Information on romance scams and scammers.
by began steele Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:06 pm
[email protected] PHONE 00233244547423 = Ghana PROXY; FLORIDA
It took a lot of hunting to discover that this scammer who claims to have relocated to Florida is still in Tema in Ghana. Very prolific and nasty scammer. It was difficult to prove this liar was not in Florida.. It always mentioned Ghana but always relocated to Florida. Only one profile visited by him very recently said he was in Tema.

Exposed here
Fake profiles Active and blocking comments ... &id=114154 ... =270501640 ... a7ah40glaw ... 11&sid=sin

call or text 00233244547423, Am now relocating to United States of America [From: [email protected]]

An African Prince from GHANA living in the state of FLORIDA, ..Some friends are there for you, At a time when you are in dire need. They have come into life for a reason, Giving you what you require indeed. But when this reason is resolved, It often becomes time to part, Because when the reason is gone, Both may want a fresh new start. Other friends are there for a season, To laugh with and have lots of fun. But just as seasons come to an end, Sometimes these friendships are done. Some people are very fortunate, To have very special lifetime friends. Who will remain in their life forever, And that is a friendship that never ends. I am lucky and have many lifetime friends, Who came into my life for a reason. We’ve enjoyed many laughs and shed tears, But they stayed long after a season. [email protected]
About me 1:
To believe is to know that every day is a new beginning. Is to trust that miracles happen, and dreams really do come true. To believe is to see angels dancing among the clouds, To know the wonder of a stardust sky and the wisdom of the man in the moon. To believe is to know the value of a nurturing heart, The innocence of a child's eyes and the beauty of an aging hand, for it is through their teachings we learn to love. To believe is to find the strength and courage that lies within us When it's time to pick up the pieces and begin again. To believe is to know we are not alone, That life is a gift and this is our time to cherish it. To believe is to know that wonderful surprises are just waiting to happen, And all our hopes and dreams are within reach. If only we can im me at [email protected]
About me 2:
It's not how much you accomplish in life that really counts, but how much you give to the other. It's not how high you build your dreams that makes a difference, but how high your faith can climb. It's not how many goals you reach, but how many lives you touch. It's not who you know that matters, but who you are inside. Believe in the impossible, hold tight to the incredible, and live each day to its fullest potential. You can make a difference in your world
Talking about who i am, I am that easy going type, open minded and a good listener .I laugh a lot and try to make people around me all the time happy.My hobbies are too many but to mention a few; sports, watching movies, going for walks, playing with kids, listening to all types of music, making love at the beach, dancing in the dark etc. My favorite movies are romantic movies, eating habits: just about anything. My lips which is one of my most attractive features.
I've had women ask me just what is it that I'm looking for in a woman. I tell people that sometimes you have to write down and make a list of just what it is that you are looking for. And yes, if possible you shouldn't settle for less. However, no one is perfect, nor should they be. But if you can find a person who has most of the qualities on your list and they love you or are in a relationship with you and treat you well, my advice is to HOLD ON TO THEM! LOL! This is my list. Feel free to list your own. INTELLIGENCE I'm not talking about a woman with a PhD in Math, but someone who knows what a newspaper is and how to read one. Yes, I want someone that I can talk to about current events and they know what they are. A woman who can complete a sentence. One where every other word out of his mouth is not a curse word. Yes, such women do exist! STRENGTH I want a woman to be strong. Not just physically to lay me down on a bed and seduce me, but also mentally. I want a woman to be strong for me during my moments of weakness, yet be strong enough to let me be my own man,his man. A woman who will allow me to be HIS source of strength. To allow me to give him the support and the positive criticism that he needs to make it in this world. To know that despite all things, I will always have his back, even when I'm mad at her. Comforting I need a woman who can wrap his arms around me and I can feel that there is nothing bad in my world. When I need a shoulder to cry on, she gladly offers hers. SHe will hug me for no other reason than I've had a bad day. A woman when she needs a shoulder, doesn't mind letting me hold her in my arms. Because that is a sign of strength to me, not weakness. Honesty Nothing will break up a relationship faster than people who are not honest with each other. If there is someone else that has captured your eye, say so. Don't sneak behind my back and I find out later. Sure, relationships have bumpy roads, things change, and people change. If you are not happy with me, tell me. Trust me, I would have more respect for you for telling me the truth and we move on than to live with lies. You don't have to tell me every little detail of your past. You have yours and I have mine. All I ask is that we be honest as we possibly can while with each other. Remember, &quote;Do unto others.