by Samuel Lount
Sun Dec 03, 2017 11:29 am
This is a Russian scammer named Ilena or Lena. Email is [email protected]
Introductory Letter:
This was followed weeks later by the request for financial assistance.

Introductory Letter:
I want to immediately warn that this is my first acquaintance with a man on the Internet. So I'm a little worried. At first I did not think about trying to get acquainted with a man through the Internet. But I decided to try it. Because I saw on TV a broadcast that many people found each other via the Internet and are very happy now. Because there are no borders and distances.
I'll try to tell a little about myself. My name and age you already know but I'll write again. I am 35 years old. My birthday is September 16th. I live in Russia the city of Cheboksary. My height is 169 sm. My weight is 60 kg. No bad habits have been observed for me. And I'm sad that at my age I do not yet have my own family. I want family warmth and children. I hope that one day a beloved man will help me to feel family happiness.
I have a calm character. I live separately from my parents. I like dancing. In my free time I go to the gym. It also helps me to keep my body in order. I think you already noticed this.
If you are still interested in continuing our acquaintance and fellowship, I will be happy about this.
All the best to you. I will be glad to see your letter again.
This was followed weeks later by the request for financial assistance.
xxxx, glad to see your new letter. how are you? I hope that you are doing well.
Today I went to a travel agency. I learned everything about my possible trip to you and what kind of package of documents I will need.
On the one hand, I'm very happy that everything turned out, not as difficult as I thought.
On the other hand, I'm very upset.
For all my expenses for the trip (all necessary documents + insurance + tickets in both directions) I need $ 1190. Separately, each document and tickets for the plane, it does not cost much. But when everything is collected in the total amount, then this is a large amount.
there are no problems with money. for me this is an acceptable amount for payment. the problem is that I will have the money to pay before the start of my vacation. in order to have time to issue and prepare all the necessary documents, I need to pay everything now. you understand me? The problem is that I do not know how and where to find such an amount so quickly.
I really wanted that our relationship with you could grow and develop. it will be very sad if we miss the chance and the opportunity to meet each other. it's very sad to realize that I will have money to travel to you but they will later. sad to understand that the opportunity for a meeting is there but there is no time to arrange a payment so quickly.
I do not know from whom to lend such a sum before my vacation. maybe you can lend me this amount of my leave and arrival to you then I can come to you. I wish I could come to you. In any case, we will be good friends.
I did not want to, and I'm ashamed to ask for help from you. But in this situation, I am really powerless. I understand that this is a shame for me. I do not want to lose the chance for our meeting. But nothing to do for our meeting, I now can not. I do not know how to find some money in the near future in order to prepare a trip for you.
I'm going home now. I do not even know what I want anymore. so that tomorrow soon came. or vice versa, did not come.
I await your answer.
all the best to you.

Last edited by Bryon Williams on Sun Dec 03, 2017 2:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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