Information on romance scams and scammers.
by Eagleye242 Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:23 am
Watch out for this one from Dakar, Senegal. Jane Hopewell; [email protected] "she" claims to be a 23 year old single black girl looking for romance. Even sent me pics, but I knew right off what the score was. "She" works with a sidekick: otegas@rediffmail,com Starts out with no mention of money, but after several e-mails [about a week] "she" starts with the scam. Claims her mother is in hospital, needs surgery, etc, etc. Here is about the 6th E-mail she sent:
Hello Dear.
I did not get upest for you rather the condition on my age mother makes me feel so bad now.You no this country is islamic country and no body care to help us.S.O.S is a piblic hospital which does not take good care of they pacients at all.Through out today i being craying because i can't just see my age mother dieing.I don't want you to feel bad for me just understand that what iam passing through is too much for me to bear.My reason of opining contact with you at the first time was to have a long time relationship which i told you.Iam still 100% ready to do that with you.I did not focused on money matter rather it was my age mother who advice me to send dose fotos to you and inform you about our reason on sending it. My desire is to have you in my mind and in my haret at any time because i have found happiness in you through your thougths.It was not my intention to ask you for money at all just because of the condition of my mother because she and you is all i have for now.She is my mother but you are my haret soul and every thing i think of now.
I also sorry if i have made you angry in anyway.The reason why i ask for 250 euros was as doctor requested for the opereation because i don't have anybody to ask.I did not open dose fotos .Try and attach it so that it can be easy for me to open.By tomorrow i will go and scan the depost certificate inside my box and send it to you..I want you to bear in mind that i love you with all my mind ok.
You can use my name to send the money for my mothers opereation please.Please use western union to send it because it is very close to the hospital.

I will like you to contact the company with they contact information now.This is the deposited code number which i saw in the deposit certificate.OT91GU72CK.I hope through this code number they can locate the inheritnace very easy.Tell them that you are my husband living abroad that you wanted to no the best way they can shipp my inheritance from guinea to your country.

by Ralph Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:39 am
Sorry, forget about what I told you in the other thread. :wink:

Thanks for posting, do you have any pictures of the poor young lass? :wink:
by Eagleye242 Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:51 am
I think she sent me 3 pictures in all. I have only downloaded one to a picture posting site. It is shown below for all to see. Regards, Eagleye

by Ralph Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:59 am
Thanks for sharing Eagle eye,

Looking at the picture of her it is hard to believe that she is living in a refugee camp, certainly not what I think of when thinking of refugee camps in those areas, new clean clothes, make up, hair dressers, internet access and professional photographers, if I ever become a refugee, I do hope it will be in that camp :wink:

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