Handy Anthony Handy
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View detailsTo Mochagirl ...
From: Handy Anothony (
[email protected])
Sent: January 18, 2011 8:06:05 AM
To: Mochagirl ...
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Hello Honey....
I would like to ask you some questions if you don't mind answering them...
Just copy and paste this email into a new email then answer them and send me the email. I've answered them already too, but I want to get your answers back so we can see how close we are in our answers! PLEASE BE HONEST....this will help to see if we think the same way on these issues!
Are you truly ready to move forward in your life, in a long term relationship?
Do you go to Church, and if yes, how often?
What's your favorite type of music? Who is the artist you listen to most?
Where is one place you did like to visit that you haven't gotten the opportunity to see?
Tell me the most memorable moment in your life and tell me the saddest times of your life?
What will be the your ideal first date with me?
Do you like swimming?
What's your favorite sport?
What's do you like doing when it's raining outside?
Like to shop?? where is your favorite place to shop?
What's your view on Politics?
Do you like to watch the sunset?
What dancing step do you like most, like going to concerts, or flea market?
Do you enjoy road trips???
What is one of your fantasies???
Do you ever get "Mad? Just go and do something without thinking? Have you ever broken something when you got mad?
Do you like holding hands, kissing or hugging??
How do you spend your holidays? How about your Free time?
Do you have several tasks going on at the same time?
Do you frequently have unfinished task and don't get back to them?
Do you smoke or drink?
What is you ideal income?
Are you financially stressed, just fine, comfortable or blessed?
When you get into a bind paying a bill, do you borrow the money from someone, or do you have a savings account to fall back on?
Where all have you lived?
Are you at ease in a crowd?
Do you assume responsibility?
What do you truly hate?
What can really get you upset?
Do you prefer to read a book at home alone or go to a party?
Do you trust your feelings rather than reason?
Do you ofter plan your day ahead?
Do you cry often?
What makes you cry?
What makes you laugh?
What would your family say about you?
Do you hurry to complete a job?
What do you consider more important, going out on a date, or paying the bill that's due tomorrow?
Are you a Christian?
Are you Born Again? When?
How old were you when you first fell in love?
Do you find it difficult to speak loudly?
Do you get bored easily?
Do you watch the tea pot or sometimes forget it's one the burner?
If you don't like someone do you tell others why?
If you run into a person whom has hurt your feelings or harmed you, do you act like you didn't see them or confront them head on?
Do you like adventure? What is adventurous to you?
Do you avoid obligations?
When Man make love to you, do you like it fast and hard, or slow and sensual?
Are your parents still alive? If so, where do they live?\
Do you have sisters and brothers? If so are you close to them. If not why and would you like to be close to them?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite meal?
What is your favorite desert?
Do you go to clubs?
What is your plan after retirement?
What are the three most important things you want in a husband?
What are your expectations of a husband?
How important is communication to you?
Do you like Spades?
If you occasionally drink what is your preference or drink?
How many times a year do you drink? Why?
Do you jealous easily? For so how & why?
Do you tithe? Do you give offerings?
Do you believe GOD has created a husband especially for you?
Do you have an intimate relationship with GOD?
Do you have an active prayer life?
Are you a romantic? If so How?
If you discern that I was sad how would you handle it?
In a relationship is alone time important to you if so how much?
Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
Have you ever committed a crime and Not been caught yet?
How controlling are you...I mean, do you give space and like your own space every now and then?
Do you leave the seat up after you pee! LOL (Its just a question)
Did you go to college? If so, how many years?
What is "FUN" to you?
Do you have a group of friends that you go out with or mostly a person who hangs out with their family?
When's the last time you had sex with a woman/man?
What are some of your favorite things to do on a weekend?
Do you hate answering these questions? LOL
ok...I guess I have asked more than I should... so please forgive me if some of the questions are just too personal... just trying to know YOU as well as I can....You are very important to me!