Romance scam from Russia, using name Anna Pusechka with email
[email protected] as the email address.
Introductory letter below.
This is Anna from Kazan. I'm sorry that I write you a new email. I wrote a letter in support, but so far I have not received a response. I decided not to waste time and created a new email address.I don't know, write me a letter today or not, so I ask you again to write me, okay?
Please reply me to this email I hope you'll receive my letter and will answer me soon, so we can continue to develop our relationship. You're very important to me. Please email me soon.
Yours, Anna.
My dear, I will teach you to speak Russian. I also
want to say that I speak English well. Dear write me your phone
number with the country code. As soon as I have the opportunity, I will
call to you. I would really like to hear your
voice. Thanks for your answer, for warm and kind words. Now
they are very necessary for me. Darling, please, read mine the letter
very attentively, I hope, you will understand everything that I want
to tell you. I write and I have tears in my eyes from the fact that
our meeting under the threat! Now I went to my friend, I hoped that
she will be able the help, but now she said that she had financial
problems. I hoped very much on her, but she couldn’t help. I don't
know what to do. I was upset today. I had one desire, to begin to cry
and embrace you. But you are absent nearby and it is so difficult for
me to transfer all this. Darling, why does everything occur? Why we
can't meet without problems to be together and to rejoice to every
minute nearby. It is a pity to me that it has so turned out. Darling,
I go crazy from thoughts that we can not to meet. I am afraid to think
of it because I won't be able to live with out you. We have passed
together for the sake of our meeting so much, very much I am already I
have made for the sake of us with you, documents already prepare. Now
I need only to pay for air tickets to be together and documents will
be ready, and we will be able to be together, but on the last step we
have this problem. Unfortunately, I can't solve it independently,
thought that I would be helped by my friend. And it is nobody more
except me, you and my friend to ask for such help. Yes I understand
that it is too indecent and ugly to ask you, you will be able or not
to help me to get out of this the situations, so that we could be
together. Darling, understand me correctly please, I want to ask for
you the missing sum on air tickets of 570 $ . Please excuse me for
it also I hope you will understand correctly, it only in order that we
could to be together with you! If I could make everything, then never
would ask for your help, I not in forces to pay everything now, but
documents prepare and now it is necessary to pay anyway, it is one of
conditions of receipt my visa. Darling let's make everything together
for our meeting. I hope you will understand me and you will not leave
me with this problem. You are the real man and I never allowed me to
be sad, I thank you for all this, that you has made for me, you gave
me love and I have taught to enjoy life. Dear Joseph, in my soul I’m
sure that you will help me because our feelings can't stop such
problem and it’s difficult, but we are in forces to solve it.
Unfortunately, I don't have all necessary sum, but if you are able to
help me, I will pay everything for air tickets at once. Darling
please, make everything that in your forces!!! I ask you very much. I
don't want to lose the possibility of our meeting, it has done
already, there is one step and then we will be together, we will be
able to embrace and kiss each other. We will be able to fill up and
wake up together … We will be the happiest people together, we have to
do everything. Yes I understand you, it is difficult for you to make
such act and to take such step, to send money to me. But if our
destiny and a meeting depends on it, if our feelings are real and
serious we have to do everything, without looking on complexity. Such
act once again will show me how honest and serious are you for our
meeting. Dear xxxx, please, read the letter attentively and think
well. You will be able or no to take such step, I will understand you
if you refuse, but sincerely I hope that you will be able to solve
this problems as the real man for the sake of our meeting, happiness!
Please, don't leave me. I will look forward your answer!!! Darling,
don't represent me as a bad person now, the only desire of me is to
appear now near you, in your strong embraces … I kiss you!!!!! I wait
for your answer much! Yours love, Anna.