by braveheart
Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:08 pm
I have read this entire site's postings on everything. It has been great therapy to know there are others like me. I had two online love interests going at the same time. One, I talked to for an entire year and half up until last week. The other one I talked to for the last seven months. For starters, I am a working professional and you would think I was smarter than this, but my giving heart for human compassion fell victim to romance scamming. I didn”t even know there was a term for this. I started googling fraud scams and found this site, fortunately. I will not bore you with all of the emails, texting day and night, phone calls, stories, poems, fake documents, etc. Where I failed was the state of mind I have been in, since my ugly divorce in 2010. The emotional support was overwhelming at a time i was open and vulnerable, and didn"t realize it. I had heard about all of the online dating sites, so I started going in and out of them for late night chats back in my miserable marriage days in August 2009. I was snatched up by a handsome young guy with a british accent from the UK on the site of and an email address of [email protected] or or jeffloveman212 on the site. The story about bidding on a contract in the UK and flying over to Lagos, Nigeria to complete the work. All that time of chatting back and forth of how the permits and licenses work over there, pics of the progress, sports talk, everyday living talks, etc. was an escape for me. Then, the request for a couple of hundred for a fine incurred and was waiting for the contract money to hit his account, etc. So I sent it. We spoke daily like you would a good friend or co-worker for over a year and a half. His stories were frantic at times, when his laptop was stolen, another time he was robbed. I told him to go to the US Embassy for help since he is an American contractor and has rights as an American. Again, against my normal judgment, I sent him money for an airline ticket to return to Liverpool, NY where he lived, so he said. I even spoke to his mother in Liverpool. So she said. So I thought. Well he never got on the plane and the money was seized by his lawyer at the Western Union office saying he owed him 4500 usd in permits and fines and was not leaving the country without paying him and seized his passport. I was horrified. Does this type of stuff happen? I remember him saying he had nothing to eat. That broke my heart, So again I sent him a couple of hundred. It was right around the holidays 2010, I wrote him a riveting email about the chain of events for the last year and half and it was 2011 and I had to start a new life. Well, for some unknown reason, I felt like I had to rescue him and save his life of begging on the street and living in a dangerous unfit housing area. We planned his escape. It was like in a movie..pack, go to WU collect money, take taxi to airport, tell nobody…When he returned, he called and I was so happy he was safe. When I talked about meeting him in person, the calls slacked off and I thought he was going through culture shock, so I left him alone. I received a text last week, it said he needed to tell me something he did and would I forgive him? I thought he got back with an old girlfriend or something. He told me “He was not real.” I was so dumb founded, all I could say was “wow”, you are kidding me, wow, I am so stupid, wow, how, why, who are you, how old are you, where are you, etc. etc. He ended up confessing he was a young 20 something, south African male living on the streets of Nigeria, created this ficticious person and has told me he “was sorry” everyday since last week, and has fallen in love with me. I too fell in love with the ficticious character and I am going through a major break up of the heart. My heart has been victimized and shattered into a million pieces. He wants to know what he can do. I told him to never ever do this again to anyone. He says he learned a valuable lesson and has warned ME not to get on any single dating sites at all. He said I fed him, clothed him, gave him a new start. Wants to go back to college. That killed me, because I know that part was true. Well that’s what $5000 and hard lesson did and that is why I need to find the strength to let it all go. I have ignored the last two texts from him and I truly get a pit in my stomach over this entire ordeal. Thank you for your time since I have not been able to discuss this with anyone.