Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Ariel2223 Thu May 05, 2011 12:20 am
I have been contacted from a guy that said he is in the US military, from NY, but he is deploy for over 3 years in Afganistan, he has so many inconsistencies that he can not keep his act straight, what give him up, is when I ask him to understand that was so many military scams, and i wanted proof that he was real, and ask him where he graduated from High School and logged off, after 5 min he came back on line and ask him again about the school, he logged off again, one more time he came back on line and he had a totally different attitude, and came up with some high school name and college... any way I got a lot of pictures and info about him so, please help me to post the pictures from this scammer.

Sincerely yours


by jolly_roger Sat May 07, 2011 6:31 am
Sad to say Ariel2223, but military type scams seem to be increasing.
If you look at the page viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3219, it will guide you on posting images.
by Katharina Sat May 07, 2011 6:57 am
Hello Ariel,
good idea to ask him about his school! :=)
You could help future victims: Please post the scammer's email address so an internet search will lead them to your post. The text of one of his early emails will help, too.
by qwacker Sat May 07, 2011 9:35 am
I have just been contacted by 2 scammers on the site, both widowers, one son, no in Afghanistan to be retiring in 1 month, the other one was sitting in Iraq on peace keepng mission. Both left when I asked too specific quetions...I'm getting good at spotting a scammer now after almost really falling in love with 2 before. But as soon as thye realise you are on to them they delete their profile, I was just about to report them.
Keep your brains working and don't believe them. Make it ahrd for them. There seem to be so many out there.
by Katharina Sat May 07, 2011 10:10 am
Hello again, qwacker.
Good to know you are becoming an expert.
Yes, these dating sites are crawling with scammers. Sadly, reporting them doesn't help a lot. They will create a new profile within minutes, possibly with a new email address which doesn't show yet in internet searches.
If you really want to hurt those scammers, have a look at this site:
by jillnyland Wed May 11, 2011 9:51 am
I'm real sure this man is trying to scam me. He pretends to be Col. Scott McKean. The man in the photo is very handsome and every thing a women would like. The photo does not match the emails. when I asked him the time he could not tell me. Then he asked me if i would write to his commander for permision to call me. I said that was weird and it sounded like he was in jail. I agreed to email his commander and fill out a form. The email he gave me was [email protected] I looked up this email addess and found this site. I was lucky. I got the email response back today and it is not his commander but a statement from the phone company. Confirming that this man was trying to scam me. I wanted so much for the fantasy to be real. This woke me up. The email is a phoney document like one of the ones I see on here. The man that has been emailing me has been getting women and men mixed up. This happens with some friends I work with that are from another country. I'm going to New York to walk the suicide prevention walk in honnor of my father and to walk against suicide. I feel offended that this person is clinging on to my shirt as I go while I'm trying to support my father and our troops. what a creap. I google serched this man and the real Scott McKean is married. I found a article from 7/2010. the man that has been emailing stated his wife died in a car crash and he has a 10 year old son living with his mom. he says he is from new burlin CT just like col. chris. Don't let these con men steal your spirit. Walk in the light.
by Sagely Wed May 11, 2011 10:00 am
Hello Jillnyland

Its good you saw through this scam before any thing worse happened. The best thing to do is to walk completley away from him and stop any further communication. There is a strong likleyhodd he will try and entice you later on perhaps as someone else be mindfull of this.

Remeber you are not alone here and have nothing to feel ashamed about, you will find support here.


And remeber to talk about it, when you have finished talking, talk about it a bit more.
by sriayu Fri May 20, 2011 7:12 am
I had the same experience by a man I met on He claim his name was Mel Gunton (email : [email protected]). He's an engineer who worked for the US military. He was everyhing I want in a man. And I have to admit that after 4 months I actually fell in love with him.

I knew there are so many incidents that happened everywhere that women got cheated for money by the man they met online. I kept telling myself, the moment he asked me for money...I'm out..!!..We write and talked almost everyday although I live in Asia and he claimed he is in Michigan, US.

How the drama started??
He told me he's going to be deployed to Afghanistan. Since he didn't want to go so he quit just to be with me. Oh..same like the other women's story...he has a 10yo daughter and a sick mum. He was married twice. 1st wife died of cancer and 2nd wife he divorced because she was having an affair. He said he is willing to be relocated to my country with his daughter.

Since he quit the military before end of his contract, the military held him for investigation. He said that they are worried because he knew a lot of confidential matters. Since he was being held, he asked me to safeguard his money...He has a fund that he kept in Fixed Deposit account in UK. Out of concern for his safety..I said yes. He told me his attorney Forest Charles from Forest Charles Chambers, a law firm from UK will contact me.

The attorney send me an email asking for my details...which...stupidly I gave. He said due to the urgency of this matter the fund will be delivered to me asap by the United Nations Vault Services as a diplomatic luggage. At first it didn't cross my mind at all that this is a scam. I kept saying...scammers will ask for money but this person is giving me money..I'm sure he is honest in all his story.

How I started to become suspicious?
Mel Gunton told me he is sending physical notes which the messenger will put in a luggage. It's a huge amount of money and I started to feel uneasy about it. I just knew him for 4 months. Nobody in their right mind will send that amount of money to some stranger even if it's in the name of love...I asked him how did he get so much money? I don't think a person who works for the government will earn that much. He said his dad was a politician. This was his inheritance.

I then google his law The website looks professional but I am still not convince. I then receive another email from his attorney claiming that the delivery will arrive tomorrow and there will be some 'charges' that he will later confirm to me of the amount...Bingo...the word 'charges' somehow confirm to me that this is a scam. I immediately replied to the attorney and said...I have requested for some detail documents from Mr Melvin Gunton pertaining to the fund, kindly inform the diplomat service officer that I will not take any delivery until I get this doc. All cost incurred will be borne by Mr Melvin Gunton. I also sent another e-mail to Melvin asking him to send me a copy of his military ID, phone no of his daughter and mum for me to contact. And I also make it clear to him all cost incurred for the delivery is to be paid by him..

The next day...(the day the delivery supposed to arrive), the delivery man from so-called United Nation Vault Services called me and asked for $4k in order to clear the luggage from the Customs Dept. I told him I need to verify a few things first before I arrange for the money. Immediately after that I called Melvin and told him of the situation. I asked him to give me his military ID. He sounds a bit upset that I didn't trust him. He said he was being held so he can't give me what I want. I asked him his attorney's phone no and name so that I can speak to him. He said his attorney's name is Forest Charles...when he mentioned that I said to him..don't tell me Mr Forest Charles himself , the owner of the big firm handle your case...that's just impossible. He was even more upset. I practically told him to set aside all this love and emotion...we just need to be logical. I told him the man asked me for $10k...(actually it's only $ I scam him for money). I told him if he loves me please send me the money coz I have none....after that he hung up the phone and I never heard from him again.

Here are all the careful:
[email protected]
United Nations Vault Services
email : [email protected]

Although I didn't lose any money....but I was heart broken. I hope my story will give everybody a lesson to be careful.

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