&unquote; DEPENDABLE I'm still from the old school that a woman is as good as her word. The worst thing that you can do is make plans with me and not call or show up. If I'm important enough to you and you for me, there is no reason in the world not to follow through on plans. If something comes up, there is a telephone around for you to use. Sorry, but unless you have been kidnapped by aliens, no excuse not to keep your word. Don't say we have a date on Friday, it's solid and I'm waiting for you and don't hear from you until Monday. TRUST ME, you have only a few times to do that and the relationship will end. I'm a person of my word and expect any woman who is serious in my life to be also. Spiritual I don't mean religious, there is a difference. But a woman who loves and has a respect for God and his family. A woman who believes in the power of prayer. Of a higher power giving him strength and love to make it. To be the spiritual head of her household, to be an example for his man and his family. Communicative I need a woman to talk to me. About his hopes, dreams, fears, frustrations, fantasies. Tell me about her day, good or bad. Tell me how he feels about me, how she hopes I feel about her. An email, text message, e card, something to let me know what's on your mind. If a woman can express herself to me, she can own me. Communication is just as important to me as trust. You cannot have a relationship without it. You don't have to call me ten times a day, but you cannot just call me a few times a week and expect me to think you care. Sorry, no excuse not to stay in touch in this day and age of technology. Romantic I need a woman who is just as much a hopeless romantic as I am. Who will take me by the hand during a summer rain and make love to me in the backyard. A woman who leaves me little notes posted on the mirror saying how much she loves me. A woman who will call me during the day just to hear my voice because it's so sexy and turns her on. Who gives me a single rose . Who will read poetry to me while I lay on her chest and fall sleep. One who doesn't mind cuddling in the bed or just holding me close and sniffing my hair :?: . Spontaneous I want a woman who keeps me guessing. Always full of surprises. Who will rent a limo to take us to dinner, Who will surprise me with a romantic weekend away at a hotel. A quick trip to Atlantic City, a day trip where we just drive around and drink Slurpee's and talk :?: . A woman who will have a picnic dinner ready on the living room rug after work. Who will always join me in the shower or grab my butt whenever I walk past her. And won't mind me doing the same. Hard Working There is nothing worst in this world than a woman who won't work. I don't mean she has to have a six figure income, but at least work at a job and do your best while at that job. I have more respect for the garbage woman than I do for lawyers. Don't get me wrong, but a woman who takes pride in her job, will take pride in herself and his man. A woman who takes care of her family, handles her business without being told, knows her priorities, that's the woman I desire. Humorous A woman who can make me laugh, laugh at herself and the world is very rare indeed. Don't get me wrong, yes, she can and should be serious about most things, but not everything. Laughter is the best medicine and sometimes when things are going wrong in life, you have to laugh at it. Sexual Be a freak with me, to me, for me and I shall be YOUR freak. I'm talking about the type of woman where sexually everything has a GREEN LIGHT! When I'm into a woman, it is his body as well as his mind that I crave. Loving someone to me is being sexual with them, it's an expression of the love I have for her, she for me. The word &quote; NO &unquote; is not part of her vocabulary where sex is concerned. If I ask her to make love to me on an elevator, she has no problem pushing the stop button. If we are walking along a beach at night, she is the one who places me down on all fours and does me doggie style :?: in front of the waves. If I want to stroke her "offensive term" in a movie theater, she is all for it and doesn't hesitate. I want a lady to want me, one that won't be able to keep her hands off of me. Be my freak and I will be yours. Common Sense Please, please Lord send me a woman with common sense. One that knows to ask me questions because I can't read her mind. One that will apologize when she's wrong. One that knows if it's going to rain to roll the car windows up. A woman who will ask for directions if she's lost. To know that just because we have a disagreement it's not the end of the relationship. To know that COMPROMISE is part of anything in life, there are no &quote; winners and losers &unquote; but that we are two people who care enough about each other to make adjustments for whatever is required at the time. Sometimes in life you have to agree to disagree. Age or distance does not matter. I am in Ghana and proud to be a Ghanaian and African. My name is CLAY but friends call me KOBBY.My email address is [email protected] if you are interested don't hesitate to write me and tell me about yourself and what you are looking for .... sorry for being straight ...sorry that's me ... Hear from you soon. call or text 00233244547423 [From: [email protected]]

ON BLACKPLANET WAS NOT MENTIONING GHANA! Very strange FOR SOMEONE PROUD. Could it be that for a Black USA audience it would be less than convincing?

t's not how much you accomplish in life that really counts, but how much you give to the other. It's not how high you build your dreams that makes a difference, but how high your faith can climb. It's not how many goals you reach, but how many lives you touch. It's not who you know that matters, but who you are inside. Believe in the impossible, hold tight to the incredible, and live each day to its fullest potential. You can make a difference in your world. Some friends are there for you, at a time when you are in dire need. They have come into your life for a reason, Giving you what you require indeed. But when the reason is resolved, It often becomes time to part, Because when the reason is gone, Both may want a fresh new start. Other friends are there for a season, To laugh with and have lots of fun. But just as seasons come to an end, Sometimes these friendships are done. Some people are very fortunate, To have very special lifetime friends. Who will remain in their life forever, And that is a friendship that never ends. I am lucky and have many lifetime friends, Who came into my life for a reason. We've enjoyed many laughs and shed tears, But they stayed long after a season, if you want to be that special friend get along and swim with me . To believe is to know that every day is a new beginning. Is to trust that miracles happen, and dreams really do come true. To believe is to see angels dancing among the clouds, To know the wonder of a stardust sky and the wisdom of the man in the moon. To believe is to know the value of a nurturing heart, The innocence of a child's eyes and the beauty of an aging hand, for it is through their teachings we learn to love. To believe is to find the strength and courage that lies within us When it's time to pick up the pieces and begin again. To believe is to know we are not alone, That life is a gift and this is our time to cherish it. To believe is to know that wonderful surprises are just waiting to happen, And all our hopes and dreams are within reach. If only we believe.
Father, I thank you that I have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of Your dear Son. I commit to live free from worry in the name of Jesus, for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. I humble myself under your mighty hand that in due time You may exalt me. I cast the whole of my cares (name them)-all my anxieties, all my worries, all my concerns, once and for all-on You. You care for me affectionately and care about me watchfully. You sustain me. You will never allow the consistently righteous to be moved-made to slip, fall, or fail! Father, I delight myself in you and you perfect that which concerns me. I cast down imaginations (reasoning's) and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of You, and bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. I lay aside every weight and the sin of worry which does try so easily to beset me. I run with patience the race that is set before me, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith. I thank you father, that You are able to keep that which I have committed unto You. I think on (fix my mind on) those things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and deserving of praise. I let not my heart be troubled. I abide in Your words, and Your Words abide in me. Therefore, Father, I do not forget what manner of person I am. I look into the perfect law of liberty and continue therein, being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the Word and thus blessed in my doing! Thank you, Father. I am carefree. I walk in that peace which passes all understanding in Jesus' name! Scripture References: Colossians 1:13; Romans 8:2; 1 Peter 5:6,7; Psalm 55:22; Psalm 138:8; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Hebrews 12:1,2; 2 Timothy 1:12; Philippians 4:8; John 14:1; James 1;22-25; Philippians 4:6
Last edited by began steele on Fri Jan 28, 2011 5:41 am, edited 5 times in total.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.

by began steele Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:49 pm
New email address
[email protected]
This scammer has been deleting all its profiles it can find, since my post, but a search for "Nacstiq" in Google finds cached pages. Scammer is trying to run away, and chopping his income in the process but rest assured it will emerge again and be found. By the way the US state police have a handle on this criminal now. I have a few more jobs that can be done to ensure this one is tracked.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by began steele Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:33 pm
New email addresses
[email protected]
[email protected]
ALIAS Kobby Escobar, Cletus,
This scammer has been deleting all its profiles it can find, since my post, but a search for "xxxxxxx" :?: in Google finds cached pages. Scammer is trying to run away, and chopping his income in the process but rest assured it will emerge again and be found. By the way the US state police have a handle on this criminal now. I have a few more jobs that can be done to ensure this one is tracked. Region Ashanti Country Ghana
I am in Ghana and proud to be a Ghanaian and African.My name is CLAY but friends call me KOBBY.My email address is [email protected] if you are interested don't hesitate to write me and tell me about yourself and what you are looking for .... sorry for being straight ...sorry that's me ... Hear from you soon. call or text 00233244547423 [From: [email protected]]
I am a fair gentleman about 27 yrs,tall and athletic in structure and work with the GHANA POLICE SERVICE as a DETECTIVE ( C.I.D ) at ACCRA ,looking for a nice lady NURSE , A TEACHER for a long lasting relationship ,you can contact me at [email protected] or [email protected] and on 0244547423 OR 0276980360
Nickname nacstiq
Age 31
Birthday January 10
Category Regular
Male/Female Male
Nationality Ghana
Country of Residence Ghana
Native Language English
English Language Level Fluent
Japanese Language Level Can't speak at all
Language learning None CLETUS FROM GHANA/
Am a legal permanent resident with 9 years of law enforcement from AFRICA, am still enthused with that career. Now the question is how do i become a Police Officer in America, have high school diploma, Need help, comments, and advice
Posted On: March 21, 2008 02:50:31 PM

Name: Monte carlo
E-mail:: [email protected]
Age: 30
From:: Ghana
Seeking:: Female Friends

Hobbies:: travelling,reading,movies,soccer

Last edited by began steele on Sat Jan 29, 2011 5:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by began steele Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:49 pm
All these profiles are linked by photo evidence and email address ( [email protected] ) and the interweaving of these proves this is a scammer
An African Prince from GHANA living in the state of FLORIDA, .....
If only we can im me at [email protected]





We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by began steele Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:08 am








We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.
by Dotti Fri Jan 28, 2011 9:39 am

Need to post photos?
Are you a victim of a romance scam? Read here for advice and FAQ's.
by began steele Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:25 pm
Excellent Dotti. This scammer is even attempting to con his own countrymen.
[email protected]

We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm. ~~ George Orwell.

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