Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Debbiedot Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:50 am
This person Captain Peter Dolphin poised as Army Capt, in Iraq, widower,lost wife in car accident, one child Julianna, living in u.k he asked for 550..for sat. phone, I sent money order to u.k he asked for 900 for antenna, sent that too, then asked for 2,000 for leave, almost sent that, [email protected],and usmilitaryfacilities<[email protected] both go to [email protected],and yes the leave paper needed scanned, I even found his real picture on a website,Nigerian dating scam data base,they have hundreds of photos that show the pics they are using, and their real photo, you would be surprised at how many, they also show web addresses of known scammers,I sent him his real pic,It really bothers me, that now he is on line doing the same thing to another victim, and nothing can be done,I also feel sorry for the persons pics he is using, I cannot believe I was so stupid to talk to him for 8 months, I knew things weren't right, but ignored all, Thank God, I found this site, before I sent the 2,000,one thing that tipped me off, was the leave paper, said United State of America,and the Washington, D.C. address had wa. at the end. and beware of poetry, and the signature kisses and hugs. deb,

Deb, I edited your subject to reflect the truth, you are a victim, not "dum". ~Bubbles

by Bubbles Sun Apr 10, 2011 1:49 am
Welcome to ScamWarners Debbiedot, I am sorry you got scammed in this way. You are correct, many people have fallen prey to this story. It is not uncommon for a victim to ignore the warning bells. Typically victims want to help someone who appears to be in a difficult situation. That does not make you stupid. Scammers are crafty and many are very organized.

Posting information here for others to find is one of the best ways we can hurt them in their criminal activities. Thank you for being part of our efforts, and do not be hard on yourself.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.

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