do not in any way verify that the person contacting you is the real person. Some might check an IP to see if it was from the right area, but may not take any further steps to determine whether it is a proxy or a compromised IP.

I'm not sure what exactly you mean about "pinging" the phone number. While technology exists to get this information off cell phones, in most countries you will not get it without a warrant from law enforcement. An online search agency will not have access to this information. If the scammer is using VOIP, all he has to do is log in under an appropriate proxy--something that is easy and requires no hacking skills. It is also possible to get phone numbers for many countries very easily.

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