Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Disbelief Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:08 am
Supposedly a civil engineer from Baltimore. Was in Wales working on a soccer field. Recently in an accident and lieing to innocent women. HE IS A SCAMMER ALL THE WAY. I'm tired of piece of crap scammers taking money from women who are lonely.

by Disbelief Tue Feb 08, 2011 6:17 pm
Four women have come forward. All scammed by Derek Wilburn. Probably some guy in Africa in a call center. He just made some pretty good money.

The worst part is he has aided in ruining my relationship with my mother. In trying to help her, I am accused of only caring about her money. Some very hurtful things have been said.

I'm not even sure if my mom finally realizes she is being scammed. She wont talk to me because she, "can't trust me." Really??? :?
by jolly_roger Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:03 am
I'm sad to read your story disbelief.
Would it be possible to calmly sit down with your mother and show her the link in my previous post?
Maybe calmly say you realise she's lonely and needs a partner or some such. But not a scammer!
Another page here ... mance-scam covers the same scammer and contains some disturbing reports. Maybe advise your mother of the above link so she can view the page herself?
Apparently the individual is like a professional scammer.
Is there like a family counselling in your area who could help? I'm not sure your area but is there any professional help available or someone to talk to? It's a huge challenge on your own.
Of course when your mother finally realises the scam, it will be far too late. That is when she will need all the help but hopefully she will see the light before then.
It really is a terrible, terrible situation to find yourself. Please don't give up. I know it's easier said than done, but try to help her understand.
by Dotti Wed Feb 09, 2011 10:07 am
Though there is no doubt he is a scammer, this one is suspicious enough that he still hasn't bitten on any of the lures I put out for him--I am still trying to get his scripts as those are often the most irrefutable evidence.

However, with the info that is out there, the offer to warn your mother still stands.

Unfortunately, her anger at you is pretty normal. At this point either she realizes it is a scam, or on a subconscious level she is noticing something is wrong. If she accepts that he is a scammer, she has to admit she fell for it, and then she feels even worse because she feels like she has been an idiot. It is often even harder when it is a parent who has fallen, and their children are the ones who are right.

So instead, she lashes out and blames the people who have been telling her she is wrong. The scammer has probably been telling her all along that they don't want to see her happy.

If she is truly aware, in time she will probably start to accept and process the information. Then she will be in a better position to rebuild the relationships that were damaged by this whole chain of events. If she is still attached to him, detaching her has to be the first step.

